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Offline Southern Noachide

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My "nagnum opus"--take 2!
« on: November 08, 2012, 02:06:40 PM »
Well, here's my second attempt at a "magnum opus."  Unfortunately, I doubt it will be as articulate as the first (lost) attempt, as clumsy as that effort was.  Oh well.  Here goes nothin'.

Now that the disaster is behind us we are all wondering how we can fix this mess.  My opinion is that the United States as it once existed is gone forever.  And in fact, there were certain flaws built into it from the beginning that made our current situation possible, if not inevitable.  Therefore appeals to restoring the “pristine republic” are in vain and fall far short of the mark we need to aim for.  Something much more radical is called for...and I don't mean one of the usual radical solutions so many on the Right are constantly calling for.  In fact, a good deal of those folks will oppose what I am suggesting because their own ideology and beliefs contain similar flaws to those built into the country, and into our now crumbling civilization.

I am a Noachide.  Most people who have even heard of this word have only an extremely shallow idea of what it really means—even many Orthodox Jews, I am afraid.  Noachism is not a path one chooses in order to express his individuality or “otherness.”  It isn't a way to “do one's own thing.”  The fact is that the Laws of Noach are not something one chooses at one's own discretion.  They are obligatory—every bit as obligatory on non-Jews as Torat Mosheh is to Jews.  And they are obligatory on ALL non-Jews at ALL times, just as Torat Mosheh is for Jews.  The Halakhic structure does not at this time exist to enforce these laws (and may not until the coming of Mashiach), but they are still obligatory and still in effect.  The absence of a lawful human enforcing authority does not abrogate them in the slightest, any more than a chayyav miytah ceases to be a chayyav miytah because sentence cannot lawfully be carried out.  This must be held in mind through all I am about to suggest.

American Jewish conservatives quite understandably (and kindly) ally themselves with conservative Xians and encourage them in their attempt to “take back the country” because the country, once “taken back,” will be better for Jews.  I believe this is a fundamental error.  To put it bluntly, Xianity is not the answer to our current dilemma but is in fact one of the primary factors in how it came about.  Even if the “old republic” were to be restored (which I don't think is possible at this late date), eventually the same morass would develop all over again.  This is because the United States (for all its secular, deistic components) is, like “western civilization” itself, largely a product of Xianity, and Xianity is a false religion and objectively forbidden to non-Jews (just as all other false religions).  It is not HaShem's will that non-Jews be Xians.  Xianity is inadequate.  And Xianity, in ALL its forms, has failed miserably.

If there were every any doubt about the truth of this last statement, simply look at the two primary opponents in our current culture war: rural Southern white Protestants and Black Protestants (whose roots are also in the rural South).  They are theoretically co-religionists.  They theoretically pray to the same “gxd” and go by the same King James Protestant bible.  Yet they are, always have been, and perhaps always will be implacable foes.  White Xian hostility to Black Xians transcends modern liberalism.  The Black Xians who were being lynched and terrorized a hundred years ago were not left wing egghead intellectuals or Maoist pedagogues.  They were ignorant, superstitious Bible-thumpers (you know, like today's “rednecks” are by liberal standards).  And the current hatred of Black Xians for white Xians passes all comprehension.  The depth of it will never be plumbed.  For all their Bible-thumping, Black Xians had rather be governed by atheists and sex perverts of every description rather than their great historical enemy, their white co-religionists.  And for all their opposition to Darwin, white Xians still sometimes wonder if Black Xians are even human or a “missing link.”

Any religion that cannot unite its adherents, and whose adherents are such implacable, eternal enemies, has failed.  There was something wrong with it from the beginning.  And it cannot be fixed.

