Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Why Is Montenegro Becoming Independent?
Monte Negro is Serb land, isn't it Husar? Why are there majority ALBANAZIS their?
Save Monte Negro from this Nazi USTAHIPTARism!
--- Quote from: JTFFan on November 27, 2007, 04:29:07 AM ---Monte Negro is Serb land, isn't it Husar? Why are there majority ALBANAZIS their?
Save Monte Negro from this Nazi USTAHIPTARism!
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It was Serbian, JTFfan.
Now, they can have as MUCH ALBANAZIS as they want,
since they didn't declare "independance" from ALBANAZIS,
I'm not the one to whom anybody has to explain the Serbdom of Crna Gora,
it has to be explained to mount neggers, because, OBVIOUSLY, they forgot it....
How can you save someone who doesn't wishes to be saved ?...
They're happy when NOTHING SERBIAN is mentionned concerning them....
even when WE know what they ARE.
So, let them DAMN themselves.
My own family has its Roots in Crna Gora.
Serbs is the Name of our Race, of our Kind.
They don't agree with this simple FACT:
let them be devoured by their ALBANAZI/USTASHA brothers !!!
This section is "Save Serbia",
not mount negger.
Best regards to you, JTFfan.
--- Quote from: JTFFan on November 27, 2007, 04:29:07 AM ---Monte Negro is Serb land, isn't it Husar? Why are there majority ALBANAZIS their?
Save Monte Negro from this Nazi USTAHIPTARism!
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You have apsolutly right my frend, like I sey Montenegro was bastion agains Turks and Islam !!! In past we retrived from Kosovo to Montenegro to fight from there !!! We was leed by dinasty of PETROVICI, they was awere by coment past whit Serbia that WE ARE SAME PEOPLE, they even were hat with this words CCCC !!! He love Serbia like His own mather !!! Hi write even poem for this !!! You can visite this
web page !!! YOU can whach also this video
It say Montenigrian for you couse and serbian milk !!!
For others to now in Montenegro has 2 fractions :
1)witness, ( who suport Our SERBIAN KING from KARADJORDJEVICI) and
2)greenness, ( who suport montenigrian danasty Petrovici ) !!!
Today Montenigrian who is in power is suport by second fracton, but they not have bless by montenigrian dinasty, they are part somme coalitian whit Croatian and Albianian !!! They are scum !!! Lke OUR FREND SAY WE LOVE SERBIA and MONTENEGRO, becouse OUR GLORAS PAST IS FROM THERE !!! So if you atack this SCUM please do not conect whit Montenigrean, call them NAZI MONTENEGRIAN, GREENSS and other but not Montenigrian, they not deserve to call them like that they are SCUM !!! OINLY UNEDUCADED SERB DO NOT NOW THIS !!! CCCC !!! Long live this : !!!
You are right but the greans you spoke of are alsaw Serbs!And i respect them alsaw!
--- Quote from: PavleDjurisic on November 27, 2007, 04:28:52 PM ---You are right but the greans you spoke of are alsaw Serbs!And i respect them alsaw!
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Diference beatvin them are this in 1918, when is establish Jugoslav Kindom, They fight for troon but Karadjordjevici WON, but in 1941 Itali were was King Nikola Petrovic suport them to restablish him in troon in Montenegro, so samme greens join fashist. It is this trout brather ?
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