Author Topic: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".  (Read 55563 times)

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #150 on: July 11, 2007, 09:47:53 AM »
I personally have nothing against abortion WHEN... It's rape

But when its a stupid white collar Jezebel (like paris hilton), that has sex without a condom, and finds out that she's pregnant.
THEN its murder.

Do you people even know why the Catholics don't allow abortion?

During the medieval ages, the catholic armies would rape women, and since abortion is not allowed, by the majority. The baby becomes Catholic... Easiest way to convert.

Muslims do this everywhere. In egypt they rape coptic christians for forced marriage and conversion.

Offline nessuno

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #151 on: July 11, 2007, 01:26:58 PM »
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side -  abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white  ;) - that there is a lot of gray.

So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle.  I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this.  Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area.  The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc. 

As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc.  My two cents...  For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help... 
I checked AskMoses.Com out Marzutra - it was very interesting as most of your suggestions are - ThankYou.
I agree with you - the moral code has shifted greatly - much to my dismay as I'm raising a child in these overly rationalized times.

I'm not trying to make excuses or defend Imerica.  I'm not sure why she cared to share this story with the forum - in the first place.  I just think that it is not my place to make a judgment based on what she has told us.  
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #152 on: July 11, 2007, 03:13:08 PM »
ban this baby-hating b*tch. i'm so sick of her.
I have 3 children, Hawk, 3. I love them dearly and didn't hate the baby I aborted. Secondly I'm no one's [censored]. Watch yourself.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #153 on: July 11, 2007, 03:28:46 PM »
Bullcat, Erica didn't have a medical emergency. It was a "hardship" case--i.e. if she continued on with the problem pregnancy it would have been physically difficult for her to care for her existing children. She would not have died if she hadn't had the abortion. This business of her saying she had no choice is pathetic. She is no different from those who have abortions in order to keep their boyfriend, because they can't afford the kid, etc.

Every pregnancy is a "hardship". Most birth control methods short of sterilization (and even that can fail, although it is much, much less likely to) are very much unreliable. Get over it.

And no, guys, Erica, who is a liar (she said she was going to leave the forum three days ago!) has NOT repented of anything. She claims she asked for forgiveness but simultaneously defends her abortion and would do it again. Therefore, what exactly is she forgiven of? Who the hell does she think she is fooling with this sleight-of-hand game?
CF, you are a f-ing liar. I NEVER SAID I'D HAVE ANOTHER ABORTION...And what makes this so bad is that I actually told  you this in the Youtube videos! Its not a decision I'd make again because of the pain involved...the same reason why I wouldn't get preganant again, because of the physical and mental pain involved in carrying my children.

I DID, so have a medical emergency..You weren't there when I was going through all of the hardships I was going through with my pregnancies. So you don't know anything. And while we're on the subject of you knowing something, how could I have taken care of my children while going through the difficulties of having ecclampsia? Do you know? How could I have gone through another visit to NICU to see another baby hooked up to iv's. I have a history of PPD after my babies are born because of how soon they were born. I wouldn't have been able to handle it, especially if the baby had died in the incubator. YOu can't pretend to know what I was feeling at all. The sickness I felt takes a lot out of a mom...a lot. And I don't appreciate you comparing me to a woman who'd get pregnant by her boyfriend and then get an abortion because they can't afford a baby. We could afford to take care of a 6th child I just couldn't afford to go through the pain and uncertainty I went through when I was pregnant 3 times before. Ecclampsia and pre ecclampsia ravaged my body. You would know NOTHING about that.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #154 on: July 11, 2007, 03:30:31 PM »
Such racism.Any abortion is wrong.We just care more about our killed kids... >:(
What does me having a needed abortion have to do with racism? And how does someone who doesn't like blacks claim a black unborn child to be "OUR KID"?


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #155 on: July 11, 2007, 03:34:59 PM »
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side -  abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white  ;) - that there is a lot of gray.

So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle.  I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this.  Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area.  The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc. 

