Author Topic: Bolshevik 'Jewish' Forward Newspaper no Charadi stone throwers shot at kotel  (Read 1311 times)

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Offline mord

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 May 12, 2013, 3:36am
Kotel Miracle: No Stone Throwers Killed by Cops
By J.J. Goldberg
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There must have been divine intervention at the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Friday, when no one was killed or injured by the volley of police fire that surely must have been unleashed at the rioters who threw stones at Jewish worshipers that morning. If memory serves, that is what the police do when people throw stones at Jewish worshipers at the Wall.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen any reporting of the police opening fire on stone-throwers in all the coverage of the violence at the Wall last Friday, when a mob of angry Orthodox Jews let loose with stones, chairs and other projectiles at non-Orthodox women holding their monthly Rosh Hodesh service in the women’s section.

Then again, press coverage of clashes between Israeli police and violent protesters is always spotty and one-sided, as pro-Israel media monitors regularly remind us. So I have no doubt that this was the case here, too.

There has been a great deal of discussion in the Israeli and international Jewish press in recent weeks about the lethal power of stones when thrown in hatred. (Here’s a pretty good sample.)

    Ultra-Orthodox Mob Swarms Western Wall To Protest Women's Prayer Service
    Israelis Who Don't Know Occupation Can't Preach to Palestinian Stone-Throwers
    Where's the Justice for American Settler Killed by Palestinian Stone-Throwers?
    Real Non-Violence Doesn't Look Like This

Prime Minister Netanyahu himself weighed in on the topic in an April 15 speech, declaring that “stones are deadly weapons.”

The furor over stone-throwing erupted after Haaretz writer Amira Hass, who lives in Ramallah and reports on Palestinian affairs, wrote an op-ed essay April 3 describing “throwing stones” as “the birthright and duty of anyone subject to foreign rule,” by which she meant Palestinians.

As the left-wing British daily The Guardian explained on April 6,

 There must have been divine intervention at the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Friday, when no one was killed or injured by the volley of police fire that surely must have been unleashed at the rioters who threw stones at Jewish worshipers that morning. If memory serves, that is what the police do when people throw stones at Jewish worshipers at the Wall.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen any reporting of the police opening fire on stone-throwers in all the coverage of the violence at the Wall last Friday, when a mob of angry Orthodox Jews let loose with stones, chairs and other projectiles at non-Orthodox women holding their monthly Rosh Hodesh service in the women’s section.

Then again, press coverage of clashes between Israeli police and violent protesters is always spotty and one-sided, as pro-Israel media monitors regularly remind us. So I have no doubt that this was the case here, too.

There has been a great deal of discussion in the Israeli and international Jewish press in recent weeks about the lethal power of stones when thrown in hatred. (Here’s a pretty good sample.)

    Ultra-Orthodox Mob Swarms Western Wall To Protest Women's Prayer Service
    Israelis Who Don't Know Occupation Can't Preach to Palestinian Stone-Throwers
    Where's the Justice for American Settler Killed by Palestinian Stone-Throwers?
    Real Non-Violence Doesn't Look Like This

Prime Minister Netanyahu himself weighed in on the topic in an April 15 speech, declaring that “stones are deadly weapons.”

The furor over stone-throwing erupted after Haaretz writer Amira Hass, who lives in Ramallah and reports on Palestinian affairs, wrote an op-ed essay April 3 describing “throwing stones” as “the birthright and duty of anyone subject to foreign rule,” by which she meant Palestinians.

As the left-wing British daily The Guardian explained on April 6,

    Hass’s article appeared during several days of clashes in the West Bank following the death of a Palestinian prisoner whose cancer, according to Palestinian leaders, was diagnosed late and treated only with painkillers; and the shooting dead of two Palestinian teenagers by Israeli soldiers after they allegedly threw firebombs at a checkpoint. It was published the day after a military court convicted a Palestinian man of the murder of Asher Palmer and his baby son, Jonathan, whose car crashed after being struck with stones in 2011. Another Israeli child, three-year-old Adele Bitton, was critically injured in a similar incident last month.

