wasn't refurring to law abiding negroes as jungle animals- only criminals. Same as when I call white trash hillbillies a bunch of inbread retards i'm not refurring to all whites.
White supremacists' family trees don't branch very much!

Q: Where do white supremacists go to find spouses?
A: Family reunions.
It's important, by the way, when making jokes like this to refer to the butt's
behavioral choices--in this case the choice to be a white supremacist--as opposed to his race or ethnicity. As an example, many ethnic jokes have been converted to socially-acceptable "underachiever" jokes, in which the butt of the joke is a nondescript loser or underachiever. When I make jokes about militant Muslims, I always emphasize that the joke is about an individual who has chosen to use Islam as an excuse to commit violence, as opposed to Muslims in general. When the Left calls me a racist, I reply that "behavior is not a race," and perhaps my accuser is himself a racist for reacting as if the behavioral choices being denounced are somehow characteristic of a particular race or genetic makeup.
Another is, "Pal*stinians: Homo Sapiens by BIRTH, subhuman by CHOICE." It underscores the fact that they are genetically no different than anyone else, but their behavioral choices make them less than human; that is, PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis. (PLO/Hamas and Nazis are CHOICES, not RACES.) It also suggests that they can rejoin the human race at any time by behaving like people instead of rabid animals.