Sometimes it's better for a 34 yr old woman at that work.Ithink she looks at it as protecting her younger brothers or sons
Well it seems pretty hypocritical to kill a bunch of kids in Afghanistan and other places overseas and then for the same federal government to have Obama out there fake crying about the kids here at home of the same ages. And I don't want to hear this stuff from other JTFers about how those are kids of Muslims, etc. When you start to dehumanize people then you go down a bad road. I think a lot of times at JTF we've been too prone to do that and I include myself along with that. I've been thinking a lot about all this the past few days and how it's really not right to say that a kid in the USA has a life that's worth more than a kid in a foreign country. And if the USA is murdering people with drones like that then it makes me wonder why we think that the government won't turn on us too if they feel the need for it. Remember that certain elements of the Obama administration consider conservatives, tea partiers, pro lifers, NRA members, etc. to be potential domestic terrorists.