Conservative New York publicist Ronn Torossian, writing in April 9, lamented that there was a “perpetual double-standard” when it comes to stone-throwing at Israelis. He declared unequivocally that “stone throwers are violent terrorists.” He concluded:

    Worldwide, stoning is dangerous and human-rights organizations denounce stone-throwing. They should do precisely the same when stones are directed at Jews in Israel.


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« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 06:25:18 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Look at these so called Reform Jews hateful talkbacks 

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John Cronin · 21 hours ago
I would say that the issues surrounding the WoW are just one part of a much broader picture and the stone throwing involved demonstrates that the situation is moving neither forward nor backward quickly enough.

As in all religious practices, there is a general need for certainty, both in personal and public spheres. To be convinced that a life lived according to rules and strictures laid down millennia ago is still a valid exercise, continual reinforcement of such a belief is necessary. As a consequence, the intensity of the commitment required can sometimes leave very little room for doubt or objective self-analysis.

The same principle holds true at political and national levels. To keep these complex systems in being, a high degree of conviction and confidence in their purpose and performance is essential. And, as can also be found within many faith-based institutions, any tendency to explore and be exposed to new ways of thinking is looked upon with some concern and not a little trepidation.

But there must come a time when, in order to evolve and become ever more relevant, every such institution has to reinvent some facet of itself if its credibility and popularity are to be maintained.

In the Arab-Israeli conflict, 65 years is just too long to go without any kind of fundamental renewal or reassessment. Even in religious terms, this far too great an interval for radical change to be withheld.

Change may be painful and bring about its own brand of difficulties but, in its absence, frameworks
forged in an earlier age do not respond well or even at all to questions confronting later generations.

Sometimes, as with anything involving human development, the choice comes down to one of our adaptation or extinction.

But life finds a way. In the past this has involved much throwing of stones and always far too many of them.
As for tomorrow, there the use of a lever might make for a better replacement and then our stock of stone-age missiles will be made redundant and needed no more.
Lemondrop613's avatar - Go to profile

Lemondrop613 · 21 hours ago
See the last two Op Eds of Ronit Peskin in the Times of Israel.She condemned it and she organized the demonstration of the 15,000 PEACEFUL religious women at the kotel.See the Daas Torah org.that always condemns these terrible actions.If you look for you will find.And if you don't look you will claim that it does not exist.
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Lemondrop613 · 21 hours ago
Nobody was injured and the police made arrests.Nobody has the right to use violence.
Bert's avatar

Bert · 19 hours ago
J J is much like Rham Emanuel who said 'never let a crisis go to waste'. The Forward is less interested in healing a rift but in exploiting it to preach their own political agenda which always tilts against Jews of faith.
Note also how The Forward ignored the IRS scandal of targeting patriotic organizations but never leftist radicals. Note how The Forward is covering up Obama and his IRS when they target Jewish organizations the are pro Jewish and pro Israel but not anti Israel Jewish groups. Thus the anti Israel JStreet quickly gets 501C status but ZStreet is blocked. The Forward's silence speak volumes.
5 replies · active 6 hours ago
cipher's avatar - Go to profile

cipher · 18 hours ago
The Forward's silence speak volumes.

