And we are a strange bunch for although we are right wing, we are not racists and although we are right wing we dont hate Jews. quite the opposite.
wayne from africancrisis
While I've not come across any direct racism yet on the hour I've spent on this forum I'd like to note that I've seen tons and tons and tons of vile, hateful indirect racism.
sand schvartzas
'programmed to eat and make babies'
'good news: graves desecrated'
+ a lot of generalization
I know you all hate them for what they do and not what they are and the generalization that spills out is just hatred ebbing over self control, it happens to me too, but uh... it's completely insane to say this forum is not racist. Generalizing people as 'sand [censored] programmed only to eat and [censored]' is one step away from 'coackroaches' which is the standard fare of real racist genocide material. Completely different but still quite bad.