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Giulio Meotti Exposes the NY Nazi Times for what it is
« on: March 13, 2013, 04:47:57 PM »
The NY Times is a crypto-Nazi newspaper calling for the destruction of the Jewish state. This author is obviously on the same wavelength as most of us JTF members concerning our sentiments for the NYT rag. This paper has done more anti-Israel propaganda than any other media mouthpiece. And NY is supposed to be the largest population of Jews outside of Israel.

This paper has no shame. And I once again suggest that anyone who has a subscription to this abomination cancel it with a loud call to the editor as to why the subscription is being cancelled. Anyone who associates with anyone who reads or buys from the advertisers in NYT should be shunned.

The New York Times is a Crypto-Nazi Paper

New York Times articles are not attacking the “occupation” anymore, but the very idea of a Jewish state.
From Giulio Meotti

The New York Times has become the official paper of Israel’s Western would-be eradicators.

Joseph Levine's latest oped argued that Israel has no right to exist and that history should be reversed: “I conclude, then, that the very idea of a Jewish state is undemocratic, a violation of the self-determination rights of its non-Jewish citizens, and therefore morally problematic”. The New York Times' relentless attacks could well play out in ways that indeed attempt to put an end to Israeli sovereignty.

According to Levine's racist belief, “native species” originate in a certain place and that is where they “belong.” Hence, Israel’s "colonization" threatens the “original” Arab environment. This is pure and simple Nazism. The New York Times’ Israel-bashers use a style similar to the language used by anti-Semites the world over: Israel is inferior and must not enjoy the rights accorded to other peoples.

The New York Times articles are not attacking the “occupation” anymore, but the very idea of a Jewish state. The Times' incitement against Zionism is compulsive, full of half-baked truths and ill-disguised hysteria. The Times just hosted  an oped by Rashid Khalidi, the PLO supporter and anti-Zionist militant from Columbia University. In his latest column, he charges Israel of being an alien, settler entity, comparing its existence to South Africa's apartheid.

At the Times there are also those who do not advocate eradicating Israel, but work to remove any shred of justification for supporting it by following some elementary rules: promoting the myth of Palestinian "moderation", whitewashing terror groups and demonizing the "settlers".

As in the 1930's, when the New York Times downplayed the Nazi genocide of European Jews in order to avoid being seen as a “Jewish” newspaper, today Thomas Friedman, Roger Cohen (the dupe of Tehran) and Nicolas Kristof are the Jewish journalists who have been leading the charge in demonizing Israel and unabashedly praising the "Arab Spring" and Iran's "pragmatism".

Thomas Friedman plays a major role in shaping Obama’s plan for Israel’s return to the pre-1967 armistice line, which the late Abba Eban dubbed the “Auschwitz borders”. It was Friedman who wrote that the White House is “disgusted” with Israeli interlocutors. The famous Jewish columnist has always been a militant suporter of the Palestinian cause. According to the US columnist, Israeli settlers are a “cancer for the Jewish people” and those who “collaborate” in the building of settlements are “enemies of peace” and “enemies of America’s national interest”, no less.

“What Israeli settlers and Palestinian suicide bombers have in common is that they are each pushing for the maximum use of force against the other side”, he wrote after the killing of young grade-schooler Kobi Mandell. For Friedman, building a home on disputed territory is apparently the moral equivalent of stoning Jews - even school age ones -  to death. To equate the two, as Friedman always does, is to create moral mush. At age fourteen, Kobi was immobilized and stoned to death as was his friend, his body hidden in a cave. The terrorists soaked their hands in the boy’s blood and smeared the walls of the cave with it.

Friedman also crossed the Rubicon when he opined that "Jewish money" (note not Israeli money) caused the standing ovations Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, gave the Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu.

As far back as 1929, during the Arab riots, the local Times correspondent Joseph Levy boasted that he was a committed anti-Zionist. Eighty years later, when the Fogels were slaughtered in Itamar, the New York Times chose not to cover that event on the front page, nor to comment it.

And how to forget the "Pharisees on the Potomac” headline by New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on what she considers to be the moral hypocrisy of Republican Party?

Every morning, opening the New York Times, the reader finds very accurate stuff about the Holocaust, the most extreme demonstration of Jewish powerlessness, (ignored and put on the back pages of the Times while it was taking place) along with opeds like that of Peter Beinart titled “To Save Israel, Boycott the Settlements”.

While remembering the death of 6.000.000 Jews, the New York Times suggests collective punishment for 600.000 living Jews. Nothing is more likely to stimulate violence against "the settlers" than such Holocaust vacuity.

While remembering the death of 6.000.000 Jews, the New York Times suggests collective punishment for 600.000 living Jews.
The New York Times’ avid PLO supporters and propagandists are the descendamts of one of the most celebrated journalists of his time, the first New York Times Pulitzer Prize winner, Walter Duranty, who in the thirties fed the American public instantly-rewritten history of the famine in the Ukraine. By persuading the world that Stalin’s version of events was true, Duranty’s fairy tales cost thousands,if not millions,of lives.

