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Evil wasserman schultz heckled at P.A.Temple
« on: July 18, 2012, 11:38:30 AM »   

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DNC Head Gets Heckled At Synagogue Rally

Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz (D-PA13) tries to buck up Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz after heckling at a Jewish Americans for Obama rally in Elkins Park, Pa.

A thousand-plus packed the auditorium, last night, July 16, at Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel in Elkins Park, Pa. for a rally sponsored by Jewish Americans for Obama. While the crowd may have been almost all Jewish not all of them were for Obama and things at times got contentious with shouting matches breaking out in the audience.

The headline speaker was Democrat National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who represents Florida's 20th District in Congress. Unexpected heckling to her claims that the President was a strong supporter of Israel  visibly upset and flustered her.

Ms. Wasserman Schultz made her appearance quite late and this appeared to force the other speakers to go on longer than they had expected.

Daylin Leach, who represents the 17th District in the state senate, told the crowd that the Republican Party was full of anti-Semitism.   He said, without irony in front of the synagogue's podium that the Republicans are theocrats who don't believe in separation of church and state, all the while describing the importance of his Jewish values. He, as did most of the speakers, reiterated the GOP's opposition to abortion as a reason they must not be allowed to have the presidency back. When he spoke dismissively that Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia would be opposed by those with Jewish family values, he was rebutted from the audience with a cry of "not true" stopping him cold.

Montgomery County Commissioner Chairman Josh Shapiro followed Leach and described his personal experiences with President Obama starting in 2006 when he was tasked with organizing a last minute rally for Democrats in the state which featured Obama as the speaker. He brought his family. While warming up the crowd he was told to extend his remarks as the then senator was not ready. He later found that the reason for the delay was that Obama had to take Shapiro's one daughter to the potty as his wife was tied up nursing their newborn.

An experience to remember.

State Treasurer Rob McCord followed. McCord grew up in Lower Merion. He noted that he too is Jewish despite the name and shared some anecdotes regarding it. He described the anti-semitism that his family faced  in Arizona, where he lived as a young boy before moving to Pennsylvania, when it became known that they were Jewish.

Congresswomen  Allyson Schwartz (D-PA13) introduced Ms. Wasserman Schultz. Much of the crowd did not stay for the questions which was just as well as all the answers were either Mitt Romney is bad or Obama loves Israel.

Also taking the podium was Montgomery County Democrat Committee Chair Marcel Groen.

Buttons saying "Stop the Abington Hospital Merger" concerning the proposed merger with Holy Redeemer Hospital, a Catholic institution, were distributed before the event and worn by many in the audience. A merger would require Abington to stop performing abortions.

Rabbi Lance Sussman said the Congregation will offer  the Republican Party an equal opportunity to hold a rally featuring nationally known speakers.

Protesting Obama in Elkins Park, Pa.

Posted by Bill Lawrence at 7/17/2012 12:44 AM
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    7/17/2012 10:43 AM Sayad wrote:
    Obama is losing support relative to 2008 in all areas. Where he had2/3 of the Ind voters in 2008 he is currently trailing Romney by double digits. He has also lost support among the young, Hispanics and yes even blacks (due to bad economy)

    Since we can be sure no McCain voters from last election will vote for Obama this time and so many Obama voters from last time have and continue to desert him now, it is becoming quite obvious what this next election will bring us and it is NOT a second Obama term.