But what many Jews may not realize is this mutual hatred between Xians of different ethnicities is not a modern phenomenon nor is it confined to Black and white American Protestants.  Long before there was a white church and a Black church, there were the Latins and the Greeks (and the Copts, and the Syrians, and the Ethiopians, and the Armenians, and the Jacobites, and the Chaldaeans, and the Assyrians).  Long before every town in the American South had one “First Baptist Church” for whites and another for Blacks, there was a separate patriarch in each city for the Latin Church, the Greek Church, the Coptic Church, etc.  Indeed, even the theological differences of the various churches are often ethnically based.  Greeks, Slavs, and Romanians reject every church council after the first seven.  Syrians, Copts, Ethiopians, Armenians, and the “St. Thomas” Xians of India reject all but the first three.  The Assyrians and Chaldaeans of India reject all but the first two.  And just as with the Black and white Protestants of the United States, the mutual hostility among these various Xian groups has sometimes been the furthest thing from merely theoretical.

How many Jews know about the sack of Constantinople (the capital of Greek Xendom) by the Latins in the year 1204 CE?  What happened there was far worse than anything Black and white American Protestants have ever done to each other.  And after eight hundred years the Greeks have still not forgiven the Latins for this.  Is it any wonder that Black Xians will not forgive white Xians for slavery that ended a century and a half ago when the Greeks still will not forgive the Latins for something that happened eight hundred years ago?  Is it???  Afterward one of the Greek Xian leaders said he would rather see the Turkish turban than the Latin mitre ruling in Constantinople (which is what they got).  Is it any wonder that Black Xians prefer moslems, G-dless Communists, and homosexuals to their white “co-religionists” or that white Xians had rather be governed by white deist “constitutionalists” than Black “fundamentalists?”

How many Jews are aware of the fact that the various ancient church groups who have custody of the “holy sepulchre” (chas vechalilah!) actually often physically FIGHT with each other?

What we are dealing with here is a problem that goes much deeper than the historical American situation.  And THIS is the religion that is going to save civilization?  THIS is the religion that is going to heal all our wounds?  The religion of “Rev.” Al Sharpton is going to make America moral again???

I will now attempt to give my analysis of this deep and irreparable flaw in every form of Xianity.

Xianity's great flaw is its greatest boast: the “incarnation.”  If G-d became man (chas vechalilah!), then this naturally raises the question, “what sort of man did he become?”  The official answer, of course, is that he became a Jew in 'Eretz Yisra'el in the first century of the common era.  But the ACTUAL answer is that for each and every traditionally Xian ethnic group and nation under the sun, G-d became one of THEM.

Think about this for just a moment.  While theoretically the Xian church “replaced” Israel (chas vechalilah!), the concrete reality is that each and every traditionally Xian nation became the new “chosen people” and each and every traditionally Xian country became the new “holy land.”  Armenia, the “first Xian nation,” is an excellent example of this pseudo-Israelism.  During my own spiritual search (for objective Truth, not “personal fulfillment”) I attended Armenian churches.  The Armenian church is an ethnic church par excellence.  They do not missionize.  They do not convert.  They simply reproduce.  The Armenian Church and the Armenian Nation are identical.  They are the “holy nation.”  They even claim that Yushqa came down to Armenia and struck the earth with a hammer where he wanted Armenia's first Xian cathedral to be built.   And this example can be repeated for each ancient Xian group.

I have seen a Greek Orthodox Xian argue that the Greeks are the Xian people par excellence because the “new testament” was written in Greek and Greek is the original language of Xian theology.  In fact, Xian theology cannot be translated out of Greek.  Only Greeks can understand it.  The Latins on the other hand claim that the Latin language is so holy that even “the devil” hates it.  Likewise the Spanish claim to have a special understanding of Xianity that no one else has, the Irish are the unique “island of saints and scholars” that “saved western civilization,” the Copts see a prediction of Xian Egypt in the so-called “Tanach,” the Syrians speak “the language of Yushqa,” and, perhaps most spectacularly, the Ethiopians were governed by the Solomonic dynasty and have the Ark of the Covenant!

Is anyone beginning to see a pattern here?

