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Communist Goals For America
--- Quote from: Marzutra on November 05, 2006, 09:29:50 AM ---Yes, I whole heartedly agree with you CZ. I believe everyone should read both the Bible and The Communist Manifesto. That said, there are many good books about Communism: "Naked Communist" - Skousen, "Techniques of Communism" - Bodenz, "The Black Book of Communism" - Courtios etc. (please feel free to contact me for more...creditable readings on this subject.) It has become time for deeds not mere words in my opinion......
The following is from page 342 of Paul Johnson's INTELLECTUALS:
"But I think I detect today a certain public scepticism when intellectuals stand up to preach to us, a growing tendency among ordinary people to dispute the right of academics, writers and philosophers, eminent though they may be, to tell us how to behave and conduct our affairs. The belief seems to be spreading that intellectuals are no wiser as mentors, or worthier as exemplars, than the witch doctors or priests of old. I share that scepticism. A dozen people picked at random on the street are at least as likely to offer sensible views on moral and political matters as a cross-section of the intelligentsia. But I would go further. One of the principal lessons of our tragic century, which has seen so many innocent lives sacrificed in schemes to improve the lot of humanity is - beware intellectuals. Not merely should they be kept well away from the levers of power, they should also be objects of particular suspicion when they seek to offer collective advice. Beware committees, conferences and leagues of intellectuals. Distrust public statements issued from their serried ranks. Discount their verdicts on political leaders and important events. For intellectuals, far from being highly individualistic and non-conformist people, follow certain regular patterns of behaviour. Taken as a group, they are often ultra-conformist within the circles formed by those whose approval they seek and value. That is what makes them, en masse, so dangerous, for it enables them to create climates of opinion and prevailing orthodoxies, which themselves often generate irrational and destructive courses of action. Above all, we must at all times remember what intellectuals habitually forget: that people matter more than concepts and must come first. The worst of all despotisms is the heartless tyranny of ideas."
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Thanks for those book titles. I will get the naked communist :)
No worries Azrom. The Naked Communist is very good and very easy read, perhaps the best in identifying the total fraud of Communism presents the history, operations, infiltrations and effects of such a diabolical ideology . Skousen has another book which is very good too called "The Naked Capitalist" from the opposite side of big business corruption aiding the communists because peoples like the Rockefellers, Morgans etc. have no loyalty. You will also find "Shadows of Power" - Perloff (with his fabulous book displaying the arguement against evolution and Darwinian thought: Tornado in a Junkyard) to be very informative if you want to read about the Council on Foreign Relations and who is actually running both parties and surrounding the President. There is a most fabulous work about the history of Socialist infiltration in the US by Rose Martin called "Fabian Freeway; The High Road To Socialism In The United States".
These people have dismembered the British Empire, destroyed Europe and continual to work towards "The Decline of the West" - Oswald Spengler. The Fabian Society, London UK. with George Bernard Shaw, Beatrice Potter, Sydney Webb, H.G.Wells, J.M.Keynes and many more were the founders of the CFR (of course with Ford, Carnagee and Rockefeller) and the American Civil Liberties Union in 1920 for the sole purpose of undermining the American Constitution, promulgate Socialist Propaganda via numerous front groups, infiltrate government/education/media/unions and provide legal defence for any exposed Commies/Socialist Un-American Traitors. A very good book following rite behind Skousen's work.
Too, I'd also suggest every book by Antony Sutton. Geeze...there are too many books I have read on this to list. From a Leftwing perspective you might too wish to read a very long Carrol Quigley's "Tragedy and Hope" and "Anglo-American Establishment". Enjoy... M
Hey all... well, I got moved in. Haven't had much time to post.
Ok, question on this topic... now don't most of the Kibbutzim in Israel setup a socialist... almost communist system? Do they work out very well? I know we usually have more rightous people in a Kibbutz but I always wondered about that.
--- Quote from: jeffguy on December 04, 2006, 10:59:44 PM ---Hey all... well, I got moved in. Haven't had much time to post.
Ok, question on this topic... now don't most of the Kibbutzim in Israel setup a socialist... almost communist system? Do they work out very well? I know we usually have more rightous people in a Kibbutz but I always wondered about that.
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Shalom Jeffguy, Kibbutz are set up on pure Communist principles promoting "collectivism" and "group". That is fraud of communism. The ignorant "working classes" are sold on the idea of "equality", "freedom" and "rights" similar to Greek Hellenism or Roman Human/Romanticism but when it is in actual working process it becomes a deprave Hedo-utopan police state that is totally bankrupt economically, socially, politically, legally and most of all morally. If you look at Russia today, it has the highest rates of abortion, suicides, alchoholism, divorces..... Marx, Moore and before them Plato all wrote of this "Utopian" collective society, but they never have been able to "progress" past the second stages which adovates 3 levels. The lowest level is the stupid unlucky "Working poor" which NEVER benefit. The second is the Police/Army to maintain stability of the now disguntled and empoverished deprave masses as in Russia Cheka later, then NKVD, then the KGB evolving as time passes to control the "progress" of Socialism. The third and top is the Dictatorship of the Prolitariat which is always made up of the most wealthy, the most educated (who lucked out to be preaching what the powers that be liked) or the lucky. In most cases, this stage is ALWAY corrupted by "capitalist" human nature of both greed, desire to embetter oneself and the quest for power resulting in a total dictatorship via a series of internal purges and blood baths of rivals: Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hitler for examples. You will notice that this situation, on a global scale, is similar to UN, CFR and NWO intentions. If George Santayana is correct in his adage "Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it" then mass poverty, mass famine, mass murder, mass cannibalism, disease and slavery soon follow as in the Ukrane under Lenin/Stalin's successive 5 year plans and too in China during Mao's "Great Leap Forward" totaling over 70million deaths totaling to Communism's credit of over 100-150 million dead.
The most righteous people are not found on Kibbutzim. The capitalist operations are called Moshavim. The Kibbutz have never been productive at all. If you look back on Israel's history, even during the days of the Rothschild massive financial injectsions the Kibbutz failed miserably, like Russia, Cuba, China, North Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, France all of Africa and South America are failing today. The only time when Kibbutz became profitable and functioning are when they started to drop the communistic/socialistic principles and promoted the individual instead of the group and changed their operations to more representative of their capitalist based moshav working for profits. The Kibbutz, like communism looks good and attainable on paper. If you check you will probably see that the Kibbutz is either working on a quasi-Capitalist system or is getting financial injections from the government to stay open...
Communism doesn't work. These things are filled with individuals living on past "Platonic" hope for a World Utopia. Should you doubt this, go directly to the source. Pick up a copy of the Communist Manifesto and see what it actually is, what are its goals, how does it differ from Judaism and too.....look at the realities of the outcome/effects of the varios attempts to institute Communism......
If you are on a Kibbutz now, use it to learn whatever you need to learn to fit in Israeli society: Hebrew, Laws, Culture etc..... The rest will warp your mind. A good vacation...but Ben Gurion is not a good role model in my opinion... I hope this helps... It might be a good recruiting ground when you debate these indoctrinated Socialists to the insanity and digressiveness of their ways... The books above are fantastic too is one called "The Naked Capitalist" or anything by Antony Sutton
I don't disagree with you at all. Socialism was invented in that wonderful country called France and was VERY anti-semetic. Communism, obviously, has a horrible and evil history.
I was just curious about the Kibbutzim. I thought about staying on one a while back and just checking the whole thing out.
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