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Our Sages on Zionism and the Zionists
« on: June 09, 2013, 01:48:42 AM »
Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (1817-1898)

When Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin, in his last years, heard about the new Zionist movement, he realized the danger it posed to the Jewish people. He called for his two of his greatest disciples, Rabbi Zorach Braverman and Rabbi Moshe Frankenthal, and said to them, “Write letters in my name to three of the gedolei hador, asking them to call a meeting of rabbanim to decide how to stop this movement before it is too late. There is a fearful danger looming on the horizon of Judaism, a danger the likes of which never existed before. This movement is likely to bring destruction on the Jewish people! Write that in my opinion, the rabbanim should get together and excommunicate the Zionists from the Jewish people. They should forbid their bread, their wine, and intermarriage with them, just as Chazal did to the Kuthites. I am certain that if we do not take this step, the Jewish people will eventually regret it.” But some people questioned the need for the such an extreme step - the Zionist leaders were known to be irreligious and heretical, and so in any case no good Jew would pay any attention to them. Others warned that the Zionists had support in the gentile world, and fighting them would only backfire. Still others said that it would be impossible to organize such a gathering because the Maskilim had connections in the governments and they would work hard to prevent the gathering. So in the end, the gathering never took place. Reb Yehoshua Leib was always upset about this and he warned, “A day will come when they will realize the correctness of my suggestion.” (Mara D’ara Yisroel, v. 2 p. 43)

Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik, the Brisker Rov, once related that Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin was a great fighter against Chassidism as long as he was in Europe, but from the time he came to Yerushalayim and onwards he never spoke a bad word about Chassidim. In fact, one of his main talmidim was Reb Yeshaya Orenstein, a Chabad Chassid. “The reason for the change,” explained the Brisker Rov, “was that when he came to Yerushalayim and saw the great danger of the Chovevei Tzion, who dressed and acted like bnei Torah, and seemed to be coming to promote the great mitzvah of settling in the Land of Israel, when in truth their main objective was the heretical idea of nationalism; and also the danger of the maskilim who dressed like the religious Jews but had the goal of capturing innocent young souls for their modern schools, Reb Yehoshua Leib decided that now all arrows must be directed at them; we must fight side by side with the Chasidim against them. “Today,” the Brisker Rov concluded, “the problem of the hour is Zionism. We must use all our strength against them – un tzvei milchamos ken men nisht firen (we can’t fight two wars at once).” (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 67)

Rabbi Chaim Chizkiyahu Medini, author of the Sdei Chemed (1833-1904)

"As far as the essence of this philosophy, I am completely opposed to it, for this false philosophy has brought physical and spiritual harm to the Jewish people. Physically, because it has caused the Jews to lose their rights to immigrate to the Holy Land. And spiritually – woe! This philosophy negates in all its followers all the hopes and promises made to the Jewish people, who wait for the coming of the true redeemer, the righteous redeemer, a spiritual redeemer, far from earthliness, who will bring us a miraculous, not natural, redemption."

Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik, Rabbi of Brisk (1853-1918)

Rabbi Meir Berlin, a Mizrachi leader, related that his nephew Reb Chaim of Brisk once said, “The Zionists attract Jews to their movement by dressing it up as ‘the mitzvah of settling in Eretz Yisroel.’ Eretz Yisroel is indeed the Holy Land. But consider: a synagogue is a holy place; nevertheless if it is a Reform synagogue, it is forbidden to go inside. Who knows if it will not come to the point where, despite its holiness, Eretz Yisroel will be ‘reformed’?” (Uvdos Vehanhagos, v. 4 p. 206)

The Jewish people have suffered many plagues – the Sadducees, Karaites, Hellenisers, Shabbesai Zvi, Haskalah, Reform and many others. But the strongest of them all is Zionism. (Mishkenos Haro’im p. 269)

Rabbi Shalom Ber Schneersohn, Lubavitcher Rebbe (1860-1920)

Even if these men were loyal to Hashem and His Torah, and even if there were a chance that they would achieve their goal, we must not listen to them in this matter, to make our redemption with our own power. Is it not forbidden even to force the end with excessive prayer (Rashi Kesubos 111a, and see Midrash Shir Hashirim 2:7)? All the more so that with power and worldly methods, that is, to leave exile by force, we are not permitted. Not in this way will our salvation and the redemption of our souls come. And this is against our true hope, for our whole longing and hope is that that Hashem will bring us the moshiach soon and our redemption will come through Hashem Himself. This is what the Midrash says on the verse, "For with You is the source of life" - that even the redemption that came through Moshe Rabbeinu was not a complete one, and they were enslaved against afterward. Certainly this was true of the redemption that came through Chananya, Mishael and Azarya, although they acted in accordance with Yirmiyahu and the other prophets living at the time. And in this exile, we must hope only for the redemption and salvation of Hashem Himself, not through a human being, so that our redemption should be complete. (Ohr Layesharim, p. 57)

Those who assist these Zionists will pay on the Day of Judgment, for they are abetting those who cause the masses to sin. Therefore, whoever is for G-d and His Torah will not join the evildoers and will not cling to them. On the contrary, he will oppose them as much as possible. And until it is G-d’s will to redeem us, we must accept the yoke of exile to atone for our sins. (Ohr Layesharim, p. 59)

Their plan to gather the Jewish people together with their own power will never be; and all their strength, their many strategies and efforts will not work or have any success against the will of G-d. (Igros Kodesh, letter 130)

Whoever twists the meaning of the Torah and finds proofs to Zionism from the Torah, and especially from the Hidden Torah, is like one who places an idol in the Temple. G-d will not forgive him. May G-d in His great mercy remove this accursed doctrine from among the Jewish people, and inspire their hearts to repent to Him in truth. (ibid.)

And if the movement takes on this form, to go out of the exile by force and to redeem themselves with their own strength – this is something no believer in Torah and its commandments can ever do on his own, for this runs against the Jewish people’s strong faith and hope for their redemption with the coming of the messiah, when they will be redeemed physically and spiritually and will be elevated to the highest degree. Only with this deeply engrained hope can they find rest, and only with this have they lived during their bitter exile, encouraging themselves through Torah and observance. They will not be satisfied with the promises of Herzl and Nordau, who promise them their own state and a good physical life - even if we would fool ourselves into thinking that they could accomplish this. (Kuntres Umayan Mibeis Hashem, p. 50)

Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach, Belzer Rebbe (1854-1925)

Zionism itself is founded on denial of G-d’s providence, reward and punishment and the coming of the redeemer. Nationalism is built only on the ruins of the holy Torah, belief in G-d, His prophets, and the Talmudic Sages. Therefore, even if the movement were led by G-d-fearing, righteous men with the best of intentions, it would be impossible for it not to destroy faith and Torah. (Kuntres 22 Cheshvan, p. 108)

But it could be that before the arrival of moshiach, the Satan’s efforts will succeed and the wicked will get a state in Eretz Yisroel. Therefore it is an obligation on every Jew who must leave his home to move to America or somewhere else, but not to Eretz Yisroel under the state of these wicked men, because their state would be a great danger to every Jew’s body and soul. (Om Ani Chomah v. 6 13 Adar I 5717)

Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (d. 1953)

We have already spoken about these nationalists. They are a recently-founded group with the purpose of fooling the people and leading the masses astray, thinking that they can settle the Holy Land by natural means and attain sovereignty over it. They are mistaken and they are swindlers, and their plan will not succeed. (Liflagos Reuven, Drashos, Chanukah 5672, p. 331)

Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis spat on Zionist currency. (Gilyon Ho’emunah, Bamidbar, Sivan 5742, issue 6)

Rabbi Avraham Yishaya Karelitz, author of Chazon Ish (1878-1953)

The Chazon Ish said: Who keeps mitzvohs in our time and is still considered a non believer? Anyone who claims that it is the fault of the rabbis that 6 million Jews were murdered in Europe, and anyone who celebrates Yom Ha'atzmaut. (Reb Aharon Roter)

The Zionist Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, Rabbi Unterman, showed the Chazon Ish a proposal to allow marriages on the 5th of lyar (Zionist Independence Day) and because he was afraid to explain the true reason, he claimed that on that day the soldiers are on vacation and can get married. The Chazon Ish said to him: "If this is so, then I am inclined to allow marriages from Rosh Chodesh lyar until Lag B'Omer." The Rabbi of Tel Aviv argued that this is very lenient. The Chazon Ish then asked: "How is it that I am lenient and you are strict?" Rabbi Unterman was finally forced to admit that he wished to bypass the laws of mourning of Sefira on Independence Day. The Chazon Ish replied forcefully: "Perhaps it is more fitting to declare it a fast day!" (Reb Moshe Shonfeld)

The only actual difference with the formation of the Zionists' State is, that before this they were hoodlums without arms, and now the hoodlums have arms. (Reb A. Y. Weintraub)

He would say: "Moshiach will not take over from them, something will happen in the interim." (ibid)

He once said: "One clear day they will open the windows and they will see no more State."(ibid)

He didn't get a State Identification Card. And when the regime made a census, he refused to register, saying "I am from the people of Yerusholoyim" (meaning the observant people of Yerusholoyim who refused to be counted). (Reb Y. A. Weintraub)

At the beginning of the State, the municipality of Bnei Brak wanted to hang a Zionist flag on his house and he refused and when he was told he would have to pay a fine because of his refusal, he answered, "It's worth it, it's worth it." (Ibid)

He once reacted with anger regarding those religious members of the Zionist Parliament who sit there and take part in its proceedings, "Why do they sit there? If they would ask me, I would tell them to stay at home." (Reb. Y. Weintraub)

Reb Dovid Shmidel related that someone once asked the Chazon Ish, "How could it be that all the nations of the world stood by silently while the Germans killed millions of Jews?" The Chazon Ish replied, "Is it not an explicit Gemora in Kesubos that if the Jewish people violates the Three Oaths, Hashem will permit their flesh like the deer and the hinds of the field?"

The Chazon Ish once said to Rabbi Ahron Katzenellenboigen, “The reason Jews are so confused by the Zionist state is that the state is the 50 gates of defilement. To overcome this we need the 50 gates of holiness. Since the 50th gate of holiness is hidden from us, therefore the confusion is so great, for we cannot stand up against the 50 gates of defilement of the state.” (Mishkenos Haro’im p. 1195)

Although the official declaration of the state was made on May 14, 1948, it was preceded by six months of fighting, in which the Zionists brought the anger of the local and neighboring Arabs upon the Jews of Eretz Yisroel. Jerusalem was besieged, and the Arab villages along the western approach to Jerusalem became major battefields. In the midst of this war, on April 8, 1948, the Brisker Rav and the Chazon Ish encouraged all the religious Jews of Jerusalem to come out to the streets and wave the white flag to show the Arabs and the British that they were not Zionists and wanted no part in this war. The demonstration was led by Rabbi Yaakov Halperin, a close disciple of the Chazon Ish, and Rabbi Amram Blau, a close disciple of the Brisker Rav.

The Chazon Ish later remarked, "When the state was established, there was a kitrug (accusation) in Heaven against Jews of Eretz Yisroel for not leaving the state. I myself was ready to leave. But when they marched in Jerusalem holding white banners demanding a ceasefire, the accusation was dropped and there was atonement."

Reb Yoel Kluft once asked the Chazon Ish, "The Mishnah says that one may not raise sheep and goats in Eretz Yisroel, because they often consume the grass of other people's fields. But the Shulchan Aruch (Choshen Mishpat 409:1) says that nowadays this law does not apply, since it is unusual for a Jew to own land in Eretz Yisroel. What about today?" The Chazon Ish replied, "The Zionist state does not change the halacha. How long will their state last anyway - fifty years?" (Maaseh Ish, v. 4 p. 228)

When the question of founding a state was put to him by Agudah activists, he spoke against it (Mikatowitz Ad Hei B'Iyar, p. 97). He was against Agudah joining the Zionist government (ibid. p. 93).

The Satmar Rebbe related that he spoke with the Chazon Ish about the question of yeshivas and chinuch institutions accepting money from the Zionist government. The Chazon Ish said, “There is no heter for this.” When the Rebbe pointed out that there were some rabbis who took money, the Chazon Ish replied, “They are not rabbanim; they just daven Mincha and Maariv.” (Tiferes Yoel v. 1 p. 56; v. 3 p. 102)

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Re: Our Sages on Zionism and the Zionists
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2013, 01:49:24 AM »
Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl, Nitra Rav (1903-1957)

Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl, in his famous 1948 article entitled, “Who Delivered Israel to the Plunderers” (printed in Toras Chemed, p. 337), writes as follows:

Chazal, the true lovers of Zion, said in Tractate Kesubos 111a, that the Holy One, blessed is He, made Israel swear not to go up to Eretz Yisroel as a wall, which Rashi explains as together, with a strong hand; and that they should not rebel against the nations. And the Holy One, blessed is He, said to Israel: If you keep the oath, good, but if not I will permit your flesh like the gazelles and deer of the field.

The Be’er Hagolah is a sefer written by an anonymous author in Amsterdam during the period of the Sabbatean movement (late 1600s). In Chapter 25, Section 2, after describing the wars fought by the Jewish people in times of old, he writes:

But now the mighty men of Israel have fallen and their weapons have perished. Since the enemy overcame us and the anointed kohein and the general failed and were smitten in battle, Israel has known that the Holy One, blessed is He, no longer desires their wars; Hashem has departed from them until the time of the coming of moshiach. And regarding this matter, and regarding the exile of Israel, David prayed and said, “You, O G-d, have thrown us away, and You do not go forth, O G-d, with our army” (Tehillim 60:13). And now, if Israel will arise and wage wars against the desire of the Holy One, blessed is He, they will fall by the sword, as it is written, “Do not go up, for Hashem is not in your midst, and then you will not be defeated by your enemies!” (Bamidbar 14:42). For just as the Holy One, blessed is He, used to fight their wars when the those wars were in accordance with His will, so too He will become their enemy when the war is against His will, as it is written, “And He became their enemy; he fought against them” (Yishaya 63:10).

The Be’er Hagolah continues in Section 5:

And when Israel saw this, they chose to scatter themselves in all four corners of the earth, so that the nations might see that they had no thought of waging any more wars with them, and that they would not emerge from the exile until moshiach comes. And even if during that time they have some mighty men, still they will not wage war against the nations, for this is what Shlomo, the king and prophet, made them swear by the name of Hashem when he said, “I have adjured you, daughters of Jerusalem, not to arouse or awaken the love before it is desired” (Shir Hashirim 2:7). Behold, he said to the daughters of Jerusalem: If you be in exile among the nations, do not arouse or awaken with them any war because of the love of Eretz Yisroel, until it is desired – until it is the will and desire of Hashem Yisborach to do so, and He sends you the moshiach, just as He sent Moshe to Egypt to say, “So said Hashem: I have surely remembered you” (Shemos 3:16). Then they will know that it is the will of the Holy One, blessed is He, that they should gather themselves from all the four corners of the world and become a great and powerful nation, to take their land away from the Ishmaelites. The prophet Yishaya expressed amazement at them and said, “Who are these who fly like clouds?” (60:8) “Who bore me these?” (49:21) “Can a land have birthpangs in one day…for Zion has had birthpangs and born her children” (66:8). And since it is so, all of Israel has decided not to study warfare anymore, even to assist one nation against another, unless it is the will of their kings under whom they live. And each one prays in the land where he lives that Hashem grant peace and success to the king who rules over that land.

