The goyim are all agog (pun intended) that the "Panzer Pope" has suddenly resigned, thus making way for "the Last Pope" according to "the seers" Nostradamus (whose parents were Jewish) and Saint Malachy, referred to cryptically as "Petrus Romanus" - Peter The Roman. Interestingly one of the leading contenders for next pope is a negro bishop called Peter Turkson - possible the foretold feared "Black Pope"!

The kabbalists used to use the term the "Priest of On" - כהן אן (Breishis 46:20) as a codeword for the Pope.
Zohar Balak 212:
"On the 6th day, the 25th day of the 6th month, the star will appear. It will be gathered on the 7th day, at the end of 70 days. On the first day it will be seen in the city of Rome. On the same day, 3 supernal walls of that city of Rome will fall and a great heichal will fall. The ruler of that city will die. Then the star will spread out to be seen in the world. In that time strong wars among the goyim will awaken in the world on all 4 sides and emunah will not be found among them."
Several possibly very visible comets (stars?) are indeed due in 2013.