General Category > Ask JTF
Ask JTF for 09/17/2012 through 09/23/2012
Rational Jew:
1. Do you believe that famous Russian poet Pushkin was black, as some people believe? 2. Do you have a story of encountering neo-Nazis ysv?
Have you ever heard of a Rabbi in New York named Yehuda Levin? and if so what is your opinion of him?
Shalom Chaim! What are your thoughts on the banks bailouts, and quantitative easing?
Dr. Dan:
Why the specific parasha about Yitzhak,Avimelech,Hagar/Ishmael,and Akeda on RoshHashana?May u and ur family be inscribed in the book of life.
Why do you think Mitt Romney's economic messages aren't getting through to enough voters? What can Romney do to change this for the better?
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