The attitude of the American Protestant churches is merely a continuation of this same pattern.  For all their sincerity and love of the Jewish People (a love I know well, as it helped to lead me to Noachism), America's white Protestant churches actually worship an “American patriot” Yushqa who wears a three-cornered hat, waves a “don't tread on me” flag, and is against “big, obtrusive government.”  And of course America is the special, unique, holy country selected by G-d in which to revive the true, uncorrupted Xianity—which just coincidentally happens to be Anglo-American low church Protestantism (this is why the King James Version is “the only bible G-d ever wrote”).  Who knows?  Maybe the thirteen original colonies were the Restored Tribes of Israel (counting both tribes of Joseph as well as the tribe of Levi).

Is it any wonder that the American Black church believes that Yushqa was “one of them?”  That they are the “true Israelites” (despite simultaneously being the “true Egyptians”)?  That their “brethren” are not white co-religionists but rather people with the same skin color?  That their ministers are ethnarchs rather than theologians?

Is anyone beginning to see a pattern here?  This religion simply will never unite all its adherents against ANYTHING because they are divided against themselves.  And unlike liberal Judaism, which is a result of corruption from without (from `Amaleq), these flaws of Xianity are BUILT IN.  Xianity CANNOT save America for the simple reason that the people America needs saving from are Xians themselves!

I wish to also point out that it is this radical localism and rejection of objective universals that is at the heart of so much traditional Xian anti-Semitism.  True—theoretically and officially the reason is that the Jews reject Xianity.  But please notice this: anti-Semites almost never attack Jews for undermining universal moral norms...they attack them for undermining LOCAL CUSTOM.  Jews are never so much anti-Xian as they are anti-French, anti-Romanian, anti-German, anti-English, anti-Polish, anti-whatever.  Xian anti-Semites tend to deify their own countries and ethnic groups.  A good example of this attitude is one of the most virulent anti-Jewish groups in history, the accursed Romanian Iron Guard (may their name rot!).  Their founder-leader Codreanu (yimach shemo vezikhro!) idealized not so much Xianity as a whole, but ROMANIA.  THIS is what Jews subverted—not so much objective universal Xianity, but the sacred soil of Romania and her holy chosen race of sons and daughters.  Xianity is so prone to this attitude precisely because of its incarnationism.  Despite its theoretical universal validity, ultimately all Xianity (like all politics) is local; Xians worship not so much an objective Yushqa as a local one.

Under the guise of monotheism, Xianity is a return to the concept of the local “gxds” and “gxddesses” (“the virgin is the only queen of Poland!”).  It is a SUBVERSION of true monotheism.  Yes, the trinitarianism is bad enough, but it is this incarnational tendency (of which it is so proud) that makes it vulnerable to degenerating into a national or local blood cult.

This is one reason that anti-Semites who aren't Xians get along with it so well.  The real concept that unites the “extreme right” anti-Semites is the rejection of all universals.  The neo-Nazi “third position” people dream of a “planet of peoples” in which each nation lives in its own homeland worshiping its own “gxds” and with its own equally valid worldview.  This is the ultimate cause of the virulent hatred of Judaism—and especially of Jewish NATIONALISM—by so many “nationalists.”  And with Xianity, despite its universalist pretensions, they are well on the way there.   This also explains their hatred of classical Marxism and their insistence that bolshevism is “Jewish.”  The only thing that was ever remotely “Jewish” about bolshevism was its insistence that all traditional local beliefs be wiped away by an objective, universal, “scientific” reality.  And the Left dropped this universalism long ago, opting instead to become the Nazism of the non-whites—trading the world proletariat for the “indigenous peoples” and absolute atheism for the mysticism of the local “indigenous” cults.  And is it a coincidence that the Left stopped being a “champion of the Jews” (which it never really was) about the same time that it exchanged its original universalism for the mystical Third World nationalism it has become?

There is a reason Israel was elected by G-d.  Most people think it was to serve as a passive, quietistic “light unto the nations” that would leave their false religions unmolested but inspire them to mix their own religions with “universal Jewish values” (whatever that might mean).  But Jews don't have “values”--they have MITZVOT.  Israel was elected for a very specific purpose—to serve as a sure, certain marker of the One True G-d as an alternative to the localism of a “planet of peoples.”  Is it not telling that EVERYONE agrees that Judaism was the One True Religion at one time—only it no longer is?  And is it not equally telling that NO ONE can agree on which religion allegedly “took its place” (G-d forbid)?

