This article is very subjective and disingenuous.
Islam strictly condemns all acts of violence against innocent people
"innocent people" equates to muslim.... non-muslims are guilty infidels.
No one is claiming that ONLY muslims commit crimes as the article seems to imply.
One key fact here is that muslim terrorism is committed in the name of islam....
The article implies that "infidel bigots" consider any crime committed by a muslim to be a terrorist act, that is by no means a correct statement.
This article is garbage and full of nonsense.
There is a reason we call it Islamic terrorism, and it isn't
because we falsely attribute motives to the terrorists, but
because Islam is the stated purpose and aim of the terrorists.
Daniel Greenfield
At the bottom of this page is a list of terrorist attacks from the last 30 days...... then links to lists of attacks prior to 30 days...... since 9/11 more tha 20,000 attacks by muslims in the name of islam.