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Will someone destroy islam already?

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Muslamic infighting within pakistan666:

Syria crisis: Damascus al-Yarmouk camp 'attacked' :

Uzbeks hit back at pakistan666:

Lounging around...

Another lovely plot by members of the religion of peace...

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OAKLAND PARK, Fla.-- Booking photos of the two men accused of plotting a terrorism attack in the U.S. became available Monday.

The arrest photos show that Sheheryar Alam Qazi, 30, and Raees Alam Qazi, 20, were booked into Broward County's Main Jail on a hold for for a federal agency, the Marshals Service.

Meanwhile, over the weekend, the brother of the two men defended his younger siblings by denying their purported plans and calling the situation an apparent misunderstanding.

A federal grand jury charged the two Qazi brothers with conspiring to detonate a weapon of mass destruction and to provide material support to terrorists.

Prosecutors said the pair's plans had been under way since July 2011 and extended through Thursday when FBI agents arrested them. A three-page indictment did not list any possible American targets, but said a weapon of mass destruction was supposed to be employed "against persons and property within the United States."

Shoaib Qazi, 33, the Qazis' older brother, said his two siblings were very close in a family that emigrated from Pakistan in 2000 and includes five brothers and a sister.


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