Author Topic: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".  (Read 55595 times)

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #75 on: July 08, 2007, 04:46:14 PM »
no, she made herself pretty clear what she thought of the big monkey al, and big baboon jessie and the big orangatun Louis

ask her what she thought about the OJ verdict...that shoudl be interesting.
CF already asked me that a matter of fact I've been asked by other people here also and I don't believe they belived what they read. I THINK OJ DID IT! I think that a lot of people, especially here, expects me to be on the 'black' side no matter what the issue is so they have to keep asking me weird questions to see if I'll slip up.

WHatever, though. I can't stop people from thinking I'm not like some of the blacks they meet. They can only draw their own conclusions...just like when CF drew the conclusion that I was a crack whore without knowing a lot about me.

AHA! I caught you, Imerica.

You said a negro thing. You started a sentance with "Wha' ever"
When did I say "WHA' ever"? I said 'whatever' newman. That's not a new expression. Its not a negro "thing" either.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #76 on: July 08, 2007, 04:47:16 PM »
YOU CALLED ME A CRACKWHORE, CF! YOU did...I got a lot of flack from Masterwolf and DWI but you called me a crackwhore and other insulting names that I don't represent. And for the record, Chaim didn't go to jail for doing a GOOD thing. There are better ways of making people listen to you other than doing what he did.
Calm down, calm down. Nobody wants to hear your righteous indignation, sista. I called you a lot of things but somebody else said "crackwhore". I think it was DownwithIslam.

And I notice you don't condemn your civil-rights goons for throwing worse than tear gas (i.e. rocks and Molotov cocktails) at the cops during their riots in the '60s and beyond. You just don't like white people showing civil disobedience. Once again you are caught in your own hypocrisy.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #77 on: July 08, 2007, 04:53:02 PM »
YOU CALLED ME A CRACKWHORE, CF! YOU did...I got a lot of flack from Masterwolf and DWI but you called me a crackwhore and other insulting names that I don't represent. And for the record, Chaim didn't go to jail for doing a GOOD thing. There are better ways of making people listen to you other than doing what he did.
Calm down, calm down. Nobody wants to hear your righteous indignation, sista. I called you a lot of things but somebody else said "crackwhore". I think it was DownwithIslam.

And I notice you don't condemn your civil-rights goons for throwing worse than tear gas (i.e. rocks and Molotov cocktails) at the cops during their riots in the '60s and beyond. You just don't like white people showing civil disobedience. Once again you are caught in your own hypocrisy.
I'm not your 'sista' first of all. Second you DID call me a crackwhore, CF. YOU DIDN"T ASK ME ABOUT ANYONE THROWING MOLTOV COCTAILS at cops during the 60's but if you had, you'd certainly have gotten the response that I don't was a very smart idea for them to do that. I don't agree with any force of action against police or civilians. But you intend to see the worst in me and for what? To prove that a white man is righteous and the black woman on the JTF site is wrong. You're the  hypocrite. I've repeated over and over again...changed my mind about how I once felt about Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton (job centres) and realized that I still wouldn't follow them. I'm my own person. I dont' need YOU or any half-baked 'black leader' to make me seem important.

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #78 on: July 08, 2007, 04:54:29 PM »
YOU CALLED ME A CRACKWHORE, CF! YOU did...I got a lot of flack from Masterwolf and DWI but you called me a crackwhore and other insulting names that I don't represent. And for the record, Chaim didn't go to jail for doing a GOOD thing. There are better ways of making people listen to you other than doing what he did.
Calm down, calm down. Nobody wants to hear your righteous indignation, sista. I called you a lot of things but somebody else said "crackwhore". I think it was DownwithIslam.

And I notice you don't condemn your civil-rights goons for throwing worse than tear gas (i.e. rocks and Molotov cocktails) at the cops during their riots in the '60s and beyond. You just don't like white people showing civil disobedience. Once again you are caught in your own hypocrisy.

CF, just to correct you, there was never a point in which she condemned NOR agreed with tear gassing or violent demonstartions done by Black Americans.  Nor has she differentiated white from black civil, personally, all due respect, I don't see any kind of hypocrisy (yet).