And Rabbi Yonasan Eybeshutz writes similarly in his work Ahavas Yonasan, and so does our teacher, the Chasam Sofer, in Toras Moshe, Shoftim. The same position was taken earlier by the Rambam in Igeres Teiman.

“A man does not truly understand a matter of halacha unless he stumbles in it” (Gittin 43a). We must now admit that Chazal in their Divine inspiration were correct. And in their wisdom, they foresaw what would result from not following their words. For in the beginning of this generation, there arose a man from the seed of Israel who did not know of the Torah of Israel, and with convincing words he adjured Israel to do the opposite of what the oaths of Hashem Yisborach dictate. And although the gedolim and the tzaddikim of that generation opposed him, our sins caused his false ideal to become dressed in the form of a few misguided talmidei chachomim, who joined with the source of heresy in order to actualize the plans of a man estranged from Torah.

Chazal teach that when someone comes to do something against the Torah, Heaven opens up a path for him (Shabbos 104a). They opened a path for them with the Balfour Declaration, and in the course of a few years the heresy became powerful both in Eretz Yisroel and the rest of the world to a degree never seen before. Almost all of Israel, unfortunately, became deniers of the principle of moshiach.

And certainly, for this also the Holy One, blessed is He, became angry at Israel, and punished them according to His attribute, measure for measure. They sinned and said that not Torah but blood makes Israel a nation. They sinned and said that not our holy Torah, but rather seed and birthright, race and descent, language and land, flesh and blood cause a son of Israel to be a Jew. Measure for measure, a hater of Israel arose in Germany who heated up the entire world’s latent hatred against the race and the descent of Israel, against his flesh and blood...

And now, Daas Torah and good sense would dictate that we should arouse the mercy of the victorious Allies, and ask of them something that the Torah permits, something that they can fulfill, namely: that each of the fifty-one victorious nations should grant refuge, each in its own land, to some of these unfortunate and poor survivors.

Daas Torah and good sense would tell us that, unfortunately, the Jewish people have lost this war even more than the accursed Germans, for the best and greatest part of the Jewish people has fallen. And just as it would not occur to any German to start a new war now, certainly after the loss of the six million, the best of the Jewish people, it is forbidden to launch a new war, to endanger the weak, tiny and homeless remainder of the Jewish people. Rather we must beseech the nations of the world to permit the remaining Jews to settle in their lands, some here and some there.

But this is not the position these Jewish leaders took. They cried out right away: “Only to Eretz Yisroel must all these refugees go, not to any other place in the world! Israel declares war on Britain! Israel declares war on the Arabs! Israel declares war on the whole world!”

The poor Jews in the refugee camps thought, “What do these leaders care? They don’t live in camps. They live on the silver and gold of the charity funds in America, and use our plight to make their business deals. Millions more Jews can perish, G-d forbid, as long as they don’t lose their honor.”

On the advice of these people, these bitter survivors of the death camps launched a war against Britain, come what may… And on the advice of these people, these bitter souls insulted and angered the Arabs, who have been at peace with the Jews for many generations. If Britain has never lost a war for generations, and if the Arabs number in the hundreds of millions – what do they care? They are stronger than them; they are stronger than the whole world.

And if Moshe Rabbeinu commanded the Bnei Ephraim, after many generations of slavery in Egypt, when they thought that the time of redemption had arrived, to wait until he would tell them the time had come, but they did not believe him, and so they perished, as it is written in the Tanach… and if Yirmiyahu Hanavi commanded Israel to surrender to the wicked Nevuchadnetzar, but the sinners of his generation refused to listen, and thus the first exile came about… and if Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai and his colleagues commanded Israel to surrender to the wicked Romans, but the zealots of his generation refused, and thus the second exile came about… and if the Holy One, blessed is He, Himself commanded Israel under oath to be subservient to the wicked Edom, and not to go up as a wall against Yishmoel, but the sinners of our generation refused to listen to the tzaddikim, and thus this latest churban came about…. What do these leaders care about a single chapter in Jewish history?

They say words that no mouth can bear to utter. Yirmiyahu Hanavi, Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai and his fellow Tannaim, and the tzaddikim of our generation brought the Jews to the Babylonian exile, to the Edomite exile, and to Auschwitz. But they and their predecessors in Yirmiyahu’s and Rabbi Yochanan’s generations were the true redeemers of Israel!

Even if we were to assume that some of these people do what they do for the sake of a mitzvah, for love of Eretz Yisroel… but if the choice is between Eretz and Yisroel, who doesn’t know which comes first? During exile, settling Eretz Yisroel is not a mitzvah that one must die rather than violate. And on the contrary, these people’s proposed state transgresses in many ways the three cardinal sins that one must die rather than commit.

The wicked Pharaoh launched the Egyptian slavery with the argument “lest there be a war and they be added to our enemies” (Shmos 1:10). And this same argument was that wicked man’s excuse in the last war, leading to the murder of millions of our kedoshim. And these people place the remainder of Israel in danger, by placing the possibility of Pharaoh’s argument with all its implications in the mouth of some leader, G-d forbid, if there is ever another war.

And if you ask: is there any way out now? The answer is yes! 1) We must completely relinquish any claim to a Jewish state. 2) We must accept the compromise [trusteeship] proposed by the United States. 3) We must ask Britain to take part in the government of Palestine. 4) Our representatives must meet with the Arabs face to face and reach an agreement, under the auspices of the United States. 5) We must ask the United Nations, and the U.S. and its neighbors especially, to quickly move all the Jews from the camps in Germany and from the rest of Europe to countries overseas and also to Palestine.

This is all possible on condition that we throw all those Jewish leaders who brought us to the current situation out of leadership. Let the nations know that Israel is a “debased and unwise nation” (Devarim 32:6) only when it follows the counsel of its sinners, but we are a “wise and understanding people” (ibid. 4:6) when Torah scholars and tzaddikim lead us.

And now, do not be disheartened over the Jewish masses who, until now, have believed in this false messiah, even at the cost of their lives. The Jewish people is holy, Ahavas Yisroel burns in their heart, and after thousands of years of bitter exile they allowed themselves to be taken in by inciters to sin such as never existed before in our history, who wore a mask of Ahavas Yisroel but only had one goal: to uproot the Torah from Jewish hearts.

And now, do not be disheartened over the future redemption of Israel and its kingdom. We have an old Father, our Father in Heaven, and a young child of old age, a poor man riding a donkey. The leadership will be on his shoulder, and on his throne no stranger will sit!

* * *

In 1947 the Satmar Rebbe sent Rabbi Weissmandl to the UN to plead with the nations of the world not to hand over the Holy Land to the Zionists. The UN responded, “If twenty rabbis sign a document saying they are against a Jewish state, it may be possible to prevent a UN resolution in favor of partition.” Reb Michoel Ber set about gathering signatures, but due to immense Zionist pressure, he only obtained three signatures: his own, the Satmar Rebbe’s and the Stropkover Rebbe’s. (Leha’ir Mitoch Hachasheicha, p. 11)


1. IS IT TRUE that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:

a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and

b) all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, and there to remain; with entry visas to be arranged by the Jews living there; and

c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at the Spanish border at the rate of 1000 families daily.

