Author Topic: More from Mr. Giulio Meotti..Why doesnt Europe help European countries  (Read 421 times)

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Op-Ed: "Exposé: How Much Does the War On Israel Cost Europe?
Published: Monday, January 28, 2013 10:05 AM
The EU has become the largest single donor to the Palestinians, contributing about €500 million ($720 million).Europe also channels an ocean of money to the anti-Israel NGOs. And don't forget the textbooks.

Giulio Meotti
The writer, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and Commentary. He is at work on a book about the Vatican and Israel.
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Over the past year, the Coordination Forum for Countering Anti-Semitism monitored incidents worldwide. In 2012, 6 oof the 10 worst anti-Semithic attacks took place in Europe (the rest are shared among Iran, Yemen and United States).

Even more frightening are the new statystics about the popular feelings about the Jewish people in Europe.

Amid the rise in hate crimes in France, the World Zionist Organization calculated the level of anti-Semitism among French citizens. The survey revealed that more than 40% of the French population holds anti-Semitic beliefs. The survey also found that 47% of the population believes that "French Jews are more loyal to Israel than the country where they live."

The Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project found that 46% of Spanish residents held an unfavorable view of Jews. Meanwhile, 47% of Germans are of the opinion that “Israel is exterminating the Palestinians,” according to a poll undertaken by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, affiliated with the German Social Democratic Party.

44 % of Italians are prejudiced or hostile toward Jews, according to a study recently issued by the Italian Chamber of Deputies’s Committee.

You can find the same trend all over Europe. Half of the population holds deep anti-Jewish feelings.

Britain has just included Israel on a list of 28 countries whose human rights record is of "concern" to the government. It's the same Britain that in 1989 refused to sell gas masks to Israel because they could be used for "offensive purposes". In 1991 a subsidiary of Thames Water Plc., the British company that supplies water and sewage services to most of London, refused to do business with Israel because it has "many and valued Arab clients".

How much is Europe investing in Israel's destruction? By financing the Palestinian war and sponsoring the Arab rejectionist anti-Semitism, Europe is reawakening the centuries-old beast of Judeophobic bigotry. European taxes are used to fund anti-Semitism of an intensity unseen since Nazi Germany.

The European Union just announced a contribution of EUR 14 million for a programme in Gaza. Most of this aid goes through UNRWA.

Many terrorists work for the UN agency,  such as Issa al Batran, who was in charge of Hamas rockets production and was also employed as a teacher in the UN schools. Or the UN Gaza’s schoolmaster, Awad al Qiq, who was the Islamic Jihad “rocket-maker”.

Food storage facilities in UNRWA's areas, funded by the European Union, have become munitions depots. UNRWA's employees transported weapons and terrorists by the agency ambulances.

Hamas interior minister, Said Sayyam, was also a math teacher for UNRWA. The schools administered by the UN have become madrassa for the war against the Jews.

In Jenin, UNRWA schools displayed images of “martyrs” responsubile for dozens of Israelis killed in Hadera and Afula.

Despite all this evidence, for the period 2007-2013 a total of €29 million has been allocated by the European Union to UNRWA's programme.

Among the recipients in Nablus of the European aid just approved there is also Al-Najah University, which serves Palestinian terror organizations as a stage for promoting their commitment to armed struggle. Many of Hamas' leaders in Nablus, including leaders of the Az Adin al-Qassam terrorist wing, began their involvement in the movement while students or professors at the university. The faculty also served as a recruitment center for suicide bombers. Brussels just approved for Nablus a 4-year programme with 4 million €.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority and the European Union recently met in Ramallah to discuss foreign aid in the next five years. The European Union just allocated €60 million to "support the Palestinian National Development Plan by helping the PA to finance its budget deficit and implement its reform agenda". This fund perpetuates the chronic Arab corruption.

In 1998 $20 million in European Union aid that was intended to provide "cheap housing for Palestinians" was used to finance luxury apartments for rich supporters of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat.