Just to let you konw the definition, CF. an exmaple of hypocracy would be someone saying they hate white disobediance, but agreed with black disobedience. I don't see where Imerica did that.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #79 on: July 08, 2007, 04:58:32 PM »
I'm not your 'sista' first of all. Second you DID call me a crackwhore, CF. YOU DIDN"T ASK ME ABOUT ANYONE THROWING MOLTOV COCTAILS at cops during the 60's but if you had, you'd certainly have gotten the response that I don't was a very smart idea for them to do that. I don't agree with any force of action against police or civilians. But you intend to see the worst in me and for what? To prove that a white man is righteous and the black woman on the JTF site is wrong. You're the  hypocrite. I've repeated over and over again...changed my mind about how I once felt about Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton (job centres) and realized that I still wouldn't follow them. I'm my own person. I dont' need YOU or any half-baked 'black leader' to make me seem important.
Don't wet your panties here. These kinds of responses just give more evidence to the people who say you are insane. Show me where I personally called you a crackwhore. You are just continuing to bury yourself deeper and deeper with your contortions and wordplay--you say it isn't smart for blacks to riot, but that it is "terrible" for oppressed Jews to show civil disobedience. If that is not a double standard, I don't know what is. Nobody was oppressing your soul brothas and soul sistahs or forcing them to stay in big, bad America the way the Soviet Union was keeping its Jews in and sending them to concentration camps if they tried to leave. Your bros and broettes could have boarded a boat to Africa whenever they felt like. So no, they had no reason whatsoever to riot and attack white police.

You are the only half-baked black around here, to really believe you are going to change our minds on fundamental issues to us.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #80 on: July 08, 2007, 05:00:56 PM »
CF, just to correct you, there was never a point in which she condemned NOR agreed with tear gassing or violent demonstartions done by Black Americans.  Nor has she differentiated white from black civil, personally, all due respect, I don't see any kind of hypocrisy (yet).

Just to let you konw the definition, CF. an exmaple of hypocracy would be someone saying they hate white disobediance, but agreed with black disobedience. I don't see where Imerica did that.
She says that it "isn't a good idea" for blacks to riot but that it was "terrible" what Chaim did, which hurt nobody. "Isn't a good idea" or "isn't smart" or "counterproductive" is what the PLO mouthpieces officially say when one of their ilk murders a bunch of Jews. It isn't a condemnation at all.

I think that that is a double standard, and her current response to me shows that she sticks by that standard to this day.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #81 on: July 08, 2007, 05:07:35 PM »
CF, just to correct you, there was never a point in which she condemned NOR agreed with tear gassing or violent demonstartions done by Black Americans.  Nor has she differentiated white from black civil, personally, all due respect, I don't see any kind of hypocrisy (yet).

Just to let you konw the definition, CF. an exmaple of hypocracy would be someone saying they hate white disobediance, but agreed with black disobedience. I don't see where Imerica did that.
She says that it "isn't a good idea" for blacks to riot but that it was "terrible" what Chaim did, which hurt nobody. "Isn't a good idea" or "isn't smart" or "counterproductive" is what the PLO mouthpieces officially say when one of their ilk murders a bunch of Jews. It isn't a condemnation at all.

I think that that is a double standard, and her current response to me shows that she sticks by that standard to this day.
Because I express dislike differently from you makes me the enemy? You're a peice of work, you are. What do you want me to say, CF? "Those black people are peices of drek!" ? That's basically what I'm saying with my response but you won't be happy until I've turned into your mouth peice. I'll continue to express myself in the way I always have. If you are going to continue to bash me because I won't repeat the words you say with the vigor you express them in, do that.

I'm not a member of this 'PLO' you're talking about. SO I don't know where you got that from. I bash bad blacks just like you do but because I'm not rampaging like you are I'm insane? Great. And what Chaim did had the potential to hurt many people... had the potential. What those evil blacks did with moltov coctails had the potential to hurt those that didn't get hurt in their rage. ALL of them deserved jail time.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #82 on: July 08, 2007, 05:15:13 PM »
I'm not your 'sista' first of all. Second you DID call me a crackwhore, CF. YOU DIDN"T ASK ME ABOUT ANYONE THROWING MOLTOV COCTAILS at cops during the 60's but if you had, you'd certainly have gotten the response that I don't was a very smart idea for them to do that. I don't agree with any force of action against police or civilians. But you intend to see the worst in me and for what? To prove that a white man is righteous and the black woman on the JTF site is wrong. You're the  hypocrite. I've repeated over and over again...changed my mind about how I once felt about Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton (job centres) and realized that I still wouldn't follow them. I'm my own person. I dont' need YOU or any half-baked 'black leader' to make me seem important.
Don't wet your panties here. These kinds of responses just give more evidence to the people who say you are insane. Show me where I personally called you a crackwhore. You are just continuing to bury yourself deeper and deeper with your contortions and wordplay--you say it isn't smart for blacks to riot, but that it is "terrible" for oppressed Jews to show civil disobedience. If that is not a double standard, I don't know what is. Nobody was oppressing your soul brothas and soul sistahs or forcing them to stay in big, bad America the way the Soviet Union was keeping its Jews in and sending them to concentration camps if they tried to leave. Your bros and broettes could have boarded a boat to Africa whenever they felt like. So no, they had no reason whatsoever to riot and attack white police.

