Author Topic: The end of European Jews by Giulio Meotti  (Read 450 times)

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The end of European Jews by Giulio Meotti
« on: July 27, 2012, 09:20:31 AM »
GOD always does this before destroying a country in this case a group of countries   

Op-Ed: The Jews are Out of Fashion Again in Europe
Published: Friday, July 27, 2012 11:20 AM
It's back to anti-Semitism as usual in Europe, the Holocaust is old hat in in the welfarist, multicultural and semi-Islamicized Europe.

Giulio Meotti
The writer, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and Commentary.
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The Jews are out of fashion again in Europe.

Skinheads and neo-Nazis are involved only peripherally, if at all. Traditional anti-Semitism has been reawakened by Muslim hatred. The post-Auschwitz covenant is gone.

Last week in Bulgaria, the Shabbat rhythms and moving accents of the Jews expelled from medieval Spain were silenced by the dynamite of a suicide bomber.

In most EU countries, synagogues need heavy security, the word "Jew" is a standard epithet, the Israelis are relentlessly portrayed as devils incarnate, ghoulish copies of fraudulent "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are sold from one end of the continent to the other, identifiable Jews are attacked on the street - and they are offered a simple way out: "Renounce Zionism".

The synagogue of Noisy-le-Grand in Paris’ Seine-Saint-Denis district has was recently attacked three times in one week. Vandals threw prayer books and tallis prayer shawls to the floor and shattered windows.

Recently, the University of Paris VIII closed its doors for two days to avoid a harder stance about a planned conference against the Jewish State.

Early this month, the French weekly magazine Le Nouvel Observateur referred to many incidents of anti-Jewish violence during the last weeks.

In 2010, there were 466 anti-Jewish incidents. In 2011, there were 389.

2012 has already broken the record. In certain neighborhoods of Paris, Marseille or Lyons it is no longer safe for Jews to walk the streets.

Mohammed Merah, the Jihadist who murdered four Jews in Toulouse, has become a model for French of Islamic origin. In many schools, incidents occurred while a minute of silence was being observed for the victims of the Chabad school. Because of the growing anti-Semitism, many Jews no longer send their children to public shools.

But France is not an exception in the welfarist, multicultural and semi-Islamicized Europe. Everywhere the attacks on the Jews are rising. It’s an anti-Semithic pandemonium silenced by the cowardly Western media. Europe's ruling class is as indifferent to the current Kristallnacht as its predecessors were to the first.

All the recent polls say that a third of Europeans show very high levels of anti-Semitism, while over half of Europeans view the State of Israel as “the greatest threat to world peace.”

A few years ago, the UK paper Daily Telegraph ran a story under the title: “Is This the Last Generation of British Jews?”.

The President of Austria’s Israelite Community, Ariel Muzicant, warns that the Jewish Community is also dying out: “If a miracle doesn’t happen soon, the Jewish community in Austria will no longer exist in the foreseeable future.”

In Sweden, Jews are leaving big cities such as Malmö in order to escape anti-Semitic attacks (in 1990, 2000 Jewish people lived in Malmö; now there are fewer than 700). Sweden has become "a center of anti-Semitism", the president of the European Jewish Congress, Moshe Kantor, told last winter.

A shoe was hurled at Israeli ambassador Benny Dagan while he was giving a lecture at the Stockholm University and a Jewish student, Anja Savosnic, was forced to give up Hebrew studies at the University of Oslo due to anti-Semitic attacks from fellow students.

According to the Observatory on Anti-Semitism, online anti-Semitism in Spain doubled in the last year, passing from 400 anti-Semitic pages to the current 1.000. The Israeli embassy in Madrid received dozens of postcards written by Spanish schoolchildren with messages such as “Jews kill for money,” “Leave the country to the Palestinians” and “Go somewhere where they will accept you".

The irony is that Europe's newspapers are very busy printing articles about Europe's Jewish renaissance, while Jews are being gunned down in school.
There is a boom of Islamic anti-Semitism in the famous multicultural Netherlands. Benjamin Jacobs, the country’s chief rabbi, declared to Arutz Sheva that “the future for Dutch Jewry is moving to Israel”. Jews are fleeing Antwerp, the city in Belgium once proudly called “the Northern Jerusalem.” Last autumn, the ancient synagogue of Weesp became the first synagogue in Europe since the Holocaust to cancel Shabbat services due to threats.

Anti-Semitic inscriptions are being drawn on building walls in Marseille, Nottingham, Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin, Kiev, Barcelona and Rome. Jewish cemeteries are daily ransacked by people indoctrinated in the same Jew hatred as the suicide bombers of Nablus and Gaza.


Meanwhile in Europe, the world largest Jewish cemetery, the Jews are gunned down again.

The ghosts lurk everywhere and in place of "sieg heil", the shouting now is "jihad" and "Intifada".

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: The end of European Jews by Giulio Meotti
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 12:12:54 PM »
If the Arabs would leave Israel then a million Jews would move to Israel.  But Netenyahu wants the Arabs to stay, so he can give them a state.