Author Topic: These stooges Islam is as German as Bratwurst and Nurenberg the agee with Hitler  (Read 1309 times)

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Islam is as German as Oktoberfest, Bratwurst, Nuremberg Sausages and Christklingl (or is it)

Former President Christian Wulff, President Joachim Gauck, Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Söder, Hamburg Mayor Olaf Scholz, Breman State Mayor Jens Boehrnsen are in total agreement with the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and Himmler – ISLAM IS WONDERFUL.

Islam is part of a modern, changing Germany and necessary to develop a vibrant society, former President Christian Wulff said in a panel discussion on 2 June 2012 at the German ecumenical gathering called the Kirchentag (Church Day).

In this declaration, Wulff was supported by Markus Söder, the finance minister of the state of Bavaria, saying that Islam is an “integral part of Bavaria.” and new President Joachim Gauck that Muslims living in Germany are more definitively a part of the country than the religion of Islam, a slight change from the stance of his predecessor.

Hamburg Mayor Olaf Scholz concluded a “historic” accord on November 13 2012 with its Muslim and Alawite communities becoming the first German state to recognize certain Islamic holidays as days off and allowing them to take part in developing religious teaching in schools and the future employment of Muslim and Alawite religious studies’ teachers. This was quickly followed on November 30th by a second German State – Breman. “I am delighted because Islam and Muslims are part of our city and part of our life,” Jens Boehrnsen, the mayor of the city state, told Agence France Presse (AFP).

Former President Christian Wulff, President Joachim Gauck, Markus Söder, Mayor Olaf Scholz, Jens Boehrnsen, are in total agreement with the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and Himmler.

    “The only religion I respect is Islam. The only prophet I admire is the Prophet Muhammad.” (Hitler, quoted by Ahmed Huber; Kevin Coogan, “The mysterious Achmed Huber: Friend to Hitler.

Heinrich Himmler warmly embraced Islam. He admired the religion of the Muslims because it promised that there will be “beautiful women in paradise for those who die in battle.”

British historian Peter Longerich quotes Himmler as saying in November 1944 that Islam is “a practical and sympathetic religion for soldiers.” “It promises that those who fall in battle will go to heaven.”

Felix Kersten’s (Himmler’s confidant) wrote in a 1952 book that on December 1, 1942, Himmler told Kersten:

    “Mohammed knew that most people are terribly cowardly and stupid. That is why he promised two beautiful women to every courageous warrior who dies in battle. This is the kind of language a soldier understands. When he believes that he will be welcomed in this manner in the afterlife, he will be willing to give his life, he will be enthusiastic about going to battle and not fear death. You may call this primitive and you may laugh about it, but it is based on deeper wisdom. A religion must speak a man’s language.”

In the first half of 1942 Himmler and Adolf Eichmann befriended the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin Al-Husseini whom the Nazis welcomed to Berlin, whose hatred of the Jews equaled that of the Nazis. The Grand Mufti wanted the Nazis to approve his plan for a pro-Nazi Muslim fighting force or “Arab legion.” Hitler initially declined, but Himmler was enthusiastic about the idea. In November 1943, the SS Reichsführer sent a telegram to the Grand Mufti, saying there existed “a natural bond between National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom loving Mohammedans throughout the world.”

In 1943, a special Muslim unit was created inside Himmler’s “Waffen-SS” (the combat arm of the SS). It was called the “SS-Handschar Division” and largely consisted of Bosnian Muslims. Al-Husseini traveled to Sarajevo in October 1944 to address his men from the Handschar Division. He said that the National Socialist and the Islamic world view largely ran parallel. “The Germans are the real friends of the 400 million Muslims,” he added. Just as the State of Hamburg started its own Islam education program so to in April 1944, the SS founded its own “Imam training school” in Guben, near Cottbus. Himmler strongly supported this initiative and the Grand Mufti gave the opening ceremony speech.

Himmler told Kersten on December 2, 1942, that he was reading serious books on the “Mohammedan religion.” When the war was over, he said, he wanted to visit the Islamic countries himself with a view to continuing his studies. “Look, how wise (“vernünftig”) this religion is.”

Quran 9:111: “Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph”

Islam teaches that if Muslims slay or are slain (kill or are killed) in the service of God, they are guaranteed accession to a deviant sexual paradise. Islam’s Paradise is filled with whorish virgins possessing voluptuous breasts and lustrous eyes. Muslims, blessed with an access to Paradise, will have 72 such virgins to engage in incessant copulation. Furthermore, Muslim’s surest way of getting a passport to Paradise, says Allah, is to get slain while trying to kill the kafirs. Non-Muslims are not human beings, but sub humans, who can be murdered, tortured, terrorized, raped, and enslaved. In Islam, murder of kafirs is not murder but divine holy acts sanctioned by Allah, which opens to Muslims the door of Allah’s Paradise, filled with whorish eternal virgins (houris).

Here is what the Paradise of Allah looks like:

    “As for the righteous (Muslims)… We (Allah) shall wed them to beautiful virgins with lustrous eyes” [Quran 44:51-54]

    “The righteous (Muslims) they shall triumph… Theirs shall be voluptuous women.” [Quran 78:31-33].

Quranic verse 9:111 is the most evil, depraved, diabolical, immoral teaching in all of Islam. Indeed in all human history.

Hitler’s anti-Semitism was second only to that of God and his prophet Muhammad.

