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See mercury vapor coming out of dental fillings

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--- Quote from: jdl4ever on October 22, 2006, 01:33:36 PM ---The mercury in vaccine thing has been disproven by several credible studies and it has been removed anyways since parents were getting pissed off over it (good idea to remove it if you have other preservatives).  As for the flouride thing, you have alerted me to many recent studies on flouride being bad for you and I have found some credible studies on this issue.  For your own beneft, search for scientific artices, since they only list credible published peer reviewed studies unlike the internet which has many fake studies.  Anyways, I searched pubmed and found some interesting recent studies supporting your viewpoint so I will do more recearch in the future.  I also have to research how much flouride is actually in our tap water since many of these studies focus on population groups recieving the highest levels of flouride in their tap water & one study found only high lvls of florine affect kidney function but intermediate lvls don't have any effect.   Well, I'll post again when I read all the articles. 

--- End quote ---
I happen to be one of the many people who work maintaining the PubMed system (it's part of the National Library of Medicine - NIH).  I work on the IT, non-medical aspects of the system, and I gotta tell ya, even though this system (which is now being distributed to several other nations and will form one giant international bio-medicine information network) has a lot of useful material, I can't believe the amount of crap that passes for medical "science".  People will publish almost anything these days...  BTW, we're starting to expand and improve our handling of e-books, and I expect that in a few months our e-book library will be as robust as UT-Austin's

Cool that you work for them.  Just bec. something is published does not mean it is credible.  It depends on what type of study it is (For exampe: cohort, retrospective, prosepective), how many people were in it, if it was double blind, if it had a control group etc.  For example, some preliminary stuides would say that A might be beneficial since compared to the control it helped by like 0.1% but the error is +/- 0.1 % so the study really didn't prove anything.   


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