    This despite the 7/24 liberal media water carrying for Obama.
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    7/17/2012 10:48 AM Bette S wrote:
    First, I am Jewish; with that in mind I must speak bluntly about my fellow Jews, the majority of whom are lemmings to the Democratic Party. They follow their leaders blindly. Whenever one tries to have an intellectual conversation about conservative philosophy, their answer is usually dismissive "lets not talk about politics". The reason they react that way is they have no coherent answer to your reasoning. For people whose faith and intelligence has contributed so much to the word, they are political drones. I am proud of the Jews who have taken their experiences in life and been able to relate it to the political climate today; they are the ones who were protesting at this synagogue meeting. Bravo to those whose minds are open.
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        7/17/2012 1:17 PM Charles becomer wrote:
        Interesting. I know many Jews who agree with you.
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        7/17/2012 2:37 PM TWalt wrote:
        Re."the majority of whom are lemmings to the Democratic Party", the same could be said about Black Americans. It has to do with the marketing of the Dem party and repeated lies. Lies such as "the Republicans are theocrats" and "Republican Party was full of anti-Semitism" are floated without challenge all the time. Also having a near complete backing of MSM doesn't hurt.
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        7/17/2012 4:08 PM May Long wrote:
        Bravo. You have it right. I am an activist Jew who is working to defeat Obama,people like Nancy Pelosi and Debbie WS who lie as though lying came through in their mother's milk. This is a total disconnect from Jewish tradition and our value system.
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        7/17/2012 4:20 PM Larry wrote:
        Amen. Please someone tell me what exactly has the Democrat party done in the last 50 years to earn the votes of the vast majority of Jews, and to get them to nod their heads and agree with it like a bunch of zombies. Some putz in the 17th District makes an unsubstantiated claim that the Republican party is full of anti-semites. Ask him to name them. You make that kind of statement, then back it up with facts. Meanwhile President Obama sat in anti-semite Reverend Wright's church for more than twenty years. But that's nothing. Wright's association with known anti-semite Charles Barron doesn't raise an eyebrow or two? There is a long list of Democrat anti-semites. All one has to do is look.
        Seriously, is this really about abortion? Jews have become so shallow they are going to argue that defending an unborn is a bad thing? Orthodox Jews don't think so. And disagreeing about abortion is reason enough to vote for the most anti-capitalist, anti-Israel president since Roosevelt? As a former northerner, and now a southern Jew, this blind following sickens me. Wake up and open your eyes. Most of you, despite what the president says, have the capability to do that without the help of the federal government. I urge you to read some books by former liberal Jews like Dennis Prager, Michael Medved and David Horowitz. I assure you they aren't anti-semites. Or you can blindly follow your Democrat, loud mouth, non-thinking friends like Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who really don't give a hoot about you. All they care about is power and their own political advancement.
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            7/17/2012 5:03 PM Jamie Shafer wrote:
            My paternal great grandfather was a Jew who married as a widower a Catholic woman. I am a Catholic convert, and I left a Catholic worship place because I found that liberal Catholics dislike the Jews in Israel, and support the Palestinians. My friends, who are mainly conservative Catholics, support Israel strongly, and believe that Christianity could not be without the Jews. The Christian Bible is after all the Jewish Tanach and the New Testament after Christ born a Jew, and his coming was prophesied in the Tanach. We are all one - Judeo-Christians who love our God and love innocent life. We must protect this life - Jews and Christian alike.
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                7/17/2012 5:46 PM G Roberts wrote:
                God bless you Jaime. I cannot understand how any minority can accept the Democrats as being a friend. This election should not be close, but it appears that it will be. I am a retired Teaparty Baptist and I love the USA. The older I get the more I realize what a wonderful place America is, and our current ruler does not share those feelings.
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        7/17/2012 5:51 PM scott wrote:
        Thank you for your remarks. My wife and I are Christians who consider ourselves Jewish by adoption. We find the Jewish faith, customs, holidays, and traditions beautiful and are teaching them to our children. Vehement supporters of Israel, we are dismayed by the blind following of liberal politics by American Jews...especially the support of our current administration. Anti-semitism is alive and well within the mainstream media, the Democratic Party, and even our I the only one who finds it odd that "Islam", "Iraq", "Iran", "Palestine", "Saudi", and "Arab" all pass the auto-spellcheck, but "Israel" does not. I'm rambling now...just wanted to say thank you for your thoughtful, honest, and true comments. I wholeheartedly agree with you and pray for Israel and God's Chosen People.
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            7/17/2012 8:57 PM Brian wrote:
            The reason "Israel" does not pass auto-spellcheck is because you are misspelling it. "Israel" is the correct spelling. Yes, in American English we do pronounce it closer to your spelling. Nonetheless, it's "Israel".
            Reply to this
            7/18/2012 1:06 AM Yossi Bar-Negev wrote:
            Scott - thanks for standing with us! We certainly need all the friends we can get in these difficult times. And just remember Israel IS the REAL thing
            ! Psa. 121:4 Behold, He who keeps Israel
            Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
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                7/18/2012 9:54 AM Gerry Box wrote:
                There are so many Protestants (I am Baptist) who stand with Israel. We believe Israel is God's chosen people and will stand with her. Barack Obama is a muslim who favors the Palestinians. I also am at a loss as to why so many Jewish people support him. Debbie Wassmerman-Schultlz, in my opinion, stands only for and with herself and the current White House administration. Obama must go in November. Hopefully, those members of the Jewish faith who are independent thinkers will see this for themselves.
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        7/17/2012 8:17 PM Janette wrote:
        I really boggles the mind when it is so obvious Obama is not friendly with Israel(just remember many times what he had done to Benjamin Netanyahu, still the Jews in America still have blinded loyalty to him. I guess it's not being a Jew is important to them but the ideology tops the most.
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        7/18/2012 9:15 AM Blossom Stiefel wrote:
        I am a Jewish woman, I belong to a Chabad House in MA. I cannot believe what is happening to our country under this President and his Administration. There has never been a President that has shunned Israel and its leaders more than this one. We have a Constitution, freedoms as Americans, the most wonderful country the world has ever known. We are watching as this President is going against everything that we have loved for 236 years, circumventing Congress with his many Executive Orders in order to push through his socialist agenda. Spending our tax dollars at an unheard of pace on Solyndra and other failed solar enterprises,the Fast and Furious debacle, his refusal to cut the frantic spending of his Administration. What will our children and grandchildren have? All of us always believed that we would have the country that we grew up in to leave for our children. I am very worried for all of us. I am doing all that I can for Scott Brown, Mitt Romney and other Republican candidates so that we can bring our precious country back on the right track. This President has said that he will "fundamentally transform" America. We love America and our freedoms and want it to continue for always. November 6th is the most important election of our lifetime. We must replace this corrupt and dangerous Administration with good Americans that will bring our values and our way of life back. We need an Administration that will be tough on our enemies, the countries that vow to destroy us, and be a true friend to our allies. This Administration does the opposite. We need a President that loves and respects our country and our flag, this President does neither. G-d bless us and G-d bless America.
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    7/17/2012 12:10 PM Adele McConnell wrote:
    Let me get this straight... "Daylin Leach, who represents the 17th District in the state senate, told the crowd that the Republican Party was full of anti-Semitism. He said, without irony in front of the synagogue's podium that the Republicans are theocrats who don't believe in separation of church and state..." at a Jewish Americans for Obama rally held at Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel. How very interesting and not surprisingly hypocritical.
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        7/18/2012 8:49 AM John wrote:
        What a JOKE Republicans are the biggest supporters of Israel and would go to their defense in a heartbeat. Apparently Debbie the Liar is in denial about Owebama snubbing Netanyahu. The TRULY anti-religious are the Dems.
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    7/17/2012 2:29 PM txsoutherngrace wrote:
    Shapiro needs to get his story straight or tell a real one ...

