Author Topic: "Republican Party Animals" conservative group - outed holocaust denier, fraud  (Read 1404 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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The leader of the "Republican Party Animals" organization has exited the (not gay) closet and now ousted by the group - for being a holocaust denier hiding under a fake name and hiding his views.   David "Stein" was really David Cole...

LOS ANGELES, May 3, 2013 — The political social group “Republican Party Animals” was rocked by the discovery several days ago that somebody representing himself as the group’s head was a long-time Holocaust denier.

The RPA bills itself as the “Drinking, smoking, gambling, cussing, and (blanking) wing of the GOP.” Mix Republican Party politics with libertarian libertinism, shake, do not stir. Everybody had a right old time at these Los Angeles gatherings.

In late April, it was discovered that RPA “head” David Stein was actually a man named David Cole. Cole has appeared in online videos espousing Holocaust revisionism. After confirmation that Cole and Stein were indeed the same person, Cole (himself Jewish) refused to renounce his views denying the Holocaust.

A conflict of interest prevented me from covering the story immediately. My father is a Holocaust survivor, and the RPA’s reputation matters to me.

Some insiders felt that going public would give Cole unnecessary attention, which he craves. Yet if Cole struck preemptively, that would be problematic.

On May 3rd, Cole did indeed take himself public with an article in the Guardian.

The media now has another baseball bat with which to beat conservatives over the head. They presume that anything negative said about conservatives is true and silence is taken as acquiescence. Cole had his say, now let us tell the truth.

The RPA was formed by Scott “Big Daddy” Edwards, a Portland, Oregon man devoted to principles of political conservatism and hearty socializing. While Stein (Cole) represented himself as the head of the RPA, this was never the case.

Stein helped out with administrative functions, but Edwards was and is the head of the RPA. Edwards kicked Stein off of the board in February of 2012 due to what can euphemistically be described as “financial wrongdoing.”

Stein continued holding monthly social gatherings, occasionally with guest speakers. I was in discussions with Stein to be the June speaker.

Not one other person who attended RPA functions knew that Stein was Cole. Not one of them knew about his odious and thoroughly discredited views. Upon learning of his true identity, many RPA attendees immediately renounced him. Even those offering tepid support simply wanted to hear his side of the story.

He gave the worst of his videos at age 23. He is now 45, but any chance of redemption fell by the wayside when he refused to recant and disavow his views. He went into hiding, and it was unanimous that he was not somebody any of us would ever socialize with again.

As much as the media would like to make this a story about Republicans embracing anti-Semitism, nothing could be further from the truth.

If anything, this entire ugly episode shows that these Republicans stand up for what is right. We stood on principle. When conservatives see bad behavior, we condemn it.

David Stein fooled everybody. In all the time he attended RPA functions, he never once spoke about anything other than Republican politics and getting drunk. There was no way any of us could have known that this Jewish guy with the nasally voice was a complete liar and a fraud.

In the coming days there will be other stories dedicated to the real David Cole. Some of these stories will be by told by his victims. Others will come from leftists looking to indict all conservatives with a broad brush dripping in toxic paint.

The decision to handle this as an internal matter can be debated ad nauseum. National security was not at stake, and the RPA attendees were innocent victims with nothing to hide except embarrassment at being scammed by an expert scammer.

The only thing that matters is that when a bunch of Republicans were confronted with evil, they immediately did the right thing. They renounced it, ostracized it, and purged it from their midst.

I remain as proud to be associated with the Republican Party Animals as I am to be a member of the Jewish faith. It is David Cole’s own fault that he betrayed both of those great gifts bestowed upon him.

The Republican Party Animals remain the best right-of-center group in America today. For those who love to have fun and despise bigotry in any and all forms, pull up a chair, grab a cold one, and join us.

Offline mord

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This Jewish clown used to be a Nazi he recanted after being threatened with bodily harm I guess he couldn't stay out of the light.In any event it sounds more like libs then Conservatives this foolish group.
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Offline Rational Jew

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I've heard of this judenrat pig. He was one of the most outright Holocaust deniers in the 90s. He appeared on Donahue show in 1994, where he accompanied another neo-nazi swine, Bradley SMith ys'v. He also made an interview with a neo-nazi bastard Ernst Zundel ys'v

Notice how his voice resembles Max Blumenthal's voice: wimpy, self-hating noisy sound
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Offline Nachus

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 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                                                 :fist:

All holocaust deniers deserve one themselves!