2. IS IT TRUE that the Zionist leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.

3. IS IT TRUE that the answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments:

a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees.

b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war.

c) No ransom will be paid

4. IS IT TRUE that this response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber.

5. IS IT TRUE that in 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian Jewry could be saved.

6. IS IT TRUE that the same Zionist hierarchy again refused this offer (after the gas chambers had already taken a toll of millions).

7. IS IT TRUE that during the height of the killings in the war, 270 Members of the British Parliament proposed to evacuate 500,000 Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies, as a part of diplomatic negotiations with Germany.

8. IS IT TRUE that this offer was rejected by the Zionist leaders with the observation "Only to Palestine!"

9. IS IT TRUE that the British government granted visas to 300 rabbis and their families to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage for the evacuees through Turkey. The "Jewish Agency" leaders sabotaged this plan with the observation that the plan was disloyal to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be gassed.

10. IS IT TRUE that during the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weitzman, the first "Jewish statesman" stated: "The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews living outside Palestine are not too important". Weitzman's cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with the observation "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe".

There are additional similar questions to be asked of these atheist degenerates known as "Jewish statesmen", but for the time being let them respond to the ten questions.

These Zionist "statesmen" with their great foresight, sought to bring an end two two-thousand years of Divinely ordained Jewish subservience and political tractability. With their offensive militancy, they fanned the fires of anti-Semitism in Europe, and succeeded in forging a bond of Jew-hatred between Nazi-Germany and the surrounding countries.

These are the "statesmen" who organized the irresponsible boycott against Germany in 1933. This boycott hurt Germany like a fly attacking an elephant - but it brought calamity upon the Jews of Europe. At a time when America and England were at peace with the mad-dog Hitler, the Zionist "statesmen" forsook the only plausible method of political amenability; and with their boycott incensed the leader of Germany to a frenzy. And then, after the bitterest episode in Jewish history, these Zionist "statesmen" lured the broken refugees in the DP camps to remain in hunger and deprivation, and to refuse relocation to any place but Palestine; only for the purpose of building their State.

The Zionist "statesmen" have incited and continue to incite an embittered Jewish youth to futile wars against world powers like England, and against masses of hundreds of millions of Arabs.


What may befall the Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, of the Arab crescent, Europe, or the USA; is of no concern to these Zionist leaders. The rising anti-Semitism in the Western World is the product of their "statesmanship".

Under the guise of "love of Israel", the Zionist "statesmen" seduced many Jews to replace devotion to the Torah and its Sages with devotion to the scoundrel who founded Zionism. It is of no little significance that Herzl originally sought conversion of the Jews as a solution to the problems of the Diaspora. When he realized that this was not acceptable to the Jewish masses, he contrived Zionism as a satisfactory alternative!

A look into history reveals that this very same type of "statesmen" opposed the call of Jeremiah the prophet to yield to the minions of Nebuchadnezzar at the destruction of the first Temple. Five centuries later, Rabbi Yochonon Ben Zakai appealed to the people to surrender to Titus the Roman to avoid bloodshed. The "statesmen" rejected this appeal, and the second Temple was destroyed by the Romans. --- And now for the past fifty years, the Zionist "statesmen" rebuff the leadership of our Sages; and continue in their policy of fomenting anti-Semitism. When will they stop?? Must every Jew in America also suffer?? - Even the Nazi monsters had more sense, and gave up their war before all Germany was destroyed. The Zionist "statesmen" ridicule the sacred oath which the Creator placed upon the Jews in the Diaspora. Our Torah, in Tractate Ksubos, folio 111, specifies that the Creator, blessed be He, swore the Jews not to occupy the Holy Land by force, even if it appears that they have the force to do so; and not rebel against the Nations. And the Creator warned that if His oath be desecrated, Jewish flesh would be "open property", like the animals in the forest!! These are words of our Torah; and these concepts have been cited in Maimonides' "Igeres Teimon", "Be'er HaGola", "Ahavas Yehonosson", and in "Toras Moshe" of the Chasam Sofer.


Yidden - merciful sons of merciful fathers - how much longer must holy Jewish blood continue to be shed??

The only solution is:

The Jewish people must reject, outright, a "Jewish State".

The Jewish people should accept the US compromise.

We must depose the atheist-Zionist "statesmen" from their role as Jewish leaders, and return to the faithful leadership of our sages.

We beseech the Nations to open all doors to immigration - not only the doors of Palestine.

Peaceful, non-Zionist religious personalities in Palestine, (particularly from the native population) and their counterparts in the Diaspora, should engage in responsible, face-to face negotiations on behalf of the Jewish people, with the British and the Arabs; with an aim of amicable settlement of the Palestine issue.

Every Jew is obliged to pray to the Blessed creator, for in Him lies all our strength. Let us bear in mind that our prayers be forthright. One should not entreat the Creator to provide a banquet on Yom Kippur, and one can not perform a ritual ablution with a dead bug in his hand. Similarly, we should avoid the untenable position of the robber who prays for Divine help in carrying out his crime. We should pray that Zionism and its fruits vanish from the Earth, and that we be redeemed by the Messiah with dispatch.

A prisoner is released only when he has served his time, or if he is pardoned by the President for good behavior. If he attempts escape and is apprehended, his term is lengthened, besides the beating he receives when he is caught.

Faithful Jews- for over three and one-half thousand years, in all parts of the world, through all trials, our grandfathers and grandmothers marched through seas of blood and tears in order to keep the Faith of the Torah unswervingly. If we have compassion for ourselves, for our women and children, and for the Jewish people, we will maintain our golden legacy today. We have been sentenced to exile by the King of Kings because of our sins. The eternal blessed be He, has decreed that we accept the exile with humble gratitude until the time comes, or until we merit His pardon through repentance if we seek to end the exile with force, G-d will catch us, as our sages have forewarned, and our sentence becomes longer and more difficult.

Many times in the past have segments of our people been defrauded by false messiahs - but none of the false messiahs has been as fallacious and delusory as the lie of Zionism. With our historical experience as our guide, no retribution has been or will be greater than the retribution for giving credence to Zionism. If we wish our exile-sentence commuted, we must appeal through repentance; and through total physical and spiritual observance of the Sabbath, laws of family purity, and study of Torah.

Let it be clearly understood that never in Jewish history (even in the time of Jeroboam or Achav) have such hostile atheists stood at the helm of the Jewish people as today.

How can we plead to the Almighty for mercy while we tolerate these vile, "wicked" leaders as spokesmen! Beloved brothers - let us cleanse our ranks and cleanse our midst; let us entreat the Almighty through prayer, repentance, and fulfillment of mitzvos that He alone redeem us, immediately.