You are the only half-baked black around here, to really believe you are going to change our minds on fundamental issues to us.
You are an angry person who needs some kind of councelling, CF. You often call other blacks my 'soul brothas and sistahs' sounding ignorant as all get out. Understand something, I didn't introduce myself here as someone who blamed white Americans for anything. But you're putting what some other blacks feel off on me. Now that's what I call a derranged. And just so you know. Do you think that Black Americans have that much pull in Africa that they could leave America and move into African Territory without having some of the same problems present here in America? Wow. Just because we look alike dosen't mean we all feel the same about each other, CF. Africa isn't my birth country. America is. I intend to stay.

And its terrible what I learned about the former Soviet Union in Russia where Jews are being held captive. It makes me cry everytime I see the infomercial about Christians helping to send Jews back to Israel. The conditions in which they live is equal to what I see on the World Vision commercials. It hurts me that I can't give something to help the cause..all I can do is care and pray about it.

In the mean time, why don't you try less to know what I'm thinking or wanting, and start thinking about the things you need to do in your life.

Offline WhiteHawk

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #83 on: July 08, 2007, 06:28:18 PM »
stop crying imerica. Its amazing how many african-ameriacns whine so much. Such liberals.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 06:33:19 PM by WhiteHawk »

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #84 on: July 08, 2007, 06:57:10 PM »
The indian religions were around YES but the swastika wasn't always their symbol. You need to provide more of a reliable source, because all I've been able to find is the Swastika being in Neolithic times is the oldest evidence of a swastika ever found.
   "The earliest swastika-like symbols preserved appear on pottery dated from around 4000 B.C.E., as part of the "Vinca script"."

"it's like a spiral or a star, it's an image that just springs forth out of the well; The old solar clock/basket weave image. Most examples are from the bronze and iron ages, although at this point it seems that the earliest physical specimens we have came out of digs in Iran and Armenia from the Neolithic Period 5000-7000 B.C.E....We'll see what else develops."

Swastika was an always has been a European symbol. How it got to North America, I have no idea..

It is very clear the indians got the swastika from the europeans. ;)

Really ? hmmmm.....
 18.000 years ago near 4000 not so sure who got is from who.
If you will think hard enough you will understand thet the europeans got the swastika from the indians and from the chines, and about how it got to america is a very easy question,
The answer is thet Alaska and China became to one land with ice thet conected between them, thet happend at the ice age (10000 years ago), and the chines/asians treveld from china and asia with their swastika into America =]

Thet's the reason thet the Indians (Americans) have diagonal eyes, like the asian eyes  .

« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 07:21:16 PM by Dexter »
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #85 on: July 08, 2007, 07:15:15 PM »
stop crying imerica. Its amazing how many african-ameriacns whine so much. Such liberals.
FIrst you want someone here who cares about the plight of Jews in Russia now you want me to stop feeling sad about what they're going through? I'm not here complaining about what the white man has done. THEN I'd be crying, if I were that kind of person. But I'm not. You can either take it or leave it.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #86 on: July 08, 2007, 08:43:43 PM »
What those evil blacks did with moltov coctails had the potential to hurt those that didn't get hurt in their rage. ALL of them deserved jail time.
But they didn't get any jail time. Heck, most didn't get even get arrested because police departments and DAs didn't want to "inflame community tensions" and other such crap. Only in America does one get a free pass to maim, rape, and kill because of their skin color. Do you think that white Rhodesians/South Africans are ignored by the courts because of their "privileged" status? Do you believe Boers could throw tear-gas grenades (and worse) at ANC government troops/officers with impunity?

