Has anyone else observed this particular misconception..... or lie, amongst liberals?
Anyone who is poor, has a disease, unsuccessful, downtrodden, etc. is by default a noble person. Thus being noble, they must be correct and / or a victim. And, according to the same liberals if someone is a victim it must be a result of conservatism, capitalism, greed, white men, etc. Taken a step further, anyone who is stronger, successful, or winning must therefore be a bully.
This logic works very well for liberals given that they are inherent losers.... or should I say lOOsers?
This twisted logic also plays well in portraying "palestinians" as victims.... no matter who the aggressor is, they are losers and according to liberal logic must be victims..... noble..... in the right (correct, not right leaning).
One more thing.... using this same twisted thought process you can understand why John Kerry was/is a possibility for defense secretary after losing presidential run..... Howard Dean was DNC head after losing presidential bid.... Al Gore was a liberal guru and green god after losing to Bush.... Debbie Wasserman "Shanda" Schultz is new DNC head.... she is a loser all the way around, no need to elaborate.
shanda.... an abomination.... a shame.....

This photo WAS altered, I admit.... however, it looked even worse before the alteration!!
Is it coincidence that abomination sound VERY much like obama nation? Is this possibly a revelation or sign from God? Ha Ha!