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Church of England wants more Muslims in its schools


New Church of England schools should offer at least a quarter of places to pupils from outside the Christian faith [read: Muslims], the government has been told.

The chairman of the Church's board of education, the Rt Rev Kenneth Stevenson, makes the pledge in a letter to Education Secretary Alan Johnson.

The Catholic church also said it would be more open about the proportion of non-faith groups within its schools.

Bishop Stevenson said other faith schools [read: Muslim-only schools] should not be made to do this.

In his letter Bishop Stevenson says: "They are themselves a sign of inclusion and their very existence promotes community cohesion, which would be further enhanced by the development of robust and effective educational links between schools of a different character."

The goyim want to commit suicide!  They want Islamic wolves set loose upon their innocent young children!  So let them!  These Christians are DEVILS!   :D

Innocent children such as me?

I'm a member of a "christian" school...


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