Your ignorance speaks volumes.
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Lemondrop613 · 18 hours ago
The Forward has not been silent. Had it not been for Debra Nussbaum Cohen I would never have known about the wonderful work of Ronit Pesker and the Women For the Wall.
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Sharon Leigh · 12 hours ago
Oh, the eternal arrogance of the Orthodox. If these weren't "women of faith" they wouldn't be putting up with the unholy and totally disgusting, repulsive behavior from "Torah Jews" -- who don't have a clue about what the TRUE Torah is about.
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Elijah Manbeast Alsdorf · 6 hours ago
I just so happen to be an Orthodox Jew. Can you explain in detail Halacha over such an issue? Please site specific parts of the Talmud, shulchan aruch, rambam or rashi if you can. I can safely say this, every single Orthodox Jew I know hates these kinds of attacks. I find it to be the greatest chillul Hashem one can do in this day and age. (Btw that means desiccation of G-d's name) IF this is what TORAH Judaism stood for I would let you know. There are a great deal of Halacha and moral issues at play. First assault is strictly forbidden except to save a life. Second, violation of the law of the land. Yes as Jews we must obey the laws of the lands we live in. (Both of which can be found in rambam and the shulchan aruch) please do not lable people like myself like these ignorant fools.
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Elijah Manbeast Alsdorf · 6 hours ago
I meant desecration my iPad was acting funny
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Lemondrop613 · 19 hours ago
The best was when JJ tried to blame white Neo-Nazis after the tragic events in Boston.(Everybody else seemed to know it was Jihad). Then he did an article about how more kids were killed because of parents who were not safe with firearms and how they got into the hands of children who sadly killed with these weapons.This was to prove the the Jihadis were not so bad because only 3 innocent Americans were killed in 2013 (the year is not even over). There is no factual news in this paper.It is all about PC propaganda.
18joel's avatar - Go to profile

18joel · 19 hours ago
"If memory serves, [firing guns] is what the police do when people throw stones at Jewish worshipers at the Wall. "

Memory doesn't serve -- not as a substitute for even the most elementary research, nor, in this case, as a source of accuracy. The police do not shoot when people throw stones from the height of the Temple Mount down onto worshippers below, nor when stones or firebombs have been thrown at police or Jewish visitors on the Temple Mount itself.

Don't you people have editors?
3 replies · active 10 hours ago
djs's avatar - Go to profile

djs · 18 hours ago
They absolutely shoot at rock throwers, but it's more often than not with broken-off rubber bullets fired at illegally short distances. Rubber bullets come in units of three, fired together to weigh them down, thus slowing their speed and lessening the severity of their impact. When one unit of the three is snapped off and fired at close range, it can cause lethal internal injuries, and has frequently been the cause of serious and fatal injuries to rock-throwing Palestinian teenagers deemed to be "rioters" by the IDF.

Just two recent examples:

Examples specifically on the Temple Mount:

And here's a photo of the rubber bullets I have in my possession that were fired at my Israeli friends who were protesting the separation wall:
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Bill Pearlman · 10 hours ago
Come on Dan, Phil Weiss and his boys are only sorry Hitler didn't finish off every Jew in Europe
AaronBear's avatar - Go to profile

AaronBear · 16 hours ago
@18joel--Don't you know that JJ is one of the Editors? That's part of the problem here. It's exceedingly rare to find an instance of an Arab throwing stones at Jews worshiping at the Kotel being killed by the Police. It's Even rarer to see in The Forward acknowledgement that there was criticism of the Hareidi stone throwers from the Orthodox community, even those from parts of the Hareidi community.
cipher's avatar - Go to profile

cipher · 18 hours ago
Each time I come here, it's the same nonsense. Don't you frummies and frothing-at-the-mouth right wingers have anything better to do?

It's supremely laughable that you imbeciles constantly accuse the Forward of demonstrating antagonism toward your group(s). If anything, it's become far too tolerant of you - certainly of your presence on these boards.
Lemondrop613's avatar - Go to profile

Lemondrop613 · 17 hours ago
If our opinions cause you this much pain how secure could you be? I used to be a name caller as well....when I was a four year old.Leftists post in the Jewish Press and Yeshiva World News but the other people don't try to silence different opinions like the Bolsheviks.
5 replies · active 9 hours ago
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cipher · 17 hours ago
How secure could I be? How secure are you? You troll a "liberal" site, trying constantly to inflame. You're terrified you may be wrong, so you seek to invalidate "Leftists" in a desperate attempt to bolster your own flagging beliefs.