The European Union also just made a contribution of €7.2 million to the payment of the December salaries and pensions of "83,800 Palestinian civil servants and pensioners in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip".

The Palestinian Authority routinely authorizes payments to the families of "martyrs" by using Europe's aid. The Palestinian Authority has introduced a new law which pays the families of suicide bombers out of its civil service budget.

In 2011, the European Union allocated €145 million for the Palestinian Authority's expenditures, €35 million for "institution building projects" and €22 million for support to public infrastructure. A further 11 million were allocated for the "private sector" and €8 million for "East Jerusalem initiatives", which means charging Israel of “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” and creating a “model of terrorising a civilian population".

Europe's goal is to make Israel surrender Area C in Judea and Samaria, because as John Gatt-Rutter, the European Union Representative in Jerusalem said, there is "no viable Palestinian state without area C". Translated: Judea and Samaria must be "Judenrein", cleansed of any Jew.

From 1994 to 2011, the EU donated €4.26 billion to the Palestinian Authority through various channels – and this figure does not take into account individual EU states’ donations to the PA. The EU has become the largest single donor to the Palestinians, contributing about €500 million ($720 million).

Europe also channels an ocean of money to the anti-Israel NGOs.

The Dutch government, for example, grants millions of euros to organizations such as Kerk in Aktie and the Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation, which support a “general boycott” of Israeli products as per the policy of the Protestant Church of the Netherlands. The Interchurch Organization received money from the European Union (€5.3 million).

Diakonia, Sweden’s largest humanitarian NGO founded by five Swedish churches, financed programs “to commemorate the Nakba,” the Palestinian term for “catastrophe” which indicates Israel’s foundation in 1948.

The UK’s Christian Aid and Finland’s FinnChurchAid received millions from the EU to propagate the worst anti-Israel lies, including starving, torture, dispossession and siege.

Europe is also channeling millions of euros to leftist NGOs. These are just some of them: Addameer (207.000 $ from Sweden), Al Haq (426.000 $ from Holland, 88.000 $ from bailout-needing Ireland and 156.000 $ from Norway), Al Mezan (105.000 $ from Sweden), Applied Research Institute (374.000 $ from the European Union and 98.000$ from bankrupt Spain), Coalition of Women for Peace (247.000 $ from the European Union) and Troicare (2.000.000 $ from the European Union and 640.000 $ from UK).

These NGOs are so ambigous that the IDF just launched a raid in their offices in Ramallah.

There is a fourth way Europe funds Palestinian terrorism and anti-Semitism: school textbooks and television channels. This is a kind of “software” of the holy war against the Jews.

The textbooks funded by the European Union call for Jihad: “Palestine” is shown to encompass all the Jewish State, Judaism’s most holy sites (such as the Temple Mount) have been erased, the Jews are demonized and Arab “martyrdom” is praised.

In these texts, Jews are described as “cunning,” “locusts” and “wild animals.”

European Union officials just met with the Palestinians in Ramallah, Nablus and Hevron. And the EU allocated €5,000,000 for "a cultural programme".

EuroMed Heritage is a €17 million EU-funded programme, "which contributes to the exchange of experiences on cultural heritage, creates networks and promotes cooperation with the Mediterranean Partner Countries". Among these networks is the Palestinian television, which glorifies suicide attacks, anti-Semitism and Jihad. A poem just read by hosts of program on PA TV funded by the EU incited to terrorism on airplanes.

Shakespeare’s Shylock and his pound of flesh have caused shudders to many generations of Jews. By financing Islamic anti-Semitism with €500 million per year, Europe is now asking Israel for a new pound of flesh.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Yehudayaakov

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Re: More from Mr. Giulio Meotti..Why doesnt Europe help European countries
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 07:42:06 AM »
Israel needs more guys like him and he is an ace writer.

Offline mord

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Re: More from Mr. Giulio Meotti..Why doesnt Europe help European countries
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 07:50:01 AM »
Israel needs more guys like him and he is an ace writer.
He's Italin not even an Italian Jew but you're right Israel does need writers like Mr.Meotti
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03