Ken Livingstone is a traitor.
1. He erected a huge statue of the black communist Nelson Mandela in London to "stem racism"
2. He apologized to Blacks for slavery.
3. He said he sympathized with Arab suicide bombers in Israel, because Israel "slaughters innocent arabs"
4. He invited Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to London for a "hijab conference" When people produced quotes where Yusuf Qaradawi calls for the death of all non-Muslims he says its just Israeli propaganda. When one of his own far-left advisors says he shouldnt have invited Qaradawi he calls her an "islamophobe"
5. When a Jew said he disagreed with gay marriage, Ken livingstone said it was a shame that he was Jewish yet is acting "just like a concentration camp guard"
6. He said that Britain should send right-wing Jews to Iran to be killed.