    Obama's daughters were born in 1998 and 2001 ... so what newborn was she nursing?
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        7/17/2012 3:05 PM Bill Lawrence wrote:
        Sorry, that was written a little ambiguously. It was Shaprio's daughter. It has been re-edited to make it clear.
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    7/17/2012 3:45 PM Irish Mike wrote:
    I think it was a calculated effort by DWS to get booed at a synagogue to rally the virulent anti-Semitic elements in the Democrat base. I think she needs to put on her "big boy pants" now.
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    7/17/2012 3:47 PM Jeff wrote:
    I find it sad that people like Wasserman Schultz and the others can sit on a dais while some moron announces that Republicans are anti-semitic or theorcrats and say nothing. They know it is not true, but they still say nothing. And how about the idea that Republicans must not be allowed to hold the presidency because the GOP opposes abortion. When did abortion become a tenet of Judaism? Abortion is a tenet of the secular lifestyle, one that dismisses the worth of each human life. What was said in that synagogue is an affront to the Jewish faith. More important, the debate about abortion has been over in the real sense for the last 39 years. Once Roe v. Wade was decided, the only way that abortion during the first trimester could be limited is by a Constitutional amendment (impossible) or having the Supreme Court overrule the prior decision (extremely unlikely). Most of the talk about abortion is simply a way to change the subject from the poor economy, lack of jobs and misery brought to all of us by president Obama and the Obamacrats.
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    7/17/2012 4:02 PM Laker wrote:
    It is about time the Jews woke up, Obama has proven time and again that he has no love or respect for the state of Israel. He grew up in an Islamic country and it is obvious where his sympathies lie.
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        7/17/2012 8:25 PM Janette wrote:
        Amen, brother. I am a Christian and I love Jews because My Lord was a Jew. Ys, Obama is sympathetic to Muslims because he grew up in an Islamic upbringing.
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    7/17/2012 4:52 PM Judah wrote:
    As an orthodox Jew, I am extremely saddened how far removed from tradition reform Jews have become,that the selling point of the dems is one of pro abortion.I for one will never vote for someone so diametrically opposed to basic Jewish values.
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    7/17/2012 4:58 PM handychick wrote:
    I used to feel abortion was fine when I was young and hedonistic. Since I've had children of my own and realize the sanctity of life, I am against it unless it is a medical necessity for the health of the mother. Woman are put in jail and made pariahs if they kill the baby after birth but are heroes if the child is killed in the womb. Unborn babies are an endangered specie in our communities and should be protected as much as an endangered animal for God's sake!!! I have never understood why
    any Jewish person, especially, would be for abortion after loosing so many family members in the holocaust. To be politically incorrect, it is a holocaust that never ends for all of us not just Jewish people. It is taking one life at a time quickly over decades, rather than the slow, tormenting death of a large group over a few years. I've been pondering this for years. Does anyone have an answer?
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        7/17/2012 5:10 PM charles becomer wrote:
        I don't have an answer, but I believe abortion should be looked upon as murder. The pity is we are nearly helpless to do anything about it.
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    7/17/2012 5:03 PM Andrew wrote:
    Obama is the most anti-Israeli president ever and yet Jewish voters continue to support him. Don't get it.
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        7/17/2012 5:27 PM charlie bannister wrote:
        Too bad that Rush Limbaugh missed this post. He would have enjoyed giving the needle to Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
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    7/17/2012 5:11 PM Danbury wrote:
    Poor gal. She's such a nice [censored], too.