Ask yourself Erica... when was the last riot in America started by whites? When was the last time whites burned down a black neighborhood? Answer me: when was the last time that even the most horrible, racist southern Klansmember whites invaded a black neighborhood and just started randomly raping black women and burning their shops and businesses and homes? And don't you complain about lynching, either (which happened in roughly equal numbers to black and white defendants).

When was the last time white thugs dragged black truck drivers out of their rigs and threw bricks at their head while hundreds of other whites looked on and cheered? When was the last time huge crowds of skinhead thugs purposely marched into ghettoes on Halloween and bashed in the heads of black female trick-or-treaters? Tell me, please tell me, O Wise Black Woman. Of course, the reality is that most of the time these savage rioters aren't attacking whites, but are moronically burning down THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS! How's that for brains?

Finally, let's talk sports. The Anaheim Ducks won the Stanley Cup (greatest championship in all sports) last month over here and believe me, there was not the slightest bit of rowdiness or civil disturbance in the least... not even around the arena during the victory parade. How come when the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA championship here three times earlier in this decade there were huge riots around the Staples Center, with dozens of cars overturned and burned and storefronts destroyed and looted? And this was the victory celebration, mind you! I shudder to think of what the black and Hispanic Laker fans would have done if they lost!!!

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #87 on: July 08, 2007, 08:49:48 PM »
You are an angry person who needs some kind of councelling, CF. You often call other blacks my 'soul brothas and sistahs' sounding ignorant as all get out. Understand something, I didn't introduce myself here as someone who blamed white Americans for anything.
First of all, it's counseling, genius.

No, you haven't DIRECTLY blamed whites for anything, you just think they don't have the right to defend their rights (or those of oppressed whites around the world, as is the case with Chaim and Soviet Jewry) or exercise civil disobedience. Your g-d Fartin' Lucifer Queen broke the law when he had his zombie worshippers flood Southern streets and prevent daily life from going on. I don't recall when the JDL stopped normal people from going about their daily lives. Also, as militant as the JDL was, I don't recall them starting a riot for Soviet Jews. I can't say the same for your goons who were protesting white South African rule in the '70s and '80s.

And its terrible what I learned about the former Soviet Union in Russia where Jews are being held captive. It makes me cry everytime I see the infomercial about Christians helping to send Jews back to Israel. The conditions in which they live is equal to what I see on the World Vision commercials. It hurts me that I can't give something to help the cause..all I can do is care and pray about it.
Bull****. Nobody buys it that you care about Russian Jews. After all, they're educated, civilized, excel in school and work and get challenging, high-paying jobs, and--gasp--have very little melanin. All of which blacks will never have and will always be jealous of.

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #88 on: July 08, 2007, 09:04:33 PM »
stop crying imerica. Its amazing how many african-ameriacns whine so much. Such liberals.

When I look at the argument CF and whitehawk are making with imerica, Imerica is sounding, in this situation much much more logical and correct.  But up to this post that I quoted...

after that, it's a wait and see :).
« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 09:09:21 PM by dannycookie57 »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #89 on: July 08, 2007, 09:22:04 PM »
What those evil blacks did with moltov coctails had the potential to hurt those that didn't get hurt in their rage. ALL of them deserved jail time.
But they didn't get any jail time. Heck, most didn't get even get arrested because police departments and DAs didn't want to "inflame community tensions" and other such crap. Only in America does one get a free pass to maim, rape, and kill because of their skin color. Do you think that white Rhodesians/South Africans are ignored by the courts because of their "privileged" status? Do you believe Boers could throw tear-gas grenades (and worse) at ANC government troops/officers with impunity?

Ask yourself Erica... when was the last riot in America started by whites? When was the last time whites burned down a black neighborhood? Answer me: when was the last time that even the most horrible, racist southern Klansmember whites invaded a black neighborhood and just started randomly raping black women and burning their shops and businesses and homes? And don't you complain about lynching, either (which happened in roughly equal numbers to black and white defendants).

When was the last time white thugs dragged black truck drivers out of their rigs and threw bricks at their head while hundreds of other whites looked on and cheered? When was the last time huge crowds of skinhead thugs purposely marched into ghettoes on Halloween and bashed in the heads of black female trick-or-treaters? Tell me, please tell me, O Wise Black Woman. Of course, the reality is that most of the time these savage rioters aren't attacking whites, but are moronically burning down THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS! How's that for brains?

