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Will someone destroy islam already?
--- Quote from: Israel Chai on January 19, 2016, 09:37:49 PM ---Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Understanding the Caliphate Curve
Posted by Daniel Greenfield 4 Comments
A report by the Tony Blair Faith Foundation found that the Syrian rebels were mostly Islamic Jihadists and that even if ISIS were defeated there were 15 other groups sharing its worldview that were ready to take its place.
And that’s just in Syria.
The official ISIS story, the one that we read in the newspapers, watch on television and hear on the radio, is that it’s a unique group whose brand of extremism is so extreme that there is no comparing it to anything else. ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Or with anything else. It’s a complete aberration.
Except for the 15 other Jihadist groups ready to step into its shoes in just one country.
Islamic Supremacist organizations like ISIS can be graded on the “Caliphate curve”. The Caliphate curve is based on how quickly an Islamic organization wants to achieve the Caliphate. What we describe as “extreme” or “moderate” is really the speed at which an Islamic group seeks to recreate the Caliphate.
ISIS is at the extreme end of the scale, not because it tortures, kills and rapes, but because it implemented the Caliphate immediately. The atrocities for which ISIS has become known are typical of a functioning Caliphate. The execution of Muslims who do not submit to the Caliph, the ethnic cleansing and sexual slavery of non-Muslims are not aberrations. They are normal behavior for a Caliphate.
The last Caliphate, the Ottoman Empire, was selling non-Muslim girls as sex slaves after the invention of the telephone. A New York Times report from 1886 documented the sale of girls as young as twelve, one of them with “light hazel eyes, black eyebrows and long yellow hair”. An earlier report from the London Post described Turks, “sending their blacks to market, in order to make room for a newly-purchased white girl”. This behavior is not a temporary aberration, but dates back to Mohammed’s men raping and enslaving non-Muslim women and young girls as a reward for fighting to spread Islam.
The ISIS behaviors that we find so shocking were widely practiced in even the most civilized parts of the Muslim world around the time that the Statue of Liberty was being dedicated in New York City.
To Muslims, the end of slavery is one of the humiliations that they had to endure because of the loss of the Caliphate. Europeans forced an end to the slave trade. The British made the Turks give up their slaves. The United States made the Saudis give up their slaves in the 1960s. (Unofficially they still exist.) When the Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt, its Islamist constitution dropped a ban on slavery.
The Muslim Brotherhood is on the moderate side of the Caliphate curve not because it doesn’t want to bring back the Caliphate, it does, or because it doesn’t want to subjugate non-Muslims, it does, but because it wants to do so gradually over an extended period of time using modern political methods.
But whether you take the long road along the Caliphate curve or the short one it still ends up in the same place. Everyone on the Caliphate curve agrees that the world, including the United States, must be ruled by Muslims under Islamic law and that freedom and equal rights for all must come to an end.
ISIS is just doing right now what the Muslim Brotherhood would take a hundred years to accomplish.
We are not at war with ISIS. We are at war with everyone on the Caliphate curve. Not because we choose to be, but because like Hitler’s Thousand Year Reich or Communism’s vision of one world under the red flag, the Caliphate is a plan for imposing a totalitarian system on us to deprive us of our rights.
The Nazis and the Communists had a vision for the world. So do the Islamic Supremacists who advocate the restoration of the Caliphate. All three groups occasionally played the victim of our foreign policy, but they were not responding to us, they were trying to bring about their positive vision of an ideal society.
Nazi, Communist and Islamist societies just happen to be living nightmares for the rest of us.
No one on the Caliphate curve is moderate. Some on the Caliphate curve are just more patient. They put up billboards, create hashtags and try to ban any criticism of their ideology as Islamophobic. But that’s just Caliphatism with a human face. And that makes them a much more dangerous enemy.
ISIS is in some ways our least dangerous enemy. We haven’t defeated ISIS, because we haven’t even tried. Instead Obama fights a war in which 75 percent of strikes on ISIS are blocked and leaflets are dropped 45 minutes before a strike on oil tankers warning ISIS to flee. If we were to fight ISIS by the same rules as our wars in the last century, the Islamic State would have been crushed long ago.
A insta-Caliphate like ISIS isn’t hard to beat. The global networks of Al Qaeda employing more conventional terror tactics are a trickier force because they are embedded within the stream of Muslim migration. And the Muslim Brotherhood is the trickiest of them all because it is so deeply embedded within Muslim populations in the West that it represents and controls those populations.