As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc.  My two cents...  For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help... 
I checked AskMoses.Com out Marzutra - it was very interesting as most of your suggestions are - ThankYou.
I agree with you - the moral code has shifted greatly - much to my dismay as I'm raising a child in these overly rationalized times.

I'm not trying to make excuses or defend Imerica.  I'm not sure why she cared to share this story with the forum - in the first place.  I just think that it is not my place to make a judgment based on what she has told us.  
Bullcat, I didn't share this information willingly... CF brought it up less than 5 days after I signed up here. I never brought it up CF when he was "Chaim Fan" did. And he brought it up in this thread also. I'm not looking for anyone to defend my decision to abort...I planned on not even bringing that to the site in the first place but CF had other plans I guess. Its bad enough I'm a black woman with a differing view than everyone else here, I wouldn't have brought up my abortion here at all... just look at the firestorm.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #156 on: July 11, 2007, 05:14:51 PM »
Good come back Imerica to the "racism" thing.  Did Crime Stoppers send you a cheque?  I heard that they do that sort of thing in these cases.....  I'M KIDDING!!!  Actually, Bullcat people are supposed to judge one another.  The Sanhedrin was set up for this purpose.  If one keeps a moral code or lives by a civilized value system how is one able to live accordingly if one is not continually reminded if one strays from moral to the immoral?  I believe that "not judging" is both a staple of Christianity (or could be a contortion of it) and most certainly Liberal/Socalism.....until which point the lack of judging has produced chaos justifying more and more State Laws which limit freedoms.  This is an entire separate subject in and of itself. 

The case is this, if one deficates on your front doorstep, deals drugs to your child or steals a pie from your window sill, do you judge them as horrible dispicable individuals or does one cater to the ineptitue "He's just being a boy." or rationalizing for the fear of "offending" someone.....  Another Liberal ineptitude....
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #157 on: July 11, 2007, 05:17:48 PM »
As christians we are meant to think about what we are doing wrong before we judge others, but that doesn't proscribe judgement of others all together.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #158 on: July 11, 2007, 08:09:51 PM »
Good come back Imerica to the "racism" thing.  Did Crime Stoppers send you a cheque?  I heard that they do that sort of thing in these cases.....  I'M KIDDING!!!  Actually, Bullcat people are supposed to judge one another.  The Sanhedrin was set up for this purpose.  If one keeps a moral code or lives by a civilized value system how is one able to live accordingly if one is not continually reminded if one strays from moral to the immoral?  I believe that "not judging" is both a staple of Christianity (or could be a contortion of it) and most certainly Liberal/Socalism.....until which point the lack of judging has produced chaos justifying more and more State Laws which limit freedoms.  This is an entire separate subject in and of itself. 

The case is this, if one deficates on your front doorstep, deals drugs to your child or steals a pie from your window sill, do you judge them as horrible dispicable individuals or does one cater to the ineptitue "He's just being a boy." or rationalizing for the fear of "offending" someone.....  Another Liberal ineptitude....
So if we're supposed to judge people, why can't I observe that Chaim isn't a perfect individual? I admit that what I've done is judging him by what he presents himself to be.

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #159 on: July 11, 2007, 08:38:18 PM »
I believe that "not judging" is both a staple of Christianity (or could be a contortion of it) and most certainly Liberal/Socalism.....until which point the lack of judging has produced chaos justifying more and more State Laws which limit freedoms. 

"The Christian has no right to condemn his neighbor; on the contrary, he should show kindness and sympathy. But he does have the right to judge the wrong activity in itself. He does not have the right to judge the thief, but has the right to pronounce stealing a crime against society and a sin toward God's Will."

- Rev. George Mastrantonis

I hope this clarifies the view of traditional Christianity in regards to judging others.

Offline nessuno

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #160 on: July 11, 2007, 10:37:58 PM »
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side -  abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white  ;) - that there is a lot of gray.

So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle.  I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this.  Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area.  The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc. 

As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc.  My two cents...  For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help... 
I checked AskMoses.Com out Marzutra - it was very interesting as most of your suggestions are - ThankYou.
I agree with you - the moral code has shifted greatly - much to my dismay as I'm raising a child in these overly rationalized times.

