Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Why Is Montenegro Becoming Independent?

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Does Montenegro mean 'mountain of negroes' in serb? If so you could just call it New Orleans.

The NON-SERB are Albanians who migrated to the region and like ALL Muslims they want to become an independent and claim the land as Muslim Land.


--- Quote from: Danstx19 on July 10, 2007, 10:43:54 PM ---The NON-SERB are Albanians who migrated to the region and like ALL Muslims they want to become an independent and claim the land as Muslim Land.

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I hope you Serbs do the biggest 'job' of all time on them.

Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
The biggest missunderstanding is that everyone thinks that "the albanians are a majority in Kosovo" but actually they are a MINORITY in Serbia since KOSOVO is in Serbia:P


--- Quote from: Serbian Cetnik on July 11, 2007, 09:18:47 AM ---The biggest missunderstanding is that everyone thinks that "the albanians are a majority in Kosovo" but actually they are a MINORITY in Serbia since KOSOVO is in Serbia:P

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Muslim animals belong in turkey


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