What ISIS accomplishes by brute force, the Muslim Brotherhood does by setting up networks of front groups. Both ISIS and the Brotherhood control large Muslim populations. ISIS conquers populations in failed states. The Muslim Brotherhood however exercises control over populations in the cities of the West. We could bomb Raqqa, but can we bomb Dearborn, Jersey City or Irvine?
This is where the Caliphate curve truly reaches its most terrifying potential.
The original Islamic expansionism was so devastating not because it managed to seize control over the hinterlands of Arabia, but because it conquered and subjugated civilized cities such as Alexandria, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Athens and Delhi. ISIS envisions repeating these conquests and more, but if it succeeds it will not be because of its military strategy, but because it targets have been colonized.
We can destroy ISIS tomorrow, but we will still be in an extended war with a hundred other groups who all have a vision for restoring the Caliphate. This war will never end until we crush their supremacist agenda by demonstrating that we will never again allow such a horror to exist on this earth. As long as Muslim groups hold out hope for a restoration of the Caliphate this war, in its various forms, will go on.
We are not at war with an organization, but with the idea that Muslims are superior to non-Muslims and are endowed by Allah with the right to rule over them, to rob them, to rape them and enslave them. ISIS is the most naked expression of this idea. But it’s an idea that everyone on the Caliphate curve accepts.
Until we defeat this racist idea, new Islamic groups will constantly keep arising animated by this vision. Wars fueled by supremacist beliefs have historically only ended when the illusion of superiority was destroyed by utterly defeating and humiliating the attackers. It worked with Japan and Nazi Germany.
Our war now will not end until we destroy the supremacist faith in the Caliphate curve.
--- End quote ---
Great article...
Pak university attack: Death toll rises to 25; TTP claims responsibility:
At least 25 people including students were feared killed and more than 50 injured in northwest Pakistan on Wednesday when a group of gunmen stormed a university named after the apostle of peace Frontier Gandhi.
The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, which had massacred 134 school children at a school in Peshawar in December, 2014, claimed responsibility for the attack at the Bacha Khan University in Charsadda. The Bacha Khan University at Charsadda, around 50km from Peshawar in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, is a public sector university named after Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, fondly called the Frontier Gandhi whose 28th death anniversary falls on Tuesday. “The death toll in the terrorist attack has risen to 25,” AFP quoted regional police chief Saeed Wazir who did not specify if that included the four militants the army stated it had killed. He said the operation had ended and security forces were clearing the area, with most of the student victims shot dead at a hostel for boys. Eyewitnesses said the attack started at around 8 am when the militants used the cover of thick, wintry fog to scale the walls and enter the university campus. Eyewitnesses said they first entered the dean’s office and then spread out to the classes and the hostels. They opened air indiscriminately on students and staff and one of the first victims was a senior member of the staff who tried to save the students.
It has many fathers but the Pakistan666 is the sole mother of the global muslamic terrorism. Even then Pakistan gets such stings sometimes. As usual it all is due to the global protracted war of the muslamic terrorist infighting.
Muslims say they will make it legal to rape white women when they take over Europe:
That is why I always felt that muslamic terrorists were a by-product of the demon.
Pakistan Fears Iran Will Wipe Mecca Off The Face Of The Map Threatens Iran “We Will Wipe Iran Off The Map”. Saudi Arabia Is Concerned From Iran’s Threat On Mecca
“Saudi Arabia has collapsed and has been isolated. It has shown its true nature and has joined the club of wickedness and brutality,” Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani, senior cleric and Friday prayers leader, charged. Meanwhile, in the Sunni nation of Pakistan, the chief of the army announced that any threat to the territorial integrity of Saudi Arabia would provoke a sharp response from Pakistan. He said they would “wipe Iran off the map.”
Last November, Pakistan’s army chief, General Raheel Sharif, traveled to Saudi Arabia to soothe Mecca’s frayed nerves, he left with an agreement that Pakistan would remain committed to protecting the “two holy cities of Mecca and Medina”.
But Saudi Arabia remains nervous and yesterday, Sunday, following meetings with Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Pakistan army issued a statement asserting “that any threat to Saudi Arabia’s territorial integrity would evoke a strong response from Pakistan.” Pakistan is warning that if Iran threatens Saudi Arabia it will strike back at Iran.
This is just a small part of the ongoing Global Protracted War of the muslamic terrorist infighting owing to their internal built in deepest contradictions.
Malda Truth Exposed
Malda - The small Afghanistan created by Leftists within India:
Obviously all the illegal money earned thus must be flowing to the muslamic terrorists of Pakistan666, Bangladesh and Taliban.
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