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Re: Our Sages on Zionism and the Zionists
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2013, 01:50:16 AM »
Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik, the Brisker Rav (1887-1959)

Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik related that the Brisker Rav once asked: Why is the wording of the last oath different from the first two? In the first two (Shir Hashirim 2:7 and 3:5) it says “If you arouse and if you awaken,” and in the last one (8:4) it says, “Why do you arouse and why do you awaken?” He answered that the verses refer to two different situations during the Jewish people's exile. Shlomo Hamelech foresaw with his holy inspiration that there would come a time when people of Jewish descent would try to force the end of exile. They would establish a state by human power before the coming of moshiach. Therefore, in the first two oaths, he warned the Jewish people not to do this. But the third oath refers to the period after the establishment of the state, when forcing the end and provoking the nations have become facts of life. This is why the oath reads, "Why do you arouse?" After you have seen that violating the oath did not help you at all, why do you continue in your folly of provoking the nations and spilling Jewish blood like the gazelles and deer of the field? (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 187)

After the decision of the United Nations to establish a Jewish state, when many religious Jews also rejoiced over the Zionists’ success, some of the anti-Zionist Jews of Yerushalayim came to ask the Brisker Rov how they should word the signs they were planning to post about the current situation. Right away, he opened up a Tehillim to Chapter 2 and said, “Here Dovid Hamelech describes our situation: ‘The kings of the earth stand, leaders meet together' - this refers to the United Nations - 'against Hashem and His moshiach.’ We must strengthen ourselves in our belief that the exile was decreed upon us by Hashem Yisborach, and we must wait patiently for Him to redeem us and save us through moshiach. We must pass the tests. Then we will merit to see Hashem’s laughter at the wicked and their false redemption, as Dovid Hamelech continues, “He Who sits in heaven will laugh, Hashem will mock them.” (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 195)

Once someone asked the Brisker Rov, “Where does it say in the Gemara or Shulchan Aruch that the idea of Zionism is illegitimate?” “Gemara? Shulchan Aruch?” he replied. “Bring me a siddur and I will show you where it is written.” He showed him the words of Shmoneh Esrei, “‘And may our eyes see when You return to Zion…’ In other words, we are waiting for Hashem to reveal Himself again, and we must not hope to be redeemed on our own, before the building of the Temple and the revelation of the honor of Heaven upon us.” (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 195)

At the time of the establishment of the state, anti-Zionist activists asked the Brisker Rov, “When we speak to Jews about the state, should we stress the fact that the leaders of the state are wicked people whose whole purpose is to uproot Torah and cast Jews in a new mold, empty of any spark of Judaism? Or should we stress the serious prohibition of establishing any Jewish state at all before the coming of moshiach and the Sanhedrin in the hewn chamber?” He replied that they should stress the prohibition of establishing any Jewish state, lest anyone think that if the State were run according to the Torah and Shulchan Aruch it would be permitted to establish it.

Similarly, he once said to Rabbi Amram Blau, “We must stress that the problem with the State is not just the chillul Shabbos and other aveiros that they do. For even if you would be the prime minister, it would be forbidden to establish the State.”

Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik quoted his father, "Even if they appointed the Chofetz Chaim himself as the leader of the state, it would be forbidden." (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 196)

The Brisker Rav also said: "The Rambam (Melachim 12:2 and Teshuva 9:2) says that moshiach will redeem the Jewish people from their subjugation to the nations. Anyone who believes that it is possible to be redeemed from subjugation to the nations without moshiach is lacking in full belief in moshiach." (Yalkut Divrei Torah)

The Brisker Rav once said to Reb Zalman Sorotzkin, “Why does the Torah say, ‘And Esav despised the birthright,’ implying that that was his main sin? The Gemora (Bava Basra 16b) says that he committed five sins that day: he violated a betrothed girl, he murdered, he denied the revival of the dead, he denied Hashem, and he despised the birthright. How could despising the birthright be considered the worst of those sins? The answer is that it is understandable that a person can stumble in sin. But to sell a birthright for lentil soup – that shows that all service of Hashem is worth nothing to him. The same is true of Zionism and the State. The Jewish people has lived throughout history relying on the promise of Hashem through true and just prophets, and on their faith in the coming of moshiach and the open miracles that will take place then. The founding of the state came to destroy all of that, like lentil soup in place of the birthright. There is no other sin like it!” (Teshuvos Vehanhagos, v. 2, siman 140)

When the Brisker Rav came to Eretz Yisroel [in 1941] they asked him if he planned to go back or to stay. He replied, “Do I plan to go back?? I plan to run away!!”

After the Brisker Rav came to Eretz Yisroel someone remarked to him, “The Rav is certainly happy now that he merited to fulfill the mitzvah of living in Eretz Yisroel.” He replied, “If not for the great destruction that the Germans, yimach shmam, have brought on the Jews of Europe, I would have stayed there until the coming of Moshiach. I had no specific desire to come to Eretz Yisroel. Only need and desperation brought me here.”

Reb Yaakov Rosenheim visited the Brisker Rov and discussed with him the situation in Eretz Yisroel. The Brisker Rov said that one must leave the State because it is a place of danger. “Isn’t there a mitzvah to live in Eretz Yisroel today?” asked Rosenheim. “There definitely is, but from such a state one must flee,” said the Brisker Rov. He then quoted the Rambam in Hilchos Deos (6:1): “The nature of man is that his character traits and actions are influenced by his neighbors, friends and the people of his country. Therefore… if one is in a country whose practices are bad, and whose citizens do not walk in the straight path, he should go to a place whose residents are righteous and follow proper practices.”

Rabbi Ahron Katzenellenbogen once related in a speech, “The Brisker Rov said that the Zionist State was the most dangerous place for Jews, both physically and spiritually. I asked him, ‘If so, perhaps we should go and live outside Eretz Yisroel.’ He replied, ‘Yes, according to halacha perhaps we are obligated to do that. But since there is no place as good as Yerushalayim for the proper Jewish education of boys and girls, for it is the only place in the world where there are no secular studies, we must be moser nefesh for the education of our children, and Hashem will help us.’” (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 207-8)

Once activists who were working for the observance of Shabbos in the Zionist state came to discuss an issue with the Brisker Rav. He said to them, “You are happy with the state; you see it as an achievement and a place of refuge for the Jewish people. Only, you want to make it better, that it should at least have a religious character. But in my book the whole thing is wrong. When it comes to pork, it makes no difference if there is a lesion on the lungs or not!” (ibid. p. 198)

He was referring to the story of the girl who became fatally ill, and the doctors said the only cure was to eat the meat of a pig. She was a very religious girl, however, and she said to her father, “I would rather die than eat from a pig!” Her father brought her to the rav of the town, who explained to her that when a life is in danger, the laws of the Torah are pushed aside. Finally she relented, but said to the rav, “There is one thing that would make me feel a little better about this. Please ask the shochet to slaughter the pig according to the laws of shechitah.” The rav was surprised at this request, but promised to fulfill it. So the shochet slaughtered the pig, and then the girl asked him to examine the lungs. He found a questionable lesion on the lung, and he sent it to the rav for his ruling. The rav looked it over for a long time, and then said, “I don’t know what to say. If this question had been found on a kosher animal, I would not hesitate to say, ‘Kosher, kosher.’ But how can I say the word ‘kosher’ when the animal is a pig? No matter what reasons I can think of to permit it, a pig remains a pig.” (My Uncle The Netziv, p. 130)

When the Zionists campaigned in the United Nations for permission to establish their state, the Agudath Israel lay leaders worked alongside them. The Brisker Rav, fearing the great bloodshed the state would bring about, tried to dissuade them from these diplomatic missions. "But," someone said to the Brisker Rav, "it says in the works of Kabbalah that before the coming of moshiach there will be a government in the hands of the eirev rav." "I don't believe that," said the Brisker Rav. The man persisted, "The words of the prophets, too, contain a hint that the Land will be partitioned and governed by a Jewish government before the coming of moshiach." The Brisker Rav replied, "The Gemora states explicitly that even when something is foretold by prophecy, it is forbidden to violate the law of the Torah. It says in Berachos 10a that Chizkiyahu foresaw that he would have wicked children, and because of this he refrained from having children. Why? If he saw prophetically that he would have children, it would happen no matter what, so why did he try to avoid it? The answer is, since - according to what Chizkiyahu held - it was forbidden to bring bad children into the world, he was obligated to make all efforts to avoid doing it, despite the knowledge that his efforts would fail and the children would be born anyway. So too here, it is forbidden to found a state, for it will cause bloodshed. Even if the prophets say it will happen anyway, it is forbidden for us to help."

