YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION. I NEVER DENIED THAT. HOWEVER, no one asked CF to bring it into this forum.
Every word you say is a lie.
You brought up, out of thin air, that you had an abortion on this forum the day you came here. Do you really want us to do a post search and humiliate you?
It wasn't called for and he had no right to do it
I have no right to call into question the life decisions you have publicly posted about? Sorry, but unfortunately for you we don't live under sharia yet. I have every right to talk about anything that I want.
I'm not the only woman in the world who has ever had an abortion and won't be the last woman either.
Erica, all of us have heard your trite "my body, my choice" nonsense for more than thirty years. Save it.
He's singling me out because he hates me and a decision I made for my own health reasons. How is that fair?
Ah, so you admit your life was
not in danger.

You did it for "health" reasons. That could mean that your pregnancy was making you depressed, that you didn't like having stretch marks, being morning-sick, etc. The Supreme Court has clearly ruled in abortion law that there is a distinction between "life of the mother" and "health of the mother", and you indicated which category your baby-mutilation fell into.
I have no problem letting ANY of you know that I had an abortion...if I'd gotten the chance to bring it here myself without the aid of a hateful, bitter person, I'd have done it.
Erica, as mentally ill as I think that you likely are, I don't buy it that your memory is that shot. YOU TOLD ALL OF US you have had an abortion!!!
I didn't feel I had to at the time so I said nothing, at least not until I read the horrible post that CF first wrote about me
Oh yes, big, bad, CF is the ONLY person in the whole world who dislikes you.

Has it ever occurred to you that posters in general on a right-wing pro-Jewish and pro-white-equality message board wouldn't take kindly to a militant black poster?
because I disagreed with him on something OTHER THAN ABORTION.
Correction, you disagree with pretty much the entirety of JTF on ALL issues.

He came in and tried to rip me to shredds because he didn't like that I didn't kiss his arse.
And believe me, I wouldn't want your camel dung-encrusted lips coming
near my arse.

Seriously, though, the word is "shreds". You might want to invest in spellcheck.

When I PM'ed him and told him off about how disrespectful he was, he told Yacov that I was harassing him, THEN Yacov sent me a PM telling me to "stop Harrassing Chaim Fan or else". My only crime was defending myself against someone who hates me.
You always thought I was an awful bigot. How the hell do you think I'm gonna treat you in that case?
I think that information like that should be left up to the person to give out on different sites. It was perfectly fine because we were in the YOUTUBE community when I commented on my abortion, to take it to abortion-related videos and bash me there...fine...but to bring it to another site, when I didn't say it was okay to tell people, who didn't know me (internet-wise) is disrespectful. If CF had said something that was topic related on another forum, I wouldn't have dared to bring it to another forum in an effort to embarrass him. As much as I dislike him, even he deserves that much respect.
Save the sob stories for your soul brothas/soul sistahs in the 'jects.
What you conveniently omit to the newer JTF posters who are reading your snake oil right here is that you started a Youtube series called "Ask A Black Person" in order to imitate and mock Chaim after he answered all of your Ask JTF questions (and btw, he was extremely polite in doing so)
in a way you didn't like. I myself have dialup and was unable to view your "Ask A Black Person" shows (not that you could have paid me to do so even if I could), and therefore that is how you all can know for a fact that I did NOT learn of Erica's abortion on Youtube.
So I'll take my lumps and accept that I did put it out in YOUTUBE land, but I didn't bring it here. It wasn't up for discussion here. CF only brought it here to embarrass me and demonize me.
You have about as much remaining credibility here as I do sympathy for you.