I'm not trying to make excuses or defend Imerica.  I'm not sure why she cared to share this story with the forum - in the first place.  I just think that it is not my place to make a judgment based on what she has told us.  
Bullcat, I didn't share this information willingly... CF brought it up less than 5 days after I signed up here. I never brought it up CF when he was "Chaim Fan" did. And he brought it up in this thread also. I'm not looking for anyone to defend my decision to abort...I planned on not even bringing that to the site in the first place but CF had other plans I guess. Its bad enough I'm a black woman with a differing view than everyone else here, I wouldn't have brought up my abortion here at all... just look at the firestorm.
First off - don't worry Imerica - I'm not defending your decision to abort.
I just wonder how C.F. knew about this at all.  If you told him then I guess he has a right to bring it up - and I apologize to him.
God is the ultimate judge since it is not against the law - so I'm staying out of it.

MarZutra - I'm human - I do judge people - I make decisions on how to conduct my life and interact with them everyday based on those judgements.   
Do I believe that Abortion is wrong in every circumstance - no.  I don't think it is that black and white an issue.  So not really knowing Imerica and all her circumstances - I will defer judgement to a higher authority.
I do appreciate our discussion about this though.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #161 on: July 11, 2007, 10:42:14 PM »
Imerica ,
What happened to ALL your posts and why did you have to re-register on the forum?

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #162 on: July 12, 2007, 01:06:06 AM »
I personally have nothing against abortion WHEN... It's rape
Cetnik, the baby is still completely innocent. I really think abortion is murder in ALL cases, unless without it both the mother and fetus die.

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #163 on: July 12, 2007, 01:27:05 AM »
Erica, you really are a glutton for punishment. Either you lead an extremely boring life, enjoy hopeless fights and causes in general, or just hate Kahanism so much that you are, in your word, "addicted" to coming back for more beatdowns.

Now, many posters here may be willing to treat you with grace and gentleness for various and sundry reasons, but I'm not one of them and never have been. I think that your ad-nauseum defenses of the murder of your child are intolerable in the eyes of G-d and defile the forum. If you think I am being cruel to you, do believe it when I say I have actually tempered my words with you quite a bit.

Some JTF members forget/ignore that you distort, flip, and switch your arguments and claims every time we address one of your points; I am not one of them. You once said that you "had" to have your abortion because nobody would be there to care for your other three kids during the crisis pregnancy. Now you say you had to because of eclampsia. Make up your mind; which one was it?

You also like to play the race card. That ain't gonna fly with me either. I don't care whether your epidermal pigment is green, hot pink, aquamarine, or if you are a Martian. I think some white posters are fearful of coming down on a black woman, but I'm not white and I don't humor the racial sensitivity racket even in passing. If I were such a racist, why would I care about a black baby being aborted? Why would I care that African Americans are 13% of the population but 37% of all baby-slaughter victims? I think that that figure alone describes black culture to a T, and proves beyond any doubt that you are a part of it, but why would any of that trouble me if I just plain hated blacks?

When all else fails you take the easy way out by twisting my words into complete lies. Example: you accused me of saying you would have another abortion. You know full well I claimed nothing of the sort. I wrote that you would have THIS abortion all over again if in the same circumstances, and I did so to cast doubt on your "repentance" or "asking of forgiveness" for it.

So, that's about it, Erica. I don't treat you with respect because you have done nothing to earn it. I tried being fair to you for the first couple of days, but your real colors and nature would have nothing of that. There is absolutely not even one iota of difference between you and a Panther or Nation of Islam member except for the fact that you can put your opinions out there in a more-or-less diplomatic fashion. I am not buying this bull feces and I know a large bulk of us aren't either.

I'm gonna repost the position of JTF's esteemed vice president Jimmy Sullivan on you:

Originally posted on June 13, 2007:
Quote from: jsullivan
Danny, with all due respect, you made generalized statements and never refuted any of my specific points.