The Brisker Rav gave another example to illustrate this point: "The Rambam writes that we can see the hand of Hashem even in the spreading of the major religions of the gentiles. These religions serve to prepare the world for the Days of Moshiach, by bringing belief in Hashem and the Torah – albeit in a corrupted form - to the whole world. Does that mean that we should go and help spread these religions?" (Teshuvos Vehanhagos v. 2, siman 140)

Once the Brisker Rav was going over his household expenses with his daughter, and she had written, among the items bought, the word "mivreshes." The Brisker Rav asked her what "mivreshes" meant. Just at that moment, his talmid Reb Mordechai Solomon came in. "Reb Mordechai, what is a 'mivreshes'?" asked the Rav. "The original Yiddish word was 'bersht' (brush)," said Reb Mordechai, "but the Zionists changed it to 'mivreshes.'" Then the Brisker Rav said to his daughter, "If so, erase 'mivreshes' and write 'bersht.'" (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 2 p. 192)

At the Keren Hatzalah gathering in Tamuz 5754 (1994) during the Beirach Moshe’s visit to Eretz Yisroel, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch told the following story: In the months preceding the establishment of the Zionist State, the Brisker Rav was very worried and he asked many rabbanim to work hard to prevent the new state from coming into being. After the State was established, the Chazon Ish heard that the Brisker Rav was feeling ill. He sent him a message, “You need not fear the State, for we have a rule that ‘a decree usually becomes annulled’ (Kesubos 3b). So the State will not last long.” The Brisker Rav told the messenger, “Go back and tell the Chazon Ish that it is true that a decree is usually annulled, but that would only apply here if the community considered the State an evil decree. However, I fear that the community does not think of it as a decree at all, and religious Jews will join the Zionists in running their state. Not only that, I fear that the wicked will be nourished from our holiness, from the yeshivos and chadarim that they support. If so, it will be a bitter decree for us. Go and tell the Chazon Ish that I fear that this evil decree will remain until the coming of moshiach!” (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk v. 4, p. 209)

Reb Dovid Soloveitchik reports that his father, the Brisker Rav, once said, "Those who keep far away from the Zionist movement – from their deeds, their money and all that is theirs – need not fear, G-d forbid, the evil that will befall those who support Zionism." (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 203)

At the Knessia Gedolah of Agudath Israel in Marienbad, 1937, the central topic of discussion was the recent proposal of England's Peel Commission to partition Palestine, designating a piece for a Jewish state.

The Brisker Rav, who was not at the Knessia, was also very angry when he heard that they were considering the idea of a Jewish state, which would bring bloodshed, G-d forbid. He lamented, "They are sitting and discussing whether it is permitted to give up on part of Eretz Yisroel, but to give up on one Jewish life is definitely forbidden!" Reb Avrohom Kalmanovitz visited the Brisker Rav and tried to calm him, saying, "What difference does it make what the Agudah says? The British aren't going to take the opinion of rabbis into consideration in any case."

The Brisker Rav opened a Gemora to Sanhedrin 26a and read: “Shevna's lectures were attended by 130,000 people, and Chizkiyah's lectures were attended by 110,000 people. When Sancheiriv came and beseiged Jerusalem, Shevna wrote a note and delivered it with a shooting arrow: ‘Shevna and his followers surrender, Chizkiyah and his followers do not surrender.’ Chizkiyah was afraid, saying, ‘Perhaps the mind of the Holy One, blessed is He, follows the majority. Since the majority will be delivered into the hands of Sancheiriv, we will also.’ The prophet Yishayah came and said to him, ‘Do not call a conspiracy, what this people calls a conspiracy.’ In other words, it is a conspiracy of the wicked, and a conspiracy of the wicked does not count.”

He finished reading and explained, "Yishayah told Chizkiyah that G-d indeed goes after the majority, but the opinion of the wicked does not count toward determining that majority. Here also, G-d does not care about the plans of the secular Zionists. He looks only at what the Torah Jews say. At this Knessia the majority of the gedolim of our generation are present, and G-d goes after the majority - we cannot call them "a conspiracy of wicked people." If they decide that there should be a state, then I am afraid that there will be a state.

“In our holy Torah, it makes no difference what character this Jewish state will have. Even if it would be a Jewish state run completely according to the Torah law, even if the president and prime minister would be Reb Chaim Ozer, and everything would be done according to the Torah – even then it is forbidden that even one Jew be killed in order to establish a Jewish state. That is the crux of the issue here. The issue is not how the Jewish state will be run, religiously or secularly. The point is that it is forbidden for Jewish blood to be spilled for the purpose of establishing a Jewish state. And since it is impossible to accomplish the partition without spilling Jewish blood, it is forbidden to accept this plan.”

"But," said Reb Avrohom, "why does the Rav say that there will be bloodshed? The plan is that the British and the League of Nations will carry out the partition peacefully, with the agreement of the Arabs." "It will never be so," said the Brisker Rav. "The Arabs will never agree to the establishment of a Jewish state. There will definitely be bloodshed. Even if there were only a possibility of bloodshed it would be forbidden, all the more so now that it is definite bloodshed." (Teshuvos Vehanhagos v. 2 siman 140, Peninei Rabbeinu Hagriz p. 148)

The Gemora says (Sanhedrin 63b): “The righteous Eliyahu walked among the people dying of hunger in Jerusalem. He found a child who was swollen from hunger, lying in the garbage heaps. ‘From which family are you?’ he asked. ‘From such-and-such a family,’ he said. ‘Is there anyone surviving from that family?’ ‘No, except for me.’ ‘If I teach you something through which you will live, are you willing to learn it?’ ‘Yes,’ said the child. ‘Say every day, “Hear O Israel, Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is One.”’ The child said, ‘Be quiet, do not mention the name of Hashem!’ For his father and mother did not teach him that. Immediately, he took out his idol from his bosom and hugged it and kissed it until his stomach split, and his idol fell on the ground and he fell on top of it, to fulfill the verse, 'I will place your corpses on the corpses of your idols.'"

