Author Topic: Will someone destroy islam already?  (Read 284755 times)

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Offline syyuge

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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #200 on: April 09, 2013, 02:49:13 PM »
Al-Qaeda in Iraq claims merger with Syria's Jabhat al-Nusra:

Al-Qaeda's branch in Iraq has accepted claims by the United States that one of the leading groups fighting President Bashar al-Assad in Syria is an offshoot of the terrorist organisation.

The green colors are merging with dark green colors.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #201 on: April 09, 2013, 03:14:42 PM »
The "emir" or leader of the Islamic State in Iraq, as Al-Qaeda in Iraq calls itself, posted an audio message on jihadist websites announcing the formation of "Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham". Al-Sham is a popular term for Syria, or the whole Levant.

This muslamic theological state of Iraq and Syria may expand to incorporate Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arab and may be called as the "Hollow Muslamic Empire" led by the muslamic false prophet.
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Offline syyuge

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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #202 on: April 10, 2013, 03:10:14 PM »
Syria's al-Nusra pledges allegiance to al-Qaeda:

The head of Syria's jihadist al-Nusra Front has pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri - but distanced his group from claims it had merged with al-Qaeda in Iraq.

"The sons of al-Nusra Front pledge allegiance to Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri," Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani said in an audio message.

But, he added, "we were not consulted" on an announcement by al-Qaeda in Iraq chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Tuesday of a merger with al-Nusra Front.

Now start counting......... The above is the first falsehood emanating from the muslamic false prophet of the hollow muslamic empire.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #203 on: April 11, 2013, 04:41:19 PM »
Korea >> Corea >>Sorea >> Syria

Oh! Korea and Syria both are phonetically similar and both are boiling presently at the same time in bubbles.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #204 on: April 12, 2013, 02:46:50 AM »
North Korea and Syria dominate G8 talks in London:

The crisis on the Korean peninsula and the "humanitarian catastrophe" in Syria topped the agenda as G8 foreign ministers held a second day of talks in London.

After a late dinner last night, the ministers from the Group of Eight industrialised nations were holding formal talks today likely to be dominated by North Korea's expected missile launch.

The secretive communist state has threatened nuclear strikes against the United States and South Korea, and observers are expecting a missile launch at any time.

The ministers from the Group of Eight industrialised nations will also discuss the conflict in Syria, which is now in its third year and has claimed 70,000 lives, according to the United Nations.

Mr Kerry met with members of the Syrian opposition on Wednesday, where they renewed their appeal for weapons to aid their fight against President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Britain has been pushing to amend an EU embargo blocking the supply of arms to the rebels, but there are concerns that any weapons supplied may fall into the wrong hands.

This fear was exacerbated by the declaration by one of the top rebel fighting forces in Syria, the al-Nusra Front, of its allegiance to al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Everywhere the world is standing at the krossroads. This all is due to the madness of the muslamic terrorism and the North Korean Sung dynasty.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #205 on: April 12, 2013, 03:44:41 PM »
Explosive death toll in Syria increases by a quarter:

Civil war in Syria has driven a rapid increase in the number of victims of explosions in the last year with the worldwide total of deaths rising by more than a quarter, a new report has said.

The report by Action on Armed Violence, a charity, said that it had established that at least 34,000 had been killed or maimed in 2012, a 26 per cent increase on the figure a year earlier. The report said that at least 27,000 of the victims were civilians, or 79 per cent of the total.

Syria was the worst affected country from explosive violence in 2012 with at least 8,382 affected, a five-fold increase over the year earlier.

The civil war torn country was joined in the top ten by Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria.

So behind Syria are Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. All devout followers of the religion of peace.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #206 on: April 12, 2013, 04:46:08 PM »
16 killed in bombing of two Sunni mosques in Iraq:

At least 16 people were killed on Friday in bombings targeting two Sunni mosques in Baquba, some 57 kilometres north-east of the capital Baghdad, said security officials.