Imerica consistently defends Muslims and Arabs. Why? The Muslims and the Arabs have murdered MILLIONS of her people. A self-respecting black would hate the Muslims and the Arabs. But she defends them here and on youtube.

If she and other blacks are really upset about slavery, then why do the blacks so enthusiastically support the Arab Muslims who have millions of black slaves to this day? They hate whites for slavery which ended in 1865 (142 years ago), but love the Arab Muslim Nazis who have millions of slaves TO THIS DAY, and we all know that the slavery conditions under the Arabs are much more brutal than the slavery conditions were in the Old Confederacy.

And the blacks hate the Jews and blame them for slavery! The Jews had nothing to do with slavery, and the Jews are the ones that made the "civil rights" movement a success. To this day, the Jews fund most black organizations and causes. YET THE BLACKS DESPISE THE JEWS WITH THE SAME LEVEL OF VENOM THAT THE GERMAN NAZIS DISPLAYED.

Let's stop playing games here. Most blacks are EVIL. Period. They hate whites and Jews NOT because of slavery or past wrongs, real or imaginary. They hate whites and Jews because they are jealous. And Imerica supports them and knows damn well what the score is.

Furthermore, Imerica does not tell us even a fraction of what she REALLY thinks of us because she is on her best behavior on this forum.

Chaim was a "terrible criminal" comparable to Osama Bin Ladin?!

Was the terrorist mass murderer Nelson Mandela who slaughtered hundreds of innocent people a "terrible criminal"?

Was Malcolm X, the convicted drug dealer, pimp and rapist a "terrible criminal"?

What about Mohammed, the founder of Islam, whom Imerica defends on youtube. Was that mass murderer and serial rapist a "terrible criminal"?

Danny, you're a nice guy but you're being naive. Wake up!

Originally posted on June 12, 2007:
Quote from: jsullivan
First, I still believe that Imerica should be allowed to post on this forum, and that having posts from the enemy makes the forum more interesting.

I refer to Imerica as the enemy because frankly she supports the enemies of America, Israel and Western civilization.

As I have written in the past, I consider Imerica to be far more frightening than the Ebonics-ranting, housing project black criminals. Imerica is an intelligent and educated black woman who has been fully exposed to the truth, yet she persists in supporting the most evil, cruel, jealous and vicious people simply because they are black. She closes her eyes to the fact that the vast majority of her people are evil, envious demons who hate whites and Jews not because of any past injustice, but because they are simply jealous and they are too lazy to do what the whites and Jews have done to succeed.

Imerica defends the name Osama, and makes the Muslim Nazis into the victims here.

What if someone named their child Adolf Hitler? Should we respect that name as well? Don't Osama Bin Ladin and the Muslim Nazis want genocide just as Hitler did? Haven't the Muslim Nazis already committed numerous holocausts including the murder of over 2 million blacks in the Sudan?

What if someone names their child Ku Klux Klan? Would Imerica and other blacks leap to the defense of the parents and the child? If Imerica says that she would, then she is not being truthful.

Imerica is intelligent, educated and likable. But she is a supporter of pure evil although she tries to sugarcoat it for us on this forum. Imerica is very important to us. She reminds us that the intelligent, educated and likable blacks are loyal to their people despite the fact that such loyality is unjustified. She reminds us that giving blacks, Arabs and Muslims an education, a good standard of living and exposure to morality will NOT change their basic desire to destroy Western civilization. In Imerica's case, she at the very least supports and defends those who seek our destruction.

Imerica is a frightening example of why JTF is right. 

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #164 on: July 12, 2007, 03:51:11 AM »
Without commenting on the content of your post CF, I'd like to take a moment to say the quality of your writing is most impressive.

Your posts are well thought out, well organized, and always very well written.

Offline nessuno

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #165 on: July 12, 2007, 06:01:50 AM »
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side -  abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white  ;) - that there is a lot of gray.

So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle.  I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this.  Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area.  The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc. 

As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc.  My two cents...  For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help... 
I checked AskMoses.Com out Marzutra - it was very interesting as most of your suggestions are - ThankYou.
I agree with you - the moral code has shifted greatly - much to my dismay as I'm raising a child in these overly rationalized times.