The Brisker Rav used to repeat this passage often, and he would say, “This is the situation today. People see that rebelling against Hashem will not succeed, and that because of the establishment of the State we are suffering bitterly from our Arab neighbors. Every day people are killed and wounded, may Hashem have mercy. All the arms of the Zionists do not help to stop terror. And still people continue to support the State and think that it is the salvation of Hashem and the redemption of the Jewish people. They do not understand that this is a threat of destruction to the Jewish people!” (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk v. 4, 191)

When the Brisker Rav would be called up for the Haftorah during the Seven Weeks of Consolation, he would always cry. He explained, "Throughout history, the hope of every Jew was always hanging on the words of the prophet, "Console, console My people" and "It is I, it is I, Who consoles you" (51:12) – and all the other verses of consolation spoken by Hashem through His true prophets, promising that Hashem Himself will redeem us. This promise breathed life into every Jew. But now, the Zionists have come and created a new vision, claiming that there is a natural solution to the "Jewish problem." Jews must take their fate into their own hands, they say. They think that their state somehow saves the Jewish people, when in reality it is the worst exile of all." (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 189)

During the fight over the drafting of girls, one rosh yeshiva suggested to the Brisker Rav that the Zionists might be so angry at the charedim's refusal that they would begin drafting yeshiva boys. It might be wise to be more lenient on the issue of national service for girls, in order to keep the yeshivos strong. The Brisker Rav said, "Heaven forbid to permit the forbidden in order to strengthen Torah study. We find that when the Beis Hamikdash was burning, the kohanim went up on the roof and threw the keys up to the sky, saying, 'Since we did not merit to be trusted caretakers, we are giving the keys back to You.' A hand came out of the sky and took the keys (Taanis 29a). So too, if we cannot continue the study of the Torah except by permitting serious sins, then we are not responsible to continue it. We leave Hashem responsible to fulfill His own promise that the Torah will never be forgotten." (Mishkenos Haro'im, p. 842)

When the Zionist state was proclaimed and the Holy Land was bathed in bloodshed, one religious Jew who was a participant in the provisional government came to visit the Brisker Rav. He said, "I will not exaggerate and say that we religious have a great influence in the government, but our influence is not too small." The Brisker Rav replied, "Previously I thought that you had no influence at all, and even in that case you would share in the blame for the blood that is being shed. Now that I hear you say that you do have some influence, and not too small, even if you succeed in getting all the Jews to put on Rabbeinu Tam tefillin, I do not envy your portion, because of your responsibility for what is happening." (Lechoshvei Shmo, Sivan 5748, p. 8)

The Brisker Rav said, "Two things are certain: 1) Zionism is idolatry, and 2) every Jew living in Eretz Yisroel stumbles in Zionism." (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 197)

Reb Moshe Shmuel Shapiro relates that when he was young, at one point he was not sure if he should open a yeshiva or become a dayan within the Zionist system. He went to speak to the Brisker Rav, and he found him sitting together with his son Reb Berel. The Brisker Rav told him, "To be a dayan in their system is much worse than taking their money for yeshivos!" "Is there any prohibition to take money from them?" asked Reb Moshe Shmuel. "I'm not saying that it it's a prohibition," said the Brisker Rav, "but would you be able to take money for a yeshiva from someone who owns a pork store?" Then he looked at his son and Reb Moshe Shmuel and said, "I promise you that as long as you take money only from clean sources, you will never lack money." (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 2 p. 181)

Reb Dovid Soloveitchik later expressed his father's position in another way: How can one take money for the support of Torah from those who are trying to destroy Torah? Chazal say, "One who causes another to sin is worse that one who kills him." (Sifri quoted by Rashi, Devarim 23:9) If Hitler, yimach shmo, had proposed to support the yeshivos at the same time that he was murdering the Jews of Europe, would they have accepted it? ("Today, maybe they would..." he added.) So why is this any different? The Zionists are working as hard as they can to destroy whatever remains of Torah-observant Jewry. (ibid. p. 179)

The Brisker Rav once said, "The Zionists take credit for protecting the Jews in the Holy Land with their military might. This is similar to the false prophet described in the Torah (Devarim 13:2) who claims to have received a prophecy that Jews should worship idols, and brings a miracle as proof of his authenticity. The Torah says that despite the miracle, we must not listen to him, for "Hashem your G-d is testing you." Our Sages say, "Even if he makes the sun stop in the sky." G-d may cause the sun to stop in the sky one day, and the prophet will claim that this unusual event is connected with him, but in reality there is no connection. The imagined connection is a test from G-d. Here too, the seeming connection between the Zionists and the survival of the Jews in the Holy Land is but a test from G-d, and in reality the Jews are saved in the merit of those faithful to the Torah among them."

"Any miracles in Eretz Yisroel in our time were not done for the Zionists, as if G-d desires the existence of their state and their army. People say that the state is a place of refuge for the Jewish people, but that is false. The state is a great misfortune for the Jewish people, and no one knows what will be in the end. Our prayer is that we be saved through the kindness of G-d from all the dangers threatening us from inside and outside, without any connection to the Zionists and their state. G-d forbid that we should pray for their success in their wars."

The Brisker Rav gave an analogy: "A mother washed her young child and dressed him in his finest Shabbos clothes, and then he went stomping in the mud puddles. When he came home, his mother, in her love and mercy, washed him again and put clean clothes on him. Then the foolish child went and bragged to his friends about his greatness, his success, his wisdom and his power, showing them the beautiful new clothes he had received. Here too, how foolish are those who got themselves into deep mud, pulling all the Jews of the Holy Land after them into terrible danger, and then when G-d has mercy and they are saved, they take credit for the saving, as if G-d did miracles for their sake!" (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 3 p. 50)

The Brisker Rav once compared the Arabs to the Emorites described in the Torah (Devarim 1:44), who came out to fight the Jews who invaded Eretz Yisroel too early. The Torah says that "They pursued you like bees, and they beat you in Seir until Chormah." Rashi comments, "Just as a bee, when it stings a person, dies immediately, so too when they hit you they died immediately." The Brisker Rav posed the question: The Torah seems to be using the comparison to bees to explain how strongly the Emorites fought, yet Rashi says that the comparison to bees was meant to highlight their weakness, that they died immediately. How does Rashi's comment conform to the simple meaning of the Torah?

The Brisker Rav explained: If A hits B repeatedly and B does not hit back, we only see that A hates B a little. But if B hits back double for every time A hits him, and still A continues to hit B, we see that A must really hate B, for he is willing to suffer so much just to hit B.

Here too, the Emorites also knew that when they fought against the Jews, they would die on the spot, and yet this did not deter them from pursuing the Jews - so powerful was their hatred. Thus the description of the Emorites dying like bees is meant to show how strongly motivated they were to pursue the Jews.

The Brisker Rav quoted the Vilna Gaon, who gave a similarly explanation to a comparison to bees in Tehillim (118:12): "They surround me like bees..." David Hamelech is describing his enemies' motivation to fight as so powerful that they are willing to die like the bees.

The Brisker Rav concluded, "The Zionists think that if they kill Arabs, the Arabs will be afraid and surrender to them. But we find here in the Torah that these nations pursued the Jews like bees - even when they knew it would cost them their lives. The Arabs kill and wound because they were sent by Heaven!" (Nesivos Rabboseinu v. 2 p. 164)

In Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk (v. 4, p. 190) we read that the Brisker Rav once said, “The Zionists’ use of this word (Chashmal) from Yechezkel shows that they deny the meaning and existence of that holy concept mentioned by the prophet Yechezkel.”

The Brisker Rav pointed out many other falsifications of the Holy Tongue committed by the Zionists, and his blood would boil with anger whenever he heard someone speak a word or expression of Modern Hebrew. When he spoke to Bnei Torah who did not understand Yiddish, he would speak in Lashon Hakodesh with the Ashkenazic pronunciation, but never in Modern Hebrew. He said, “The motive of those who introduced Modern Hebrew was to create a language barrier between the younger generation and the older generation, so that each one should not understand the other.”

In the end of days, the Torah foretells in Parshas Nitzavim, the “last generation” of Jews, as well as “the gentile who comes from a faraway land,” will see the desolate condition of Eretz Yisroel and ask, “Why did Hashem do this to this land? Why was this great anger aroused?” And the answer will be that they worshipped idols (29:23-25). The Brisker Rav commented: The worst part of the tragedy described here is that the Jews will be just as ignorant as the gentiles as to what caused the Jewish people’s problems. But note that only the gentiles from faraway lands will be ignorant; the gentiles from Eretz Yisroel will know well what the problem is.