The Times consistently ignores the genocidal anti-Semitism that governs Hamas and Hizbullah, described therein as "militant" groups concerned with the social welfare of Palestinians and Lebanese. The Times' articles from Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem and Bethlehem during the Second Intifada could have been written about the Taliban in the Afghan caves. These depicted the Palestinian terrorists as freedom fighters meeting their noble fate.

That favorable press in the New York Times encourages the Arabs to believe they can get away with murder is a given. By reinforcing the Islamic claim that those who died on the Temple Mount were martyred defenders of holy places, mowed down by savage, unprovoked Israeli authorities, the New York Times also helped inflame millions of Muslims against Israel. By calling the area “Muslim compound” and omitting any mention of the Temple Mount or its Jewish connection, the New York Times convinced the world that Ariel Sharon had intruded upon a site holy solely to Islam, helping to trigger the second Intifada.

As the latest Levine's oped shows, the New York Times is a crypto-Nazi publication whose message is, plain and simple, “Jews, go home, again”. There is a Klezmer festival in Krakow this year.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Giulio Meotti Exposes the NY Nazi Times for what it is
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2013, 11:16:43 PM »
I enjoy Meotti's writing.   He's written a lot of good columns.

There should be some intellectual theory to explain this called "irreducible nazism" or something.   The state of Israel gave credence to the politically correct anti-"Occupation" rhetoric and in doing so admitted to their guilt.   That argument was allowed to fester for long enough without Israel acting on it, that now the inner nazism contained in the argument has been revealed.   Levine has simply undressed and simplified the complicated, barely rationally coherent, anti-Israel occupation rhetoric into bare bones Irreducible Nazism.   His simplified crystal clear position now openly states:   "Israeli Jews should be wiped out to rectify the crime against humanity that this people exists."   Pure nazism.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Giulio Meotti Exposes the NY Nazi Times for what it is
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 05:48:26 AM »
How is it possible that an anti semite named "Nicolas Kristof " is Jewish ?

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Re: Giulio Meotti Exposes the NY Nazi Times for what it is
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 06:52:42 AM »
How is it possible that an anti semite named "Nicolas Kristof " is Jewish ?
That bum is Jewish.Maybe his name is that of a Russian Jew.No the weasel isn't Jewish
He is the son of Ladis "Kris" Kristof (born Vladislav Krzysztofowicz), who was born of Polish and Armenian parents in former Austria-Hungary and who emigrated to the United States after World War II, and Jane Kristof (née McWilliams), both long-time professors at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon.[
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Dan193

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Re: Giulio Meotti Exposes the NY Nazi Times for what it is
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2013, 08:21:10 AM »
In WW2, the Times covered up the genocide the Nazis were committing against the Jews.
The Times barely reported about it.
When it came to the Babi Yar massacre in 1941 in Ukraine, the NY Times wrote that 30,000 Russians and Ukrainians were killed.
The Times didn't even mention that all the victims in Babi Yar were Jews.
The NY Times opposed the U.S recognizing Israel in 48.
The NY Times opposed Israel bombing Iraq's nuclear facility in 81.
Last November, Roger Cohen of the Times basically comes out and says Israel should do nothing while Hamas fires hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilians.
Ari Lieberman totally destroys the lies of Roger Cohen.

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Re: Giulio Meotti Exposes the NY Nazi Times for what it is
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2013, 08:23:17 AM »
As Post #7 said, I just read disgusting article in NY Times by rashid khalidi
khalidi lies about Israel trying to demonize us, at the same time he is trying to whitewash any atrocity committed the arabs. And guess what, khalidi is a friend of obama. Tell me who your friends are...

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Re: Giulio Meotti Exposes the NY Nazi Times for what it is
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 08:24:44 AM »
Khalidi 2 years ago said the Leon Uris Exodus novel was a book of fiction.
This article destroys the lies of Khalidi.
October 11, 2011

The difference between a real historian and Rashid Khalidi
This post by Martin Kramer starkly shows the difference between how a real historian acts and how a propagandist poseur self-styled "historian" named Rashid Khalidi acts:

Last fall, Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University, offered his audiences an account of how Leon Uris came to write the book. In a speech at Brooklyn Law School, Khalidi made this claim:
This carefully crafted propaganda was the work of seasoned professionals. People like someone you probably never heard of, a man named Edward Gottlieb, for example. He’s one of the founders of the modern public relations industry. There are books about him as a great advertiser.
In order to sell the great Israeli state to the American public many, many decades ago, Gottlieb commissioned a successful, young novelist. A man who was a committed Zionist, a fellow with the name of Leon Uris. He funded him and sent him off to Israel to write a book. This book was Exodus: A Novel of Israel. Gottlieb’s gambit succeeded brilliantly. Exodus sold as many copies as Gone With the Wind, which up to that point was the greatest best-seller in U.S. history. Exodus was as good a melodrama and sold just as many copies.

