This case is just breaking...
Yesterday a woman named Ramineh Behbehanian walked into a Starbucks and placed several tainted containers of Orange Juice into the refrigerator. The packages were contaminated with Rubbing Alcohol which, according to the authorities, was in a concentration which could cause death to those who drank it. Due to the vigilance of a Starbucks customer who alerted the employees her plan backfired. An employee took down her license plate number as she fled the store when she realized she had been busted.
This woman is not a low-life scum but rather a well educated scientist who works as a Chemical Engineer and a Physical Chemist, who has worked for several high-profile companies including Pfizer, Boston Scientific and Johnson & Johnson.
No motive has been provided for her crime, but it seems that she may have been attempting to wage Jihad against the infidels right here in San Jose California... Jose: Starbucks poison suspect booked on attempted murder rap
By Robert Salonga and Mark Gomez
Mercury News
SAN JOSE -- An experienced corporate chemist and pharmacist from South San Jose became an accused would-be killer Monday in bizarre fashion: By eschewing her vast expertise and allegedly making a crude mix of rubbing alcohol and orange juice she tried to sneak into the display case of a Starbucks just as it was filling with high schoolers out for the day.
Police haven't revealed exactly whom, if anyone, she might have been targeting. But they felt strongly enough to arrest her on suspicion of attempted murder after the simple ploy was literally sniffed out by an alert customer and a sharp-eyed employee who took note of her car's license plate number as she made a hasty exit.

Initial tests of the bottles revealed them to have a potentially lethal amount of the household solvent.
"If it weren't for the actions of that customer, I believe we'd be talking about a homicide right now," said Sgt. Jason Dwyer, a police spokesman.
Ramineh Behbehanian, 50, has been in jail without bail since her Monday night arrest. It remains unclear why she allegedly put the tainted juice bottles into the refrigerated display case at the coffee chain's shop on Snell Avenue.
Luckily, no one drank the toxic concoction largely because her alleged means and tactics were as clear as the alcohol she purportedly mixed. A coffee-shop regular was standing behind her in line about 3:45 p.m. and watched as she pulled two bottles out of her green Starbucks bag and placed them in the open-air fridge.
The customer immediately alerted a store manager, apparently spooking Behbehanian into leaving, but not before an employee got a glimpse of her license plate, police said.
Employees immediately grabbed the bottles of orange juice and examined them. They realized the seals had been broken and smelled "something toxic," Dwyer said.
They called 911, summoning San Jose police and the San Jose Fire Department, which brought its hazardous materials team. After clearing out the store, the hazmat technicians -- who are trained to respond to events as high-level as the deployment of weapons of mass destruction -- took samples of the liquid and ran it through a portable mass spectrometer that confirmed it was isopropyl alcohol, a common household solvent.
"It was significant enough to be seriously harmful. I can't say it will cause death, but it's a possibility," said Capt. Cleo Doss, fire department spokesman. "It depends on how much you consume. They could have a sip and stop, or someone who couldn't smell it, maybe had a cold, might drink more."
Using the information provided by the customer and the employee, police tracked Behbehanian to her home 5 miles west on Chambertin Drive and after some questioning arrested her.
Her LinkedIn page states that she has a master's degree in physical chemistry and chemical engineering from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania and worked as a scientist, engineer or project manager for a string of high-profile corporations including Pfizer, Boston Scientific and Johnson & Johnson. At the time of her arrest she was working at Janssen, a pharmaceutical subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, which was confirmed by a company spokesman Tuesday.