The sacred Islamic texts, the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah, devote 9.3% of its content to spread hatred, bigotry and even violence and genocide of the Jews, while Hitler’s proverbial Mein Kampf devoted only 7%. The Medinan part of the Quran is worse in inciting hatred and violence against the Jews than Mein Kampf. Here is a small sample of Allah’s divine sanction to hatred of the Jews (For more, see

    “Wretchedness and baseness were stamped on the Jews and they were visited with wrath from Allah.” [Quran 2.61]

    “Jews are the greediest of all humankind. They’d like to live 4,000 years. But they are going to hell.” [Quran 2:96]

    For the wrongdoing Jews, Allah has prepared a painful doom.” [Quran 4:160]

    “God has cursed the Jews, transforming them into apes and swine and those who serve the devil.” [Quran 5.60]


    Bukhari 4:52:177: “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”‘”

Indeed Muslims in their Friday prayers pray to God hatred of Jews calling then donkeys laden with books.

    Surah 62.5 “The similitude of those who were charged with the (obligations of the) Mosaic Law, but who subsequently failed in those (obligations), is that of a donkey which carries huge tomes (but understands them not). Evil is the similitude of people who falsify the Signs of God: and God guides not people who do wrong.”

Muslims believe that all the above Quranic teachings are directly from God. What of Hitler and his hatred of Jews. Following is just a small sample:

    “the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.’ [Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf]

    “With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people.” [Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf]

    “And so he [the Jew] advances on his fatal road until another force comes forth to oppose him, and in a mighty struggle hurls the heaven-stormer back to Lucifer.” [Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf]

Just as Hitler laid the moral and intellectual foundation for the extermination of Jews in Mein Kampf, so to these daily Muslim prayers and teachings of the Quran lay the moral and intellectual foundation for the extermination of Christians and Jews/other Kafirs.

Although these German political elites are following in the footsteps of Hitler/Himmler – they are however not in Agreement with the German people. Just as the German people rejected Adolf Hitler in the 1932 presidential elections with only 13,418,547 or 36.8% (Although Hitler lost the presidential election of 1932, he succeeded Hindenburg as head of state only two years later, when Hindenburg died in 1934. After the president’s death Hitler abolished the office entirely, and replaced it with the new position of Führer und Reichskanzler (“Leader and Reich Chancellor”), cementing his dictatorship.) they have by almost similar percentages rejected Islam.

    “83% of them think that Islam is associated with impairing women’s rights, 77% thought Islam was a literalist religion; 70% said Islam is associated with religious fanaticism and radicalism. A significant part of Germany’s population also believes that Islam is ready for violence (64%), hatred (60%), active missionary activity (56%), and striving for political influence (56%). Only 13% of respondents associate Islam with love for neighbors; 12% – with charity; 7% – with openness and tolerance.”

German kafirs are not human beings to Muslims. They have absolutely no humanity. They have no right to life and must be killed by Muslims in Allah’s cause [Jihad] for gaining Paradise. In the unholy wars of Allah, for Muslims, it is a holy religious duty to murder kafirs who have grown pubic hair. The kafirs women and children will be enslaved and sold as prophet Muhammad did with the massacred Jews of Banu Quraiza.

Allah takes away from Muslims all rights and ownership of their life. Muslims will engage Allah’s stratagems of wars without any questions asked, and kill and get killed. This is the only mode of actions that will earn them Paradise. Allah is the peerless master of incitement of violence and bloodbath.

In their jihad and hatred of the German people, it has been estimated that 7,500 Germans have been murdered by ‘aliens’ (mainly Muslim Turks) since the Berlin wall fell in 1990 and 3 million violent attacks by German Muslim immigrants on the natives since 1990. Each week 7 are killed by mainly Muslim immigrants and about 3,000 Germans are subject to some form of physical abuse or assault per week by Muslims.

Putting these figures in perspective more than twice the people have been killed by Muslim immigrants in Germany than the combined number of U.S. soldiers and UK soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

The German media and politicians are silent about this. This scenario of Muslim persecution of European kafirs and the raping of their women is being waged throughout the EU.

Hitler never came to power thru the will of the German people. He achieved power with the support of the German political, intellectual, industrial and political elites. These same elites are now supporting Muslims in their drive to conquer Germany, drive out the Jews and destroy Christianity. Fuhrer Adolf Hitler almost succeeded in creating a Jewish free Germany – a Jewish free Europe and destroying Western Civilization. Muslims are now finishing the job. Europe will be completely Jewish free by 2030 and Christians and other kafirs will cease to exist by 2050. This is the Europe – President Christian Wulff, Joachim Gauck Markus Söder, Mayor Olaf Scholz, Jens Boehrnsen, and their ilk are happily creating.

Jake Neuman is the author of “Islam and Sharia Law Are Treason: Jihad Is Treason” and “Prophet Muhammad (AKA ALLAH): Monster of History.” (free download) at
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline syyuge

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The dirty rubbish garbage they are.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline mord

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The dirty rubbish garbage they are.
As well as idiots
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline syyuge

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There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Rubystars

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God spare the good people who actually live there, but selfishly I think that if Muslims could be convinced they belong in Germany and that Islam is a German thing, maybe the rest of the world would be spared their evil plague! The problem is that Muslims refuse to contain themselves in their own evil countries like Saudi Arabia, etc. and want to take over every other country, not only all of the European ones, but the USA, Canada, and other countries too!

Offline mord

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I like this quote in particular from the fair haired Nordic looking Adolph :::D :::D :::D 

“With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people.” [Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf]
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Rubystars

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The irony of that quotation was that at least in that period of history, miscegenation between a white gentile and a Jewish person did a lot more harm to the Jewish community than it did to the white community. Assimilation still harms the Jewish community more than those they assimilate with.

Offline mord

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The irony of that quotation was that at least in that period of history, miscegenation between a white gentile and a Jewish person did a lot more harm to the Jewish community than it did to the white community. Assimilation still harms the Jewish community more than those they assimilate with.
I mean take one look at Hitler he looks like a light Puerto Rican
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03