Finally, let's talk sports. The Anaheim Ducks won the Stanley Cup (greatest championship in all sports) last month over here and believe me, there was not the slightest bit of rowdiness or civil disturbance in the least... not even around the arena during the victory parade. How come when the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA championship here three times earlier in this decade there were huge riots around the Staples Center, with dozens of cars overturned and burned and storefronts destroyed and looted? And this was the victory celebration, mind you! I shudder to think of what the black and Hispanic Laker fans would have done if they lost!!!
Why in the hell are you complaining to me CF that these evil people did what they did? I wasn't there to help them commit crimes but I would have called for them to get arrested just like anyone else. I'm sure though that those who couldn't run fast enough from the cops may have gotten put in jail, though. It dosen't make any sense for someone to have thrown a moltov coctail into a crowd of policemen and not one cop catch up to the person.

Everytime you respond to me you act as if I am the cause of the problems evil blacks bring on themselves and the rest of this country. Why? Do you NEED someone to blame THAT BADLY?

And I can't answer this question.... "Answer me: when was the last time that even the most horrible, racist southern Klansmember whites invaded a black neighborhood and just started randomly raping black women and burning their shops and businesses and homes? "

But I can tell you when and where a black man named James Byrd, Jr. was killed. June 7th 1998 in Jasper, Texas. On June 7, 1998, Byrd, 49, accepted a ride from Shawn Allen Berry, Lawrence Russel Brewer, and John William King. Instead of taking him home, however, the three men beat Byrd, tied him to their pickup truck with a chain, and dragged him about three miles. It is not known whether or not he was alive during the dragging. Although Lawrence Russell Brewer claimed that Byrd's throat had been slashed before he was dragged, forensic evidence suggests that Byrd had been attempting to keep his head up, and an autopsy suggested that Byrd was alive for much of the dragging and died only after his right arm and head were severed when his body hit a culvert.

What model behavior THAT was, CF.  You see, I didn't have to go very far back into the  past to find that information. This was recent history, since you wanted to bring it up.

Let me find a few more things for you...

Hate crimes against blacks....

Seven year-old black girl raped and strangled in NV. Casino restroom by a white man....

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #90 on: July 08, 2007, 10:19:29 PM »
Save it, Erica. You complain that I am making you a scapegoat for all evil blacks and then you try to make me responsible for hate crimes against blacks (which are very rare, by the way)? I'm not even black, Erica. Quit typing out of your tuchis.

If you MUST know, I throw the actions of evil blacks at you because you have still not said that they, or the blacks who incite them, are evil. You yourself admit that you refuse to say what I want you to about Farrakhan and Jackson. So I take it you would refuse to say that Hitler is evil too just because I say so. Well, Hitler has a lot in common with your idols Farrakhan and Jackson--all three of them hate/hated and want/wanted to destroy America and tried to murder all Jewry.

Erica, those incidents made the news because hate crimes on blacks are so rare and really are "news" when they happen. What do you think happened to that animal Jeremy Strohmeyer? The monster is on death row. Where are the Klan butchers who murdered Mr. Byrd? Same place. Where are the guys who killed Matthew Shepard? Yup, you got it, death row, same place that American patriot Jonathan Pollard is, who you have never stuck up for here in the least, for professing to care about Jews.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #91 on: July 08, 2007, 10:25:48 PM »
Save it, Erica. You complain that I am making you a scapegoat for all evil blacks and then you try to make me responsible for hate crimes against blacks (which are very rare, by the way)? I'm not even black, Erica. Quit typing out of your tuchis.

If you MUST know, I throw the actions of evil blacks at you because you have still not said that they, or the blacks who incite them, are evil. You yourself admit that you refuse to say what I want you to about Farrakhan and Jackson. So I take it you would refuse to say that Hitler is evil too just because I say so. Well, Hitler has a lot in common with your idols Farrakhan and Jackson--all three of them hate/hated and want/wanted to destroy America and tried to murder all Jewry.

Erica, those incidents made the news because hate crimes on blacks are so rare and really are "news" when they happen. What do you think happened to that animal Jeremy Strohmeyer? The monster is on death row. Where are the Klan butchers who murdered Mr. Byrd? Same place. Where are the guys who killed Matthew Shepard? Yup, you got it, death row, same place that American patriot Jonathan Pollard is, who you have never stuck up for here in the least, for professing to care about Jews.