And you've pulled that nonsense before about the right wing Jewish sites not trying to silence them. You're utterly delusional. YWN is one of the sites famous for deleting comments it deems "unsuitable". Even the notion that "Leftists" post there is laughable; I don't know anyone who would waste his or her time.

You really are the most ridiculous, pitiful fool, completely out of touch with consensual reality. Nothing you say has any substance.
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Jewishmomma · 14 hours ago
Your still a name caller and I am sure you are not 4. Anyone can go and look at any of your posts to see name calling.
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Sharon Leigh · 11 hours ago
Oh dear lord, I just snorted ice tea out of my nose laughing at this post. Are you kidding? Are you KIDDING? You do nothing but try to silence dissenters. Community members who dare to take child abusers to the justice system. People who criticize the Orthodox from within the community. Everyone who leaves the community. Not to mention women who want to pray to the Jewish God using Jewish traditions.

Oh, yes, truly open minded.
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Lemondrop613 · 11 hours ago
Who exactly is "you"? I believe child abusers needed to be arrested on the spot.That is the ruling of the highest Charedi rabbinical court in Jerusalem ,Eida HaCharedis.Dissenters can take a jog. This is still America. Is there somebody being forced against their will.Why not call 9/11? And then you see 15,000 Jewish women (who by the way enjoy being women) stand up for tradition at the kotel.There goes your narrative.
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Sharon Leigh · 9 hours ago
Nehemia Weberman, January 2013.

You just confirmed my narrative. 15,000 Orthodox Jewish women trying to silence the dissenters, who want to be Jewish differently from the Orthodox. Do you guys just read from a script? It's always "they enjoy being women", with the narrow minded view that anything other than Orthodoxy subservience does not a woman make. Apparently Orthodox men are so afraid of not making it as men that they can only do so when the women are submissive and limited. Non Orthodox women are just as happy being women as Orthodox women are, they just have a broader understanding of what the word "woman" means.
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Lemondrop613 · 17 hours ago
In life, people will not always agree with other people. This understanding makes people mature. You sound like the angry one "frothing-at-the-mouth".
1 reply · active 16 hours ago
Jewishmomma's avatar - Go to profile

Jewishmomma · 16 hours ago
As do you in post after post and in many different forums where you leave your opinion.

Look in the mirror.
bbarnavi's avatar - Go to profile

bbarnavi · 17 hours ago
Conclusion: Don't throw rocks, and don't be a damn hypocrite.
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AaronBear · 16 hours ago
JJ if you haven't seen strong criticism of these Hareidi am Haaretzim who throw stones at their fellow Jews then you haven't looked very hard. Additionally, when the Arabs throw much more dangerous object from the Temple Mount down at Jews worshipping at the Western Wall the police do not use lead bullets and most often don't even use rubber bullets either.
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Cheryl Birkner Mack · 14 hours ago
Women of the Wall is not a non-Orthodox group. We are pluralistic including Orthodox and non-Orthodox. Our board of 9 currently has 2 Orthodox members (2 other Orthodox board members resigned after many years of service within the last two years).
Jewishmomma's avatar - Go to profile

Jewishmomma · 10 hours ago
Lemondrop is a troll........
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Lemondrop613 · 9 hours ago
It is too bad that my opinions have really got under your skin. Go ahead .Have your hissy fit. I am going out to spend Mother's Day with the wife and family.
1 reply · active 5 hours ago
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Jewishmomma · 5 hours ago
Hissy fit, again with the name calling that you haven't done since you were 4 years old.

You get under my skin because you come to the Forward and attack over and over anything folks say that you don't agree with.

If you hate the Forward so much what are you even doing reading it much less adding your opinions?

But this will be my last post to you because you clearly have an agenda.

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03