NEWSFLASH FEBRUARY 4, 2013 : Neo-Nazis parties Rally in Greece, 10s of Thousands of radical goose-stepping goons carrying Swastika-Like symbols shouting antisemitic slogans, disgusting the Jewish population...

Who would have believed it was possible for things like this to happen in this age. All the Holocaust education in the world, and all the monuments and museums make no difference at all. Because it is always convenient for the leaders of these people to blame the Jews for all the ills in their societies.
Jew hatred has a million excuses, but not one of them makes any sense when the light of day is shined upon it. How can so many people be swept up in this sort of distortion of reality. The Golden Dawn neo-Nazi political organization recently read from the proven forgery named 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' which purports to document the Jews desire to control the world by stealing from the Gentiles.
Some Greek Jews are attempting to fight back. According to numbers which I have seen there are only 5000 Jews in Greece, a very small minority of the Greek population. Yet they are still able to speak out against these Jew haters.
More about the 'Golden Dawn'
Greece is not alone in its nazi slide. I have been aware for a while about the 'Jobbik' party in Hungary whose platform seems to be similar in its Jew hatred and anti-immigrant policies. Jobbik blames Israel for all Jew hatred (which is ironic considering Hungarians hated Jews long before there was a modern state of Israel)...
So it seems that once again our famed mentor, Rabbi, and veritable prophet, the great Rabbi Kahane (May his memory be a blessing) was completely right when he told us that the Shoah could happen again. I did not start believing it until the last five years when the world economy took a beating. And as Rabbi Kahane said, all it will take is economic hardship and once again the Jewish people will be the 'whipping boy' for all the worlds ills.