I don't have much time to respond, but let me say this.. The modern-day Lutheran church is one of the most Anti-Israel (and may I say Anti-Semitic) churches in the world today. They are the most devout followers of Replacement Theology which was an important part of Martin Luther's ideology. I have many Christian friends and I respect Christians greatly. Maybe, some will think I am crazy, but I actually respected the previous Pope John Paul, as well I respect pastors like John Hagee and other evangelicals who support Israel. I grew up around Christians and I learned the churches that were pro-Israel and anti-Israel and a lot of it had to do with their denomination, although there was a few churches that had their own individual views that diverted from their denomination.
I will say I have no Lutheran friends. I've called many churces in the past to learn about their ideologies and views of Jewish people and Israel. Most Lutheran priests I have talked to have expressed vehemently anti-Israel views and have more respect for Palestinians/Arabs. Is this to say they are all like that? No. I have met a few Lutherans who actually support Israel. However, the consensus is very cut and dry, a majority of Lutherans do follow Luther's theology and have knowledge of Luther's deep hatred of Jewish people. Most Lutherans do believe that JEws are the murderers of their god.
I am sad to say that. IF anyone doesn't believe me I encourage you to call the various Lutheran churches and talk to a pastor/priest and many times you will get them on the phone and they will explain their beliefs. If anyone has experience dealing with these people, it is me. I also did humanitarian work with churches in the past and got to know people in Christain communities.
Yes, I will say this, Martin Luther , is probably the worst Jew hater on the Earth, next to Satan himself. Martin LUther is the father of the Holocaust. His writings are open for all to see. He claimed we JEws are the sons of pigs and devils and that we are the scum of the Earth. He called on his followers to burn all the synagogues, which they did, leaving very few, if any, synagogues left standing in Germany during his reign of power. Between Luther and Wagner, these two men helped shaped Hitler's ideologies, as well as the German/Austrian populace, more than any other people in history. Many people mistake Hitler's beliefs in Nordic mythology as the source of his Jew-hatred. TOTALLY FALSE! Nordic mythology actually had very bigotry associated with it. The pagan Nordic religions actually were much more tolerant and had some noble aspects (if I am allowed to even say that). However, Hitler morphed his twisted view of Lutheranism and mixed it with Nordic and Hindu theology. The Swastika is actually a peace symbol, which Hitler also decided to mutate into his warped view of Aryan purity.