Is it not interesting that “nationalists” regard their ultimate enemy to be Jewish nationalism?  Jewish nationalism alone is poison to them.  Poland and Romania and Japan and the Philippines may all coexist and none of their false beliefs is threatened.  But the prospect of a Jewish State in 'Eretz Yisra'el fills them all with dread.  Nationalists universally insist that Zionism is a plot to rule the world.  Every religion, every nationality, ever culture has people convinced that “Zionism” simply means “the new world order.”  The idea of a Jewish version of (for example) Irish Republicanism is inconceivable to them.  Apparently Jews cannot have a state of their own without ruling the world!  Is there any other nation on earth, in all human history, that is either exiled and stateless or else ruling the world??? 

The G-d of Israel is what every human being is hungering for, because it was the G-d of Israel that created every human being.  The universe was derived from the Torah—the Torah of Israel.  The universe was constructed from the 'Alef -Beit—the 'Alef-Beit of the Holy Tongue that is still the sacred liturgical language of the Jews and only the Jews.  What is Latin compared to this?  Or Armenian?  Or Greek?  Or “the language of Yushqa”?  This is SURE.  This is CERTAIN.  This is SAFE.

EVERY conventional solution to the moral dilemma of the world is destined to end in failure because they are all false—each and every one of them.  Enough with the “traditional conservatism.”  Enough with restoring the “original intent” of the US Constitution.  Enough with blaming everything in the world on the fact that America isn't  lily white (it never has been).  Enough with the intentionally shocking rhetoric about “sub-human Third Worlders.”  This is all garbage.  Jews: bring the world to HaShem—now!  Not a mongrelized, Hebrew-speaking, tallit-wearing “messianic” “completed Jew” of the Fundamentalist Xian imagination, but the REAL THING.  The Laws of Noach are objectively binding on each and every single non-Jew who has ever lived from 'Adam HaRi'shon down to today and into forever.  “Religious freedom” is a nice tool to use when defending the practice of Judaism with enlightenment liberals, but it isn't an internal part of the Jewish worldview (how many “museums of tolerance” did Yehoshu`a establish after conquering Israel?).  It's fine and dandy to talk about outlawing abortion on demand or homosexuality, but the first commandment to both Jew and non-Jew is the prohibition of worshiping any other G-d than HaShem, whether this commandment is Halakhically enforceable or not.  G-d's true religion is not an “offer of salvation” but STATUTORY.  It binds ALL people equally and would solve the ethno-religious conflicts of the world as well as G-dless liberalism.  There is no need to fear someone of a different skin color if he knows he is bound by the Laws of Noach.  The acknowledgement of the JEWISH G-D in JEWISH TERMS assures that one is following the Truth.  Nothing else works.

And finally, as much as I love my own “redneck” people, their religion is a mirage.  Protestantism isn't even an authentic historical version of Xianity (it was created only five hundred years ago).  My poor people not only subscribe to a false religion, but a version that isn't even historically valid.  Yes, their Biblicism leads them to sincerely love the Jewish People, but would they (and Jews) not be better off if they were Noachides?  Can you imagine having these fine, sincere, true friends on your side without ever having to worry about any hidden agendas?  Can you?

“Rednecks” believe in G-d because their bible tells them to.  Jews believe in their TaNa”KH because G-D commanded them to.  Mohammed claimed he spoke with G-d and Yushqa claimed to BE G-d (chas vechalilah!), but at Sinai G-D SPOKE FOR HIMSELF.  This is the central event of human history and the bedrock by which all things should be judged.  Nothing short of this will change the direction in which our country and our world are going.  Fighting “those awful Blacks” or restoring “the west” or “the Constitution” or “white Xian America” or "saving religious freedom from islam" are ILLUSIONS.  Knowing this, why would anyone settle for anything less?