    The same Jews who like Obama would have LOVED Hitler!
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        7/17/2012 7:06 PM JohnOz wrote:
        Hello from Australia.
        Hitler fooled and entire nation with his lies.
        Pres Obama is still fooling an entire nation with his.
        If people tell lies often enough, somebody usually the uniformed and the poor will believe them.
        America the World needs you to be strong economically and military, expel this government whose whole purpose seems to be to destroy America, stand up and be counted.
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            7/17/2012 9:57 PM Alan Lee wrote:
            I said the same thing as an actor on facebook and my fellow lefty performers went into a hysteria. They do not respect history this is not about any thing but a tyrant who supports the Muslim brotherhood please wake up!!
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    7/17/2012 5:13 PM RobS wrote:
    I can't tell you how much hope you all give me. That anyone could be taken in by the Democrats or face Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a straight face is beyond me. These people are no friends of Israel, and openly support opposition to Israel, then come before you and spout this nonsense and expect you to open your hearts (and checkbooks). Need I remind you of "Dreams of My Father" "...when times turn dark I will stand with my Muslim brothers..." Bless you all, and keep up the fight.
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    7/17/2012 5:14 PM beverly wrote:
    When did it become a major tenet of the Jewish religion to advocate abortions??
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    7/17/2012 5:15 PM BitterEXdemocrackkk wrote:
    How any God fearing Jew could support Obongo OR the slavedriving democrackkk*
    party is beyond comprehension.

