Author Topic: Good news: Planned Parenthood shutting down in Ohio  (Read 638 times)

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Good news: Planned Parenthood shutting down in Ohio
« on: April 19, 2013, 12:17:52 PM »
I received this mass email from a relative of mine who is clearly a left wing wacko (who btw responded negatively towards Chaim's Black Hebro video)

Here is the email I received:

we all have women in our lives - please click on the red button and beg Ohio to protect its women!
Planned parenthood provides cheap health care to low income individuals - men and women .. Sometimes they provide abortions
Without planned parenthood there will be more deaths at the hands of shady back alley pretend dr's taking advantage of desperate women

Thanks in advance on behalf of all woman kind


Begin forwarded message:

From: Stephanie Kight <[email protected]>
Date: 19 April 2013 03:08:38 BST
To: delete
Subject: BREAKING: Ohio House Votes to Defund Planned Parenthood
Reply-To: Stephanie Kight <[email protected]>



 Dear delete,

Just moments ago, the Ohio House of Representatives voted to pass the state budget, Sub HB 59. While we are happy the Ohio House made the sensible decision to remove the vague restrictions related to comprehensive sex education from the Ohio budget, we are extremely disappointed to see the measures that hurt the most vulnerable women, limiting their access to health care remain.

Over the last two weeks, so many of you have worked to beat back these attacks. You have called and emailed your legislators, attended hearings, written letters to the editor, and donated your time and money. For that, we say thank you.

We will take this fight to the Ohio Senate now. You can always count on us to stand up for the more than 100,000 women and families who turn to Planned Parenthood every year for preventive health services.

We will be in touch soon with new opportunities to be involved in this fight as the bill heads to the Senate. Until then, continue to call Governor Kasich at (614) 466-3555 or text EnoughOH to 69866. Tell him to take a stand for Ohio women and vow to line-item veto these dangerous provisions. Don't forget to tell us you called.


Stephanie Kight
President and CEO
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio




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