Rabbi Aharon Kotler, Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood, NJ (1891-1962)

In the summer of 1937, the third convention of the rabbinical leaders of Agudath Israel was held in Marienbad. It was attended by hundreds of rabbis, heads of yeshivas and grand rabbis of Chassidic communities from a number of countries. Rabbi Aharon Kotler attended this convention.

The periodical Hapardes (Year 11, Issue 7) reports that “Rabbi [Elchonon] Wasserman, Rabbi [Aharon] Kotler, Rabbi [Mordechai] Rottenberg from Antwerp and rabbis from Czechoslovakia and Hungary were unanimous in rejecting any proposal for a Jewish State on either side of the Jordan River, even if it were established as a religious statebecause such a regime would be a form of heresy in our faith in the belief in the coming of the Messiah, and especially since this little Jewish state would be built on heresy and desecration of the Name of G-d."

The late Rabbi Shlomo Rottenberg (a historian and author of Toldos Am Olam and other works), who also attended the Convention in 1937, used to say that he could still remember what was discussed there, and the harsh opposition of these rabbinical leaders to a 'Jewish State', which is a violation of the Three Oaths mentioned in the Talmud. (Rabbi A.L. Spitzer)

When Bais Yaakov of Borough Park began teaching classes in Ivrit B'Ivrit (that is, translating the holy words of Chumash into Modern Hebrew), a group of parents complained, until the school staff agreed to present the question to Rabbi Aharon Kotler. The staff and a group of parents (among them the Debretziner Rav) came before Reb Aharon. The staff argued that they had no textbooks besides those produced in Eretz Yisroel, which were written in Ivrit. The parents argued that the purpose of teaching in Ivrit was to inculcate the students with the Zionist ideology. They demanded that the school teach in Yiddish, or at least arrange for separate Yiddish classes. As he listened, Reb Aharon's face grew stormy. He stood up and said fervently, "There is no doubt that teaching in Ivrit is completely forbidden. It is an assimilation worse than all other assimilations in the world. For the goal of Zionism is to uproot the holy Torah from its source. Assimilation with gentiles is like a gentile idol, which can be nullified; but assimilation with Ivrit is a Jewish idol, which can never be nullified! (See Avodah Zarah 52a.) If you teach in English, that is the language of the country and we have no choice, because we need to know the language to earn a living and so on. This is like teaching one's child a trade. But if we teach in Ivrit here in America, it serves no constructive purpose; it is only to bring the children closer to Zionism. Therefore it is definitely forbidden."

But the staff threatened that if Reb Aharon ruled this way, they would resign in protest and Bais Yaakov would have to close down. The Debretziner Rav commented, "Who ever heard of one of the parties in a Din Torah threatening the dayan?" In the end, Bais Yaakov arranged separate classes in Ivrit and Yiddish. (Botzina Kadisha v. 1 pp. 263-264; Shailos Utshuvos Be'er Moshe v. 4, 140:6)

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Re: Our Sages on Zionism and the Zionists
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2013, 01:50:48 AM »
Rabbi Yosef Kahaneman, the Ponevezher Rav (1886-1969)

The Ponevezher Rav built many yeshivos using money from the Zionist government. Every time he made a gathering to celebrate the laying of the cornerstone of one of his buildings, a small group of Neturei Karta members would attend, holding signs saying that they protested against the acceptance of the money. Their protests often disturbed the festivities. Someone asked the Poneveczer Rav, "Why don't you do something about it? Make sure they don't come!" "If they wouldn't come on their own," answered the Poneveczcer Rav, "I would pay them to come! I want everyone to know that what I'm doing is only bedieved - not the right way to do things, but necessary because of the difficulty of the times."

The Ponevezher Rav was extremely careful to avoid speaking any words of the Zionist language, modern Hebrew. Once, Rabbi Ozer Yonah Kushner, a teacher in a yeshiva in Miami Beach, asked the Ponvezher Rav to give a lecture in his yeshiva. The students of this yeshiva did not know Yiddish, and the Ponevezher Rav did not speak English, so they were in a quandary as to how he should communicate with them. Finally, it was decided that the Rav would speak in classical Hebrew, the Holy Tongue. So he began in halting Hebrew, but after a minute, he switched to his native Yiddish for the remainder of the lecture. Afterwards Rabbi Kushner asked him why he had done this. The Rav replied, "I am careful to avoid using any word that was invented by the Zionists. Someone from our community published a dictionary indicating which words may be used. But it is very hard to remember, and it was taking too long, so I had no choice but to speak in Yiddish."

Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner, Rosh Yeshiva of Chaim Berlin (1906-1980)

On the Zionists' guilt in the Holocaust, Rabbi Hutner said:

An example of how public opinion can be molded -- indeed, warped -- at the whim of powerful individuals can be taken from a study of Russian history textbooks published during the respective reigns of Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev. During each period, the textbooks hail the then-current leader to the exclusion of all his predecessors as the savior of Russia and hero of his people. Undoubtedly, "public opinion" during each period, once children's minds had been suitably molded, reflected the thinking and wishes of the state. While more subtle in form, this ability to direct public opinion exists in democratic countries as well. Thus, we already pointed out at the beginning that we must make every effort to free ourselves from the powerful grip of public opinion, and must be ever on our guard that our opinions of the true nature of world events will be shaped only by Torah views as seen through Torah eyes.

Sadly, even in our own circles, the mold for shaping public opinion lies in the hands of the State of Israel. An appropriate example of this dangerous process of selectively "rewriting" history may be found in the extraordinary purging from the public record of all evidence of the culpability of the forerunners of the State in the tragedy of European Jewry, and the sub-situation in is place of factors inconsequential to the calamity which ultimately occurred.

To cover its own contribution to the final catastrophic events, those of the State in a position to influence public opinion circulated the notorious canard that Gedolei Yisroel were responsible for the destruction of many communities because they did not urge immigration. This charge is, of course, a gross distortion of the truth, and need not be granted more dignity than it deserves by issuing a formal refutation. However, at the same time as the State made certain to include this charge as historical fact in every account of the war years, it successfully sought to omit any mention of its own contribution to the impending tragedy. While the State omitted in its own version of history is the second of the above-mentioned new directions in recent Jewish history. It is that phenomenon which we must now examine. (The Jewish Observer, October 1977)

On the friendship between Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Rabbi Hutner said:

It should be manifest that until the great public pressures for the establishment of a Jewish State, the Mufti had no interest in the Jews of Warsaw, Budapest or Vilna. Once the Jews of Europe became a threat to the Mufti because of their imminent influx into the Holy Land, the Mufti in turn became for them the incarnation of the Angel of Death. Years ago, it was still easy to find old residents of Yerushalayim who remembered the cordial relations they had maintained with the Mufti in the years before the impending creation of a Jewish State. Once the looming reality of the State of Israel was before him, the Mufti spared no effort at influencing Hitler to murder as many Jews as possible in the shortest amount of time. This shameful episode, where the founders and early leaders of the State were clearly a factor in the destruction of many Jews, has been completely suppressed and expunged from the record." (The Jewish Observer, October 1977)

Rabbi Shneur Kotler, Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash Govoha of Lakewood (1918-1982)

Rabbi Shneur Kotler said, “People call the Satmar Rav’s ideas a shitah, but it is not. He proves in Vayoel Moshe that this is what Shas and poskim, Rishonim and Acharonim all held. What he holds is what all gedolei Yisroel once held. On the contrary, our Agudah shitah is a new shitah: that in today’s environment, we have to do an aveirah lishmah and salvage whatever we can, choose