I'm not trying to make excuses or defend Imerica.  I'm not sure why she cared to share this story with the forum - in the first place.  I just think that it is not my place to make a judgment based on what she has told us. 
Bullcat, I didn't share this information willingly... CF brought it up less than 5 days after I signed up here. I never brought it up CF when he was "Chaim Fan" did. And he brought it up in this thread also. I'm not looking for anyone to defend my decision to abort...I planned on not even bringing that to the site in the first place but CF had other plans I guess. Its bad enough I'm a black woman with a differing view than everyone else here, I wouldn't have brought up my abortion here at all... just look at the firestorm.
Imerica - did you bring up your abortion in a YOUTUBE video?  That just clicked for me in rereading the last few posts.  If you put that out there for the world on YOUTUBE then C.F. had every right to bring it up here on the forum.  Don't fault him.  Look to yourself as to why you put that information out there - people have very strong feelings in relation to abortion - did you not expect any differing opinions?  Heaven forbid that I ever found myself in your situation - I must say - I don't think I would be able to talk about it on YouTube or with anyone (but family) easily. 
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #166 on: July 12, 2007, 06:12:22 AM »
Wow a big who cares about imerica...I think you've all wasted too much time writing about her/to her.

my opinion

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #167 on: July 12, 2007, 06:25:34 AM »
Wow a big who cares about imerica...I think you've all wasted too much time writing about her/to her.

my opinion
It isn't just about Imerica...
I believe we are having a discussion about abortion - right and wrong - religion - judgment of others...and Imerica  ;)
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #168 on: July 12, 2007, 06:41:45 AM »
they best way to picture such situation is, if your daughter was raped by a muslim, do you keep the baby or abort. I'd definitely approve my daughters abortion.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #169 on: July 12, 2007, 06:48:31 AM »
they best way to picture such situation is, if your daughter was raped by a muslim, do you keep the baby or abort. I'd definitely approve my daughters abortion.

At the risk of upsetting some folk, I agree with Serb cetnik on this one. I could not tell any woman she HAS to to carry a little beast.

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #170 on: July 12, 2007, 07:11:29 AM »
But on the other hand, there have been women in Serbia that have been raped by Muzzies and Croats. Their children (they kept the baby) are the biggest nationalists today.

As they see that a bio-father just produced them, but the mother bled for them. Theres undoubtedly a bigger bond with a mother than a father. If I'm not out of line here, the Jewish mother is the reason Jewish children are Jewish.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #171 on: July 12, 2007, 07:25:54 AM »
But on the other hand, there have been women in Serbia that have been raped by Muzzies and Croats. Their children (they kept the baby) are the biggest nationalists today.

As they see that a bio-father just produced them, but the mother bled for them. Theres undoubtedly a bigger bond with a mother than a father. If I'm not out of line here, the Jewish mother is the reason Jewish children are Jewish.

I would hate to say this, if it were a muslim beast, if it were a black or white savage, etc...raped...that fetus, according to Judaism, would still be innocent.  An abortion would not be permitted.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #172 on: July 12, 2007, 07:34:27 AM »
Doesn't the mother's mental health have to be considered under Jewish law? I think I saw a Rabbinical opinion to  that effect.

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #173 on: July 12, 2007, 07:37:35 AM »
Doesn't the mother's mental health have to be considered under Jewish law? I think I saw a Rabbinical opinion to  that effect.

Certainly there are rabbinical opinions on the mental health issue. I asked chaim on this specific issue two weeks in a row and he pretty much implied that the whole mental thing was not life or death. Shame was not life or death etc.  That fetus is innocent..give it away for adoption...

It's sad, it's too bad...Gd forbid it would happen to our wives, our friends, our sisters, our daughters, our mothers, or anyone decent and good...Gd forbid it! Bite our tongues!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #174 on: July 12, 2007, 07:40:33 AM »
Don't worry the child wouldn't have a father, I would have spent my entire life if necessary to track him down and put him down like the dog   he is.