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Will someone destroy islam already?

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--- Quote from: Israel Chai on September 30, 2020, 12:21:08 AM ---Turkey wants to attack Greece, no indication they want to attack Italy other than religious rhetoric not backed by cash. China and Italy have a very close trading partnership, which is why Italy was so hard hit by corona. I can't imagine China attacking them.

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Here I see that China has already attacked Italy severely by Corona, in the garb of trade. 

Israel Chai:
I have no evodemce to suggest that China wanted to do more than kill off their elderly with corona as they usually do.

--- Quote from: syyuge on October 01, 2020, 05:40:38 PM ---Here I see that China has already attacked Italy severely by Corona, in the garb of trade.

--- End quote ---

Azerbaijan has attacked Armenia with all the tacit supports from Turkey, Pakistan and their Muslamic terrorist groups. Both of them have got entangled in a modern rapid war. Some people have started thinking that this is the epical beginning of the war between the Christians and Muslamics.       

The cease fire between Armenia and Azerbaijan has failed within five minutes. It was to be. The presence of Turkish Caliphate and Pakistan 666 can not allow Azerbaijan to go for any peace effort. And so the war continues unabated. 

The second cease fire between Armenia and Azerbaijan has failed within less than five minutes. It had no value. More than 55000 persons have been killed combined on the both sides so far. Some channels suspect that Turkey has obtained the Nukes from Pakistan so the Turkish Caliphate is thoroughly adamant. It is also suspected that China is secretly supplying huge amounts of weapons to the Azerbaijan to continue this war. Information are arriving that the mercenary Syrian muslamic terrorists have started shooting the Azerbaijani military officers and blasting the Azeri cities because they have so for not received their money. The only silver lining is that Armenia is not yielding an inch and that they are retaliating heavily on every front.           



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