On that note, CF, I'm glad I'm leaving this site because I don't think I can take one more lie from you. I've ALWAYS said that evil blacks exist. I KNOW they are here. AND I'VE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY MUST BE DEALT WITH ALSO!!!  PLUS you asked me to come up with some instances where white people did anything to blacks and I did. I owe you nothing else...and didn't owe you THAT. It was out of courtesy that I even researched what I found. I'm tired of you getting mad at bad blacks and then projecting your anger on me because you're a bitter person. And I dont' know who Jonathan Pollard is, why are you asking me to stick up for someone I dont' know? And again I DON'T CLAIM JESSE, AL or LOUIS AS ANY LEADERS OF MINE. BUT YOU want me to. That's really bad. LOL

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #92 on: July 08, 2007, 11:42:21 PM »
Erica, you want to "prove" that I am a racist. That's been your goal since day one. But how come I always pick on you, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farrakhan, etc. and their followers and not Alan Keyes, Thomas Sowell, J.C. Watts, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, etc.?

And why do YOU never stick up for any of the blacks I just listed?


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #93 on: July 08, 2007, 11:49:51 PM »
Erica, you want to "prove" that I am a racist. That's been your goal since day one. But how come I always pick on you, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farrakhan, etc. and their followers and not Alan Keyes, Thomas Sowell, J.C. Watts, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, etc.?

And why do YOU never stick up for any of the blacks I just listed?
I don't know Thomas Sowell, JC Watts or Lee Peterson... I dont' stand up for them because I don't know them. Do you think that just because I'm black that I know every black person in existence? And I'm against anything Jesse, Al and Farrakhan say or think. I've told you that over, and over, and over, and nauseaum and I'm tired of saying it. Whether you read it or not (the hundreds of times I've said it) is up to you. That's not my problem. Oh, and I already told you how I felt about Alan Keyes. He's a homophobe who was a bad father to his daughter and kicked her out for being a lesibian. FOR LOVING SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX. I can't take anything he says seriously because I DON'T AGREE WITH HIM...and I dont' have to. ANd I shouldn't have to agree with him simply because he's black.

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #94 on: July 08, 2007, 11:51:22 PM »
Save it, Erica. You complain that I am making you a scapegoat for all evil blacks and then you try to make me responsible for hate crimes against blacks (which are very rare, by the way)? I'm not even black, Erica. Quit typing out of your tuchis.

If you MUST know, I throw the actions of evil blacks at you because you have still not said that they, or the blacks who incite them, are evil. You yourself admit that you refuse to say what I want you to about Farrakhan and Jackson. So I take it you would refuse to say that Hitler is evil too just because I say so. Well, Hitler has a lot in common with your idols Farrakhan and Jackson--all three of them hate/hated and want/wanted to destroy America and tried to murder all Jewry.

Erica, those incidents made the news because hate crimes on blacks are so rare and really are "news" when they happen. What do you think happened to that animal Jeremy Strohmeyer? The monster is on death row. Where are the Klan butchers who murdered Mr. Byrd? Same place. Where are the guys who killed Matthew Shepard? Yup, you got it, death row, same place that American patriot Jonathan Pollard is, who you have never stuck up for here in the least, for professing to care about Jews.

wait, i'm confused, which Erica are you talkign about? If you are talkign about Imerica..well, I just don't get are accusing her of something that isn't necessarily true.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #95 on: July 08, 2007, 11:56:57 PM »
Save it, Erica. You complain that I am making you a scapegoat for all evil blacks and then you try to make me responsible for hate crimes against blacks (which are very rare, by the way)? I'm not even black, Erica. Quit typing out of your tuchis.

If you MUST know, I throw the actions of evil blacks at you because you have still not said that they, or the blacks who incite them, are evil. You yourself admit that you refuse to say what I want you to about Farrakhan and Jackson. So I take it you would refuse to say that Hitler is evil too just because I say so. Well, Hitler has a lot in common with your idols Farrakhan and Jackson--all three of them hate/hated and want/wanted to destroy America and tried to murder all Jewry.

