Ape-like savage that polluted Newark's city hall for half
a century has been captured.
http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2007/07/whats_next_sharpe_james_heads.htmlWhat's next: Sharpe James heads into judicial process
by Ian T. Shearn and Michael A. Wattkis
Friday July 13, 2007, 4:50 AM
After years of FBI scrutiny, former Newark Mayor Sharpe James has entered the world of due process.
Charged Thursday in a 33-count indictment with steering discounted city land to a female travel companion and abusing his city credit cards for personal expenses, James, 71, could face more than seven years in prison if convicted.
The former mayor was fingerprinted and photographed before appearing in federal court for what's known as a first appearance, during which charges were read to him. Asked if he understood those charges, James, who was handcuffed and shackled, tersely answered, "Yes, I do."
He is prohibited from leaving New Jersey and must turn in his passport by this afternoon.
The case was assigned to U.S. District Judge William Martini, who will preside over the trial in Newark -- that is, if James elects not to enter into a plea bargain. Within the next two weeks, James will have to appear before Martini for an arraignment and enter a plea, which will undoubtedly be "not guilty."
Federal law stipulates a defendant is entitled to a speedy trial within 70 days, unless there is a continuance or a "complex case order." Nonetheless, James' case could come to trial around this time next year, said Michael Drewniak, spokesman for the U.S. Attroney's Office.
Video reports are available at TVJersey.com.