    *spelled with 3 Ks to honor their heritage as Founders of the KuKluxKlan!
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    7/17/2012 5:32 PM NewCaananCTJew wrote:
    Time to start think for yourselves people is Hebrew / Israeli heritage and faith...........

    Call into question the representations of our brother who is an intellectual and ethical noshech kariot and the sister who is a kur'va for the ersatz friend of American Jews and of Israel...Barack Obama.

    Obama sold out long time US ally Mubarak to curry favor with the Muslim Brotherhood........the same with non-aggressive albethey neutral-to-adversarial leaders of Tunisia and Libya.

    Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Schmuck Schumer, Dick Blumenthal et al, unlike unabashedly pro-Israel Joe Lieberman, are Jews in name only.

    Israel NOT invited to the NATO summit on terrorism?

    Only under this President........ersatz friend and loyal supporter of Israel.

    A vote for Obama in November is a vote for increased peril for Israel and the United States.

    Remember......the words, "Work Shall Set You Free" were and are meaningless.........the actions were and are everything.
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    7/17/2012 5:52 PM Deserttrek wrote:
    obama, wasserman, and any other person who supports obama is anti Semitic and an enemy of Israel and freedom. obama and hillary are in bed with the muslim brotherhood. Israel and the USA are not safe while democrats and obama are in power.
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    7/17/2012 6:00 PM SF2OAK wrote:
    Thank G-d for you all- I live in the land of left wing lemmings - the San Francisco Bay Area. Obama has been I believe the worst president for Israel- and of course all those cover organizations - New Israel Fund, Jewish Voice for Peace, etc. give him great cover, all get great support from Bay Area Jewish Dems. Sorry. Are we self loathing Jews out here, I hope not but many simply don't support Israel in the way I would like and believe If Israel is to exist it should do so within the 1948 borders- yes give up Jerusalem. Incredible. These are knowledgeable, very bright people in every other facet of their life- except for Judaism/Zionism; they are assimilationists. I am so proud that Jews have stood up to Debbie Wasserman, who I have heard many times as a blowhard spokesperson on TV, shilling for Obama (It is her job.) I fear that there are no rebuttals to her- Romney's shills have said she owns foreign stocks- yeah about $15,000 worth piddle. She says she's proud of the fact that Obama has created 80,000 jobs and I hear no rebuttal from Romney that that means we are losing ground, that 30k of those jobs are not temporary. I am just sop proud of the state where I was born standing up to the strong arm tactics of , the Hope & Change president and his shills.

    Thank you for recognizing that this Potus might be the worst for Israel- maybe even worse than Carter, and lead to a real destabilization of the region. He has accomplished nothing in Iran, the "palestinians", Syria, Egypt. Potus has run ass backwards on energy independence.

    Please Romney be your best, do all you can to win the election.
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    7/17/2012 6:14 PM elizabeth morowati wrote:
    The worst anti-semite is a Jewish anti-semite. As far as I am concerned, not only is Deborah Wasserman-Schultz in that category, but so is George Soros, Justice Ginsberg, and Karl Marx (who wrote treatises on the subject!)
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        7/17/2012 7:03 PM UpChuck.Liberals wrote:
        This may go over like a ton of bricks but if history serves, Debbie What's her Shultz and the rest will be the ones that pick who goes on which train, which goes to which trench. Harsh yes but I'm not a huge fan of this kind of 'human'. We've had enough in the past Century we don't need them in this one. We, as Jews and Christians have a bigger FIGHT (Islam) coming so we MUST decisively win this one and destroy the Liberals/Marxists once and for all.