Erica, those incidents made the news because hate crimes on blacks are so rare and really are "news" when they happen. What do you think happened to that animal Jeremy Strohmeyer? The monster is on death row. Where are the Klan butchers who murdered Mr. Byrd? Same place. Where are the guys who killed Matthew Shepard? Yup, you got it, death row, same place that American patriot Jonathan Pollard is, who you have never stuck up for here in the least, for professing to care about Jews.

wait, i'm confused, which Erica are you talkign about? If you are talkign about Imerica..well, I just don't get are accusing her of something that isn't necessarily true.
CF talks as if I'm the person or the people who have screwed his view of black people up. I don't know Jeremy Strohmeyer but if he did something bad enough to land him on death row, good for him. The guys that killed  Matthew Shepard are rotting in jail, I know. But CF what you don't understand is that I seem to have become the materialized version of the black person/ people who have [censored] you off in your life and I'm not happy there. If you want to blame someone... blame those who hurt you..dont' blame me because I didn't do anything to you. You don't know me from Adam.

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #96 on: July 09, 2007, 12:01:58 AM »
Save it, Erica. You complain that I am making you a scapegoat for all evil blacks and then you try to make me responsible for hate crimes against blacks (which are very rare, by the way)? I'm not even black, Erica. Quit typing out of your tuchis.

If you MUST know, I throw the actions of evil blacks at you because you have still not said that they, or the blacks who incite them, are evil. You yourself admit that you refuse to say what I want you to about Farrakhan and Jackson. So I take it you would refuse to say that Hitler is evil too just because I say so. Well, Hitler has a lot in common with your idols Farrakhan and Jackson--all three of them hate/hated and want/wanted to destroy America and tried to murder all Jewry.

Erica, those incidents made the news because hate crimes on blacks are so rare and really are "news" when they happen. What do you think happened to that animal Jeremy Strohmeyer? The monster is on death row. Where are the Klan butchers who murdered Mr. Byrd? Same place. Where are the guys who killed Matthew Shepard? Yup, you got it, death row, same place that American patriot Jonathan Pollard is, who you have never stuck up for here in the least, for professing to care about Jews.

wait, i'm confused, which Erica are you talkign about? If you are talkign about Imerica..well, I just don't get are accusing her of something that isn't necessarily true.
CF talks as if I'm the person or the people who have screwed his view of black people up. I don't know Jeremy Strohmeyer but if he did something bad enough to land him on death row, good for him. The guys that killed  Matthew Shepard are rotting in jail, I know. But CF what you don't understand is that I seem to have become the materialized version of the black person/ people who have [censored] you off in your life and I'm not happy there. If you want to blame someone... blame those who hurt you..dont' blame me because I didn't do anything to you. You don't know me from Adam.

Erica..don't pay any heed to me, at least, 99% of his threads do not make sense in regards to you. There is no logic to his attack on you currently...wild accusations.  It's not unusual to see this from CF on occasion...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #97 on: July 09, 2007, 12:06:01 AM »
I don't know Jeremy Strohmeyer but if he did something bad enough to land him on death row, good for him.
Jeremy Strohmeyer is the animal who raped and killed seven-year-old Sharice Iverson in that Vegas casino restroom in 1997. You know, the story you linked me to? How come you didn't know the names of the killer and victim and I knew them from memory?

Danny, I don't appreciate this from you. I thought I explained why I feel the way I do about Erica and how I think she is a hypocrite.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #98 on: July 09, 2007, 12:12:48 AM »
I don't know Jeremy Strohmeyer but if he did something bad enough to land him on death row, good for him.
Jeremy Strohmeyer is the animal who raped and killed seven-year-old Sharice Iverson in that Vegas casino restroom in 1997. You know, the story you linked me to? How come you didn't know the names of the killer and victim and I knew them from memory?

Danny, I don't appreciate this from you. I thought I explained why I feel the way I do about Erica and how I think she is a hypocrite.

CF, you are losing your arguement really really badly!  Your arguement with Erica holds no logic as you wildly accuse her of something that isn't saying..and the fact that isn't saying a certain thing doesn't mean that she is being affirmative otherwise....In other words, you are backing her into a corner where she is damned if she does or damned is she doesn't..and to me, she has said nothing wrong in this thread...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #99 on: July 09, 2007, 12:14:11 AM »
I don't know Jeremy Strohmeyer but if he did something bad enough to land him on death row, good for him.
Jeremy Strohmeyer is the animal who raped and killed seven-year-old Sharice Iverson in that Vegas casino restroom in 1997. You know, the story you linked me to? How come you didn't know the names of the killer and victim and I knew them from memory?

Danny, I don't appreciate this from you. I thought I explained why I feel the way I do about Erica and how I think she is a hypocrite.
Actually you haven't explained how I'm a hypocrite at all.