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Will someone destroy islam already?

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Hey according to this, Indonesia may leave Islam.

It is very difficult to say whether the Sandy changed the minds of the voters or it was a retrospective revenge on the voters or it was none of the above.

The Noachide:

--- Quote from: YemachshemotoObama on November 05, 2012, 03:37:13 PM ---Hey according to this, Indonesia may leave Islam.

--- End quote ---

I remember watching this video. Great to see the biggest muzzie nation leave islam. My experience with Indonesian muslims is they're closed minded people but polite at the same time.

I don't think we will get our wish until most individuals within countries, regardless of political affiliation, see islam as a genuine threat to peace. As stated repeatedly, it is not a religion but a system onto itself. At this point, we have 1+ billion of them. The fact is, it is NOT a minority that is radical but rather a majority. Specifically, while not all 1+ billion of them go out everyday and commit acts, a large portion of them support them and have a very primitive view of cultures and society. The scary part is, not only do you have to go against such a large amount but also you have to, put it simply, wait until people awake from their slumber. At this point, islam has become untouched by westerners. It has not only being promoted as peaceful but also elevated to the status of a race. You would essentially have to convince all of these morons to change their mindsets, to come to huge conclusions about how they were wrong and so on.

What I DO hope would happen and the closest toward a realistic goal is that several countries end up banning it. I would LOVE if a leader rose to power in Israel and banned it, a kind of safe haven to hide out you can say.

I am unable to understand whether the Israel is attacking on Gaza or the UFO's are attacking the Gaza.

What a humanitarian crisis again! :laugh:


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