        On a slightly different note, I think there are more Conservatives in the SF Bay Area than we think. We shall overcome with Gods help.
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        7/17/2012 9:54 PM R Caton wrote:
        Elizabeth, very well said. I previously lived in the Baltimore area, but have moved to south Florida, and I too have seen AND heard the rabid rantings of that vile, pathologically-lying DWS. It's an excellent indication of where the Democratic Party is today, if they appointed her as their Party Chairperson.

        It's nice to read that other Jews are not beholden to a political party that treats them as useful idiots. Unfortunately, there are far too many Jews that are still in that zombie-like trance when they vote.

        I don't expect any dramatic changes in the Jewish community voting trends this November, but I think Obama and his administration's actions against America and Israel may be a wakeup call long overdue.
        Reply to this
        7/17/2012 9:56 PM R Caton wrote:
        Elizabeth, very well said. I previously lived in the Baltimore area, but have moved to south Florida, and I too have seen AND heard the rabid rantings of that vile, pathologically-lying DWS. It's an excellent indication of where the Democratic Party is today, if they appointed her as their Party Chairperson.

        It's nice to read that other Jews are not beholden to a political party that treats them as useful idiots. Unfortunately, there are far too many Jews that are still in that zombie-like trance when they vote.

        I don't expect any dramatic changes in the Jewish community voting trends this November, but I think Obama and his administration's actions against America and Israel may be a wakeup call long overdue.
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    7/17/2012 6:45 PM Steve Eisenberg wrote:
    The problem with ideologues like Debbie is that after they make up lies about their adversaries, and false positive claims about their 'comrades,' they begin to believe them. Anybody who thinks it's a good idea for Israel to shrink to a smaller size in any direction is a person who is ready for a world without Jews.
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    7/17/2012 6:47 PM Steve Eisenberg wrote:
    Where's Bert Korn when we need him?
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    7/17/2012 7:04 PM Tania Gail wrote:
    Did anyone hold up a "LIAR" sign? Would have been so apropos for this collection of snake oil saleswomyn/men.
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    7/17/2012 7:30 PM Dr Karl Stalin wrote:
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz, what an ugly, vile woman.
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    7/17/2012 7:41 PM Johnny wrote:
    I am not going to get involved in the disucssion as to whether or not Jews should support Obama or not. The one thing I will say is it seems to me that the lemmings are the Jews who support Israel no matter what. Israel has been exploiting the U.S. and taking our money for almost 65 years and provides nothing in return. As a Jew who does not support Israel, I don't feel that either party represents my-- or this country's-- interests. If my fellow American Jews care more about Israel than the US, perhaps they should consider making aliya.
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        7/17/2012 8:40 PM Fellow Traveler wrote:
        You are certainly no 'fellow' anything to me, and truth be told I doubt your story. But genetics aside what you are is unmistakeable- an anti-Semite troll.
        Reply to this
        7/17/2012 8:55 PM Fellow Traveler wrote:
        You are certainly no 'fellow' anything to me, and truth be told I doubt your story. But genetics aside what you are is unmistakeable- an anti-Semite troll.
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        7/17/2012 9:38 PM NewCaananCTJew wrote:
        You're as Jewish as Obama..........not at all.

        American Jews who support Israel are lemmings......really?

        Don't want to get involved in the discussion about whether American Jews should or shouldn't be voting for Obama.......that's what this article is all about.

        You're effectively saving that American support for Israel is Un-American? That choosing a candidate that supports Israel an American Jew is turning his or her back on what's best for America?

        Given your convoluted logic......Obama has been, is and will be good for America in the future?