Jews...if you truly love and appreciate your Xian supporters, then do them (and yourselves) the greatest favor you could ever do: TELL THEM THE TRUTH!!!

My apologies for any clumsiness of wording or mistypes.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: My "nagnum opus"--take 2!
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2012, 02:50:16 PM »
I think it is better you tell your people "the truth". As a Jew I want you gentiles to leave me alone and let me live in peace in my own home land. We don't have living prophets anymore who perhaps could undertake the task of speaking to the gentiles. On the other hand Jews are assimilating, converting and dying off en mass everywhere but in Israel. We should first try to preserve ourselves before we start preaching the truth to gentiles.

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Re: My "nagnum opus"--take 2!
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2012, 04:07:16 PM »
@Southern Noachide,

Although this is a Jewish forum, we have many very supportive Christian members, many of who have been with us from the very beginning.  So, while the Jews here will always be Jews, we welcome the support of sincere Christians.  We also have a few Hindu members.  Anyone is welcome here as long as they don't missionize. 

Anyway, if you are happy being a Noachide, good for you!  But I don't want the non-Jewish members here to feel unwelcome. 

The fact is, we Jews are a crazy bunch (as a whole).  Most average American Jews think JTF is too "extreme."  So I personally don't care to go around telling the Christians that their religion is wrong.   As long as no one missionizes here, I don't care. 

Finally, I have another quibble with your posts. 

Most Jews HAVE NOT and will never ally themselves with conservative Christians.  Despite the fact that many of them are self hating Reformed Jews, they have a horror of conservative Christians.  Notice how Obama got 70% of the Jewish vote for this second term?  Notice how many Jews ally themselves with other anti-Semitic left wing minorities? 

Offline Southern Noachide

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Re: My "nagnum opus"--take 2!
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2012, 06:02:41 PM »
Well...I tried.

Thanks for hearing me out.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: My "nagnum opus"--take 2!
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2012, 07:16:19 PM »
I'm a Noachide as well, but I love my Christian brothers and sisters. Their was a reason that Christianity exists, G-d does not create something for no reason! You and I may disagree with what Christians believe, but I do not believe that G-d will punish a righteous Christian for following his laws the way that they were taught. If they are wrong, it is not their fault, so I believe that he will have mercy upon them. He is a merciful G-d! Also, I'm not quite sure you know who founded this country.
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Southern Noachide

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Re: My "nagnum opus"--take 2!
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2012, 11:57:15 PM »
I just noticed I misspelled the title of this thread.  Though perhaps the term "nagnum opus" is apropos.

I'm a Noachide as well, but I love my Christian brothers and sisters. Their was a reason that Christianity exists, G-d does not create something for no reason! You and I may disagree with what Christians believe, but I do not believe that G-d will punish a righteous Christian for following his laws the way that they were taught. If they are wrong, it is not their fault, so I believe that he will have mercy upon them. He is a merciful G-d! Also, I'm not quite sure you know who founded this country.

We're not talking about what happens to people after they die.  We're talking about defeating evil with the Truth.

It doesn't matter who founded this country.  All that matters is who created the universe.  If you believe there's a different "true religion" for every country (based on who founded it) then you are yourself contaminated with the henotheistic "planet of peoples" concept.

I have devoted years to defending Fundamentalist Protestants from their enemies.  I love them so much that I want them to leave falsehood behind for the Truth.  Don't you think we'd all be better off if all mankind acknowledged the laws of G-d?

There are two Halakhic opinions on Xianity: one that it is idolatrous; another that it is not, but that it is nevertheless a philosophical error in need of correction.  Xianity exists within the Providence of G-d, but so does everything else.  That doesn't make it right.

Obviously I have failed again.

Thank you all again for hearing me out.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: My "nagnum opus"--take 2!
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2012, 08:20:53 PM »
You give up way to easy!
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: My "nagnum opus"--take 2!
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2012, 03:06:53 AM »
You have failed because you are too sure of yourself and wouldn't listen to anyone who think differently. With your attitude, you will always fail even if you happened to be standing on the exact spot of absolute truth.