All that would be needed to spice up a great evening in Jerusalem would be Chaim ben Pesach as guest speaker!
Jerusalem, Israel
HaRav Yehuda Kreuser SHLIT"A, Rosh Yeshiva
Yeshivat HaRa'ayon HaYehudi cordinally invites you to attend its annual
Gala Banquet for
its English-speaking supporters
This year the Banquet will take place on Rabbi Meir Kahane's 22nd Yahrzeit, Saturday night, 18th of Cheshvan (November 3rd) at 7:00 p.m.
The Banquet will be held at the Shirat Yerushalayim Hall, 64 Kanfei Nesharim St., Givat Shaul, Jerusalem.
Guest Speakers:
Rabbi Pesach Yom Tov Davis, Founder of the Sha'arei Shamayim Talmud Torah Institutions in Judea and Samaria
Rabbi Chaim Richman, Head of the English Division of the Temple Institute
Keynote Speaker: Lenny Goldberg, long-time activist from Kfar Tapuach and teacher in the Yeshiva's English Studies program
Special Guest of Honor: Meir Weinstein, Toronto Jewish Defense League, Coordinator and Founder, Fighter for Jewish Civil Rights
President's Message: Professor Herbert Sunshine
Special Musical Presentation: Chaim Dovid and Friends
Guest Appearance: MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari
Matilda Charutz - The Rabbi Meir Kahane Service Award
Meir Weinstein - The Rabbi Meir Kahane Gevura Award
Special Feature Film: Rabbi Kahane at Work.
Banquet Prices - NIS 150 per person, NIS 280 per couple. 10% discount with advance registration by October 15th.
Baruch Ben-Yosef - Dinner Chairman 050-9605585
Levi Chazen - Yeshivat HaRa'ayon HaYehudi 02-5823540
We are also preparing a Dinner Journal dedicated to helping the Yeshiva, where you will have a chance to send a blessing, remember a loved one and show your support to the Yeshiva and its work throughout the year.
Prices for ads:
$50 - one-line blessing
$100 - eighth of a page
$150 - quarter page
$250 - half page
$400 - full page
$750 - Silver page
$1000 - Gold page
Please send in your check for the dinner, a check for a Journal ad, or a contribution, indicating name, address, phone and email address and number of people attending, to:
Yeshivat HaRa'ayon HaYehudi
P.O. Box 98109 Mahane Yehuda
Jerusalem 91060
For more information, please call Baruch Ben-Yosef, Dinner Chairman or Levi Chazen at the numbers listed in this invitation.