        Interesting gambit

        Paid Obama apologist eh? Is it still $100 per post in cash from the DNC?
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    7/17/2012 7:47 PM Robert Castaldi wrote:
    I was raised Catholic and taught to respect everyone's religious choice and beliefs. I was also taught that Jesus, my religion's Son of God, was a Jew. Our Great Nation has been an ally of Israel for many years. Though we turned our backs on the European Jews at the beginning of the Nazi era when we could have stopped the Holocaust, we did finally wake up. Now, after many decades of working to bring a sustained peace to Israel, we get this buffoon in the White House who wants to turn back the clock to 1967, a time even before blacks had cemented many of the rights they share and strip away the hard work, sacrifices, compromises and diplomatic negotiations of men and women with far superior knowledge and intelligence than he will ever have. Worse yet, he bows and panders to those who profess to be the enemy of the State of Israel and vow to see it wiped from the face of the Earth. Anyone of the Hebrew faith who could in any way continue to support the Obama camp or his supporters is supporting the demise of their own religion, faith and legacy.
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    7/17/2012 8:32 PM jadams76 wrote:
    My brother-in-law keeps assuring me that when Jews enter the voting both in November and the curtain is closed there is going to be a resounding rejection of Obama and his Party. For the sake of both the U.S.and Israel, I hope he's right.
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    7/17/2012 8:42 PM aberdeenvet wrote:
    As a Jewish war veteran and family man, I am appalled that any Jew would support the Democrat Party. This is a party with no redeeming social or family values that believes in killing babies, for any reason what so ever, in vitro and outside of the womb, when in vitro fails.
    When governments gain complete control of our lives, none of the rights guaranteed to it's citizens remain intact. I could go on, but watching this video will show what we are up against with the Democrats:
    Disturbing. Try from 1:07:40, then go to the beginning for history.
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    7/17/2012 9:13 PM Greg wrote:
    What people forget is that American Jews don't care about Israel any more. It means nothing to them...they are good socialists and liberals first. They're "Passover Jews", hitting temple one day of the year, other than that they're liberal first, leftists second and Jewish last of all.
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    7/17/2012 9:29 PM Christopher H wrote:
    Interesting article. Don't sell Jewish people short. They're not stupid, just loyal. They love the Democrats because that party has, however incompetently, stood against anti-Semitic bigotry, at least outside the South.

    But things have changed now. The Democrats have changed, and no longer are loyal to the Jew. When the results

    are in, I think you'll find that many people, Jewish and otherwise, have been spending time in deep thought, asking themselves, "Do I really want four more years of this?"

    The tide is turning. It is turning slowly, but it is turning. Mitt Romney is far from the perfect candidate, but consider the alternative.
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    7/17/2012 9:38 PM Fiddler wrote:
    "We have traditions for everything." Including voting against our own interests. Tradition! How about a new tradition--starting this year?
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    7/17/2012 10:29 PM jim s wrote:
    Daylin Leach is denying the comments attributed to him about Republicans being anti semites...Does anyone have a recording?
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        7/18/2012 10:00 AM Bill Lawrence wrote:
        Leach rambled so much I'm not sure he even knew what he was saying.

        Leach said that he knows anti-semitism was widespread because people tell him in confidence anti-semitic things because his name does not sound Jewish so Jews must vote Democrat to keep the Republicans out because they want school prayer.

        He made the blatant implication that those who vote Republican and are elected as Republicans and like Antonin Scalia secretly hate Jews, and want to marginalize Jews and strip them of their civil rights.

        It was offensive and demeaning and chilling to discourse.

        His only excuse is that he was rambling to fill time and not thinking about what he was saying.

        Hopefully, there is a video of the event although if it is in the control of the Democratic Party supporters don't expect to ever see it.

        BTW, what the vast majority of Republican voters would love is to give every Jew a gun and stop the abortions of Jewish babies albeit one would note that stopping abortion would save far more black babies than Jewish ones.