...Khalidi warned his Brooklyn audience that Gottlieb would be “someone you probably never heard of.” Quite right: I regard myself as reasonably informed about the history of American Zionism, and I had never heard of Edward Gottlieb. Khalidi claimed there were “books about him as a great advertiser,” so I did a search, but I couldn’t find one. When Gottlieb died in 1998, at the age of 88, no major newspaper ran an obituary. That seemed to me a rather scant trail for “the father of the American iteration of Zionism” and “the founder of public relations in the United States.”
One reason for the thin record, I discovered, is that Edward Gottlieb wasn’t the founder or even one of the founders of American public relations....
Gottlieb is likewise completely absent from works on American Zionism—there isn’t a single reference. Moreover, his name doesn’t appear in the two scholarly studies of Leon Uris: Matt Silver’s Our Exodus: Leon Uris and the Americanization of Israel’s Founding Story and Ira Nadel’s Leon Uris: Life of a Best Seller. I wrote to both scholars, asking them whether they had encountered the name of Edward Gottlieb in Uris’s personal papers, housed at the University of Texas and cited extensively in both studies. Silver wrote back that “I didn’t see anything about Edward Gottlieb” and Nadel answered that “I never came across G[ottlieb]‘s name.”

...Khalidi always presents himself as a historian, so I figured he wouldn’t have concocted the Gottlieb story out of whole cloth. He must have had a source. As it happens, the Gottlieb claim figures in three books that are classics in the Israel-bashing canon.

...Charlotte Klein, who handled the Israel account for Gottlieb, was unequivocal: Gottlieb didn’t commission Exodus, and the name of Leon Uris never came up in the Israel work of the firm.

In sum, the Gottlieb “commission” never happened. Uris’s biographers dismiss it, Gottlieb’s most knowledgeable associate denies it, and no documents in Uris’s papers or Israeli archives testify to it. It originated as a boast by Gottlieb to another PR man, made almost thirty years after the (non-)fact. And given its origin, it’s precisely the sort of story a serious professional historian would never repeat as fact without first vetting it (as I did).
Yet it persists in the echo chamber of anti-Israel literature, where it has been copied over and over. In Katheleen Christison’s book, it finally appeared under the imprimatur of a university press (California). In Khalidi’s lectures last fall, it acquired a baroque elaboration, in which Edward Gottlieb emerges as “the father of the American iteration of Zionism” and architect of “one of the greatest advertising triumphs of the twentieth century.” What is the myth’s appeal? Why is the truth about the genesis of Exodus so difficult to grasp? Why should Khalidi think the Gottlieb story is, in his coy phrase, “worth noting”?
Because if you believe in Zionist mind-control, you must always assume the existence of a secret mover who (as Khalidi said) “you probably never heard of,” and who must be a professional expert in deception. This “seasoned” salesman conceives of Exodus as a “gambit” (Khalidi) or a “scheme” (Christison). There is no studio or publisher’s advance, only a “commission,” which qualifies the book as “propaganda”—an “advertising triumph.” In Khalidi’s Brooklyn Law School talk, he added that “the process of selling Israel didn’t stop with Gottlieb…. It has continued unabated since then.” It is Khalidi’s purpose to cast Exodus, like the case for Israel itself, as a “carefully crafted” sales job by Madison Avenue mad men. Through their mediation, Israel has hoodwinked America.
In fact, the deception lies elsewhere. Exodus, novel and book, were universally understood to be works of fiction. In contrast, Rashid Khalidi claims to speak in the name of history—that is, carefully validated truth. “I’m a historian,” he has said. “What I can do best for the reader or audience is provide a background for which to see the present, not tell them about the present.” Again: “I’m a historian and I try not to speculate about the future.” And this: “I’m a historian, and I look at the way idealism has tended to operate, and it’s not a pretty picture.” And this one (which truly beggars belief): “I’m a historian, it’s not my job to attack or defend anybody.”
Kramer is too modest to point out the obvious, so I will: Kramer, a real academic, has given us a perfect example of how historians should check facts. He went to extraordinary lengths to check out a story, and even when it seemed that he had the answer he went the extra mile to double- and triple-check his facts. He went to archives, emailed people who would know and interviewed relevant actors who are still alive.

Khalidi, on the other hand, is a propagandist who pretends to be a historian. He does no original research, merely shuffling pieces of information he finds that conforms to his worldview and discarding that which doesn't. I have exposed some of his recent lies here and I went into some detail on his dishonesty in my book review of his work The Iron Cage (parts 1 and 2.)

It is worth reading the entire lengthy Kramer article just to appreciate the painstaking work that real historians and academics do to check facts - and to see, in contrast, how lazy and dishonest the Khalidis of the world are.

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Re: Giulio Meotti Exposes the NY Nazi Times for what it is
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2013, 08:49:46 AM »
A must see.

Why did The New York Times--a Jewish-owned newspaper--bury reports of The Holocaust during World War Two?

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Re: Giulio Meotti Exposes the NY Nazi Times for what it is
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2013, 02:25:14 PM »
That bum is Jewish.Maybe his name is that of a Russian Jew.No the weasel isn't Jewish
Aha then I was right, he is just the vanilla amalekite.