Two back-to-back explosions occurred as worshippers were leaving one mosque, killing at least 15 people and injuring 26 others, the officials added.

It is just a small affair between the peace loving Shiya and Sunni factions.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #207 on: April 14, 2013, 02:38:11 PM »
Four Italian journalists freed by jihadist kidnappers in Syria:

A woman journalist has told how a group of jihadist kidnappers threatened to cut her hands off after abducting her in Syria.

and some of those who were kidnapped must be feeling their captors to be good terrorists.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #208 on: April 15, 2013, 10:59:50 AM »
Syria: Britain funds rebels overseeing aid inside occupied areas:

Britain has stepped directly into the Syrian crisis, funding scores of civilian rebels to oversee hundreds of millions of pounds in aid deliveries inside occupied areas.

British are bold and also rich due to post-Thatcherian effects.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #209 on: April 17, 2013, 03:44:34 PM »
Syria crisis: UN issues rare joint appeal for action:

The heads of five major UN agencies have issued a rare joint appeal to the international community to do much more to end "cruelty and carnage" in Syria.

In a statement, the chiefs of the WHO, Unicef, Ocha, WFP and UNHCR urged political leaders to use their influence to solve the crisis.

They said they were appealing for "something more important than funds".

The UN says at least 70,000 people have been killed and 1.2 million left homeless since the conflict began.

Matter seems to be going out of the hands of the OWG.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #210 on: April 18, 2013, 03:20:48 PM »
West will pay for 'supporting al-Qaeda in Syria', Assad warns:

President Bashar al-Assad has predicted that the West would "pay the price" for allegedly siding with al-Qaeda in the Syrian uprising.

"The West has paid heavily for funding al-Qaeda in its early stages," he said during a rare appearance on state television. "Today, it is doing the same in Syria, Libya and other places, and will pay a heavy price in the heart of Europe and the United States."
Mr Assad was attempting to draw a parallel between American support for the mujaheddin in Afghanistan in the 1980s and the de facto alliance that has emerged between Western-backed rebels in Syria and hardline Islamists.

Assad is unnecessarily trying to be prophetic. He can not stop the global infighting among the muslamics.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #211 on: April 19, 2013, 05:48:47 PM »
Israeli threat to intervene in Syria:

Israel has threatened to intervene in the Syrian conflict, saying it could act to prevent chemical and other weapons getting into the hands of militant Islamist groups.

Israel has all the rights on this earth to defend itself. 
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Offline syyuge

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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #212 on: April 20, 2013, 05:32:52 PM »
Syrian rebels told by West to unify and reject extremism:

Syrian rebels were told by their western backers on Saturday they had to present a united face and reject extremism in return for a major new package of non-lethal assistance.

Syrian crisis is really turning in to a protracted war. However there are solid reasons behind it. After all who can select a friend between Assad Vs likes of the Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #213 on: April 21, 2013, 05:11:17 PM »
US to double aid to Syrian rebels following assurances:

The United States is to double its aid to rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad after winning a written pledge that a future Syria will be democratic, non-sectarian and give “universal” rights to women.

Syria will be democratic, non-sectarian and give “universal” rights to women >> That must be a part of some joke.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #214 on: April 22, 2013, 03:56:59 PM »
Syria War: Hundreds Feared Dead In Damascus Fighting:

BEIRUT — Six days of fighting near Damascus has killed at least 100 people and possibly many more, activists said Monday, in what both sides say may be a dramatic spike in the Syria's civil war death toll.

Have patience till Damascus turns in to a huge pile of debris.
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Offline syyuge

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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #215 on: April 23, 2013, 02:41:14 PM »
Lebanese Hizbollah leading Assad offensive in Syria:

A major attack by the Syrian regime on a town west of Homs is being led by the Lebanese Shia militia Hizbollah, according to the opposition Syrian National Coalition and activists.

The ghostly alliance of Assad and Hezbollah fighting for an empty ghostly town. Good scenario in any muslamic country.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #216 on: April 24, 2013, 05:34:44 PM »
Syria: 11th-century minaret of Great Umayyad Mosque of Aleppo destroyed:

The 11th-century minaret of the Great Umayyad Mosque of Aleppo, one of the world's oldest and most important, has been destroyed by shellfire as the Syrian war consumes the country's vast repository of historic sites.

The opposition Syrian National Coalition described the targeting of the minaret as "an indelible disgrace".

"The deliberate destruction of this minaret, under whose shadow Saladin, Seif al-Dawla al-Hamdani and Abu Tayeb Abdel Rahman al-Mutanabbi rested, is a crime against human civilisation," its statement said, naming the celebrated Crusade-era Muslim leader, the most celebrate Emir of Aleppo, and a tenth Century poet.

What is this minaret! The Damascus and whole of Syria and Arab will be destroyed in this protracted war of muslamic infighting.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #217 on: April 25, 2013, 07:31:23 AM »
Muslamic terrorism in China>>

21 dead in west China clashes:

Clashes between police and a gang of suspected terrorists in China's restive northwest region of Xinjiang killed 21 people Tuesday, state media and local government reported Wednesday. The dead include 15 police officers and community workers. Six assailants are also deceased, while eight other assailants were captured alive, Xinhua news agency said.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #218 on: April 25, 2013, 05:25:02 PM »
Fears of return to sectarian war in Iraq as Sunni militants 'liberate' northern town from government:

Iraq’s prime minister warned of a return to sectarian war after militia men seized a northern Sunni town from government forces and heavy fighting erupted in the country’s main northern city.

Sunnis in Iraq too.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #219 on: April 25, 2013, 05:39:42 PM »
US believes Syrian government used chemical weapons:

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says the US intelligence community believes the Syrian government has used sarin gas on a small scale against rebels trying to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad.

President Barack Obama has said the use of chemical weapons would be a "game-changer" in the US position on intervening in the Syrian civil war, and the letter to Congress reiterates that the use or transfer of chemical weapons in Syria is a "red line for the US."

So where is the Red Line now!
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Offline IsraelForever

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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #220 on: April 25, 2013, 11:14:37 PM »
Islam is not a religion.  It's a virus.

Offline syyuge

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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #221 on: April 27, 2013, 11:44:46 AM »
Syrian rebel appeals for action on Assad's alleged use of chemical weapons:

Syrian interim government spokesman Yasser Tabbara urges the international community to "help us disable Bashar al-Assad" from the alleged use of chemical weapons.

Do it I say.
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Offline syyuge

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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #222 on: April 28, 2013, 09:29:10 AM »
Syria: Al-Qaeda's battle for control of Assad's chemical weapons plant:

A battle near a factory believed to be one of the Syrian regime's main chemical weapons plants shows just how close such weapons could be to falling into al-Qaeda's hands, writes Colin Freeman.

Over all it creates a complicated imbroglio that may needed to be resolved with patience and till then the protracted war may continue.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #223 on: April 29, 2013, 10:24:30 AM »
Qatar 'playing with fire' as it funds Syrian Islamists in quest for global influence:

Questions are increasingly being asked about weapons and money being supplied to Islamist rebel groups in Syria by sympathetic Arab states, because of growing fears that they are falling into the hands of jihadists and other extremists.

Qatar has nothing to lose but the gas and sands.
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Re: Will someone destroy islam already?
« Reply #224 on: April 30, 2013, 08:51:05 AM »
Syria chemical weapons: MPs demand evidence of sarin use by Assad:

Pressure was growing on the Government to publish detailed evidence of Syria's alleged chemical weapons use before authorising further intervention in the conflict.

 Wary of comparisons with faulty intelligence reports on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in 2003, senior MPs said more detail was needed on statements that the banned nerve agent sarin had been identified in tests.

"A greater degree of certainty is required before taking decisive action. We need to have more intelligence, more corroboration," said Richard Ottaway, the Conservative chairman of the Commons foreign affairs committee.

This time they have to be more careful.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.