        And yes most Republican voters would like to return our cultural and legal norms to one based on Judeo-Christian values i.e. one in that recognizes the existence and supremacy of God, who grants us our unalienable rights and that we should "love our neighbor as ourselves" as Rabbi Sussman noted.
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    7/17/2012 11:39 PM US Navy Diver wrote:
    “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward”. Psalm 127:3

    My fellow American Jews, you have to decide if you will follow the laws of our God and align yourself with those who follow His teachings, like King David, or you will follow evil men and mere mortals like Daylin Leach or Obama who are for abortion, something strongly against the laws of God. Leach and Obama will suffer judgement. Will you because you followed them? Will it take another Golden Calf before we see the light and are forced to chose again? Obama is no friend of Jews and Israel, or even Christians; he is a friend of Islam. His books have and his actions have said so. He will NOT support Israel when she is in need. Obama is not even a friend of America, how can he then be a friend of Israel? Remember, we answer to a higher authority, and when man's laws contradict that, it is necessary to remove yourself as followers of men.
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    7/17/2012 11:42 PM Gregory Golyansky wrote:

    Recently, I had a brief E-mail conversation with several J-GOP board members regarding the question of "why Jews hate guns". Having watched the You tube video - "Obama's campaign treats Jews like criminals at a Synagogue" I decided that the point which I made in this conversation, applies with an equal strength to a wider issue - "why Jews support Obama". Many on the political Right are asking themselves this question in light of Obama Administration's constant attacks on Israel - which is nothing more then expression of anti-Semitism by Obama himself, his Administration and political Left in general - including the Left wing Jews (i.e. self hating Jews). Many people have given complex explanations to this strange phenomenon; however, I personally prefer something known as the Occam's razor - the idea that is the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. So here it is - my father once observed that masses of people often behave in the manner that is similar to that of the animals in the herd - sheep, for example. If you manage to control the leaders of the herd (by giving them money, prestigious jobs, Ivy League college admission for their kids, etc.), the rest of the herd would almost always follow these leaders anywhere. They would follow them even over the cliff, if necessary (ex. Germans followed Hitler until may of 1945, despite the fact that it was obvious as early as 1944 how the World War II is going to end or take New Yorkers, who know - or should know - that the rent control is turning huge areas of their city into abandoned ruins that resemble Berlin of 1945).
    Going back to my original point, the Democrats are excellent at buying the leadership of various, relatively small, communities at the expense of the suburban middle class and persuading them to work to the determent of the members of these communities and the United States in general. Opposing the gun ownership is just one issue in the greater picture of loyalty that the Democrat Party overlords demand from these vassal groups.

    Please watch this video and share it with as many of your friends as possible. Let us pray that after watching this video, Jews will finally refuse to remain the vassals of the Democrat party overloads.

    Gregory Golyansky, President,
    Colorado Jewish Republicans.
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    7/18/2012 1:15 AM US Navy Diver wrote:
    “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward”. Psalm 127:3

    My fellow American Jews, you have to decide if you will follow the laws of our God and align yourself with those who follow His teachings, like King David, or you will follow evil men and mere mortals like Daylin Leach or Obama who are for abortion, something strongly against the laws of God. Leach and Obama will suffer judgement. Will you because you followed them? Will it take another Golden Calf before we see the light and are forced to chose again? Obama is no friend of Jews and Israel, or even Christians; he is a friend of Islam. His books have and his actions have said so. He will NOT support Israel when she is in need. Obama is not even a friend of America, how can he then be a friend of Israel? Remember, we answer to a higher authority, and when man's laws contradict that, it is necessary to remove yourself as followers of men.
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    7/18/2012 8:05 AM Paula wrote:
    I have always thought that the Jewish race was so smart, strong and independent, but the last election has led me and many others to now know and believe that they are like sheep. Following along blindly, obviously not that smart, not that independent and able to be brainwashed, even after all that they have been through. Very, very sad now that they are like this. For any Jewish person to vote for Obama is hypocrisy and they will not be respected at all for their vote. Looked down on and that is very sad.
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    7/18/2012 10:27 AM Dean wrote:
    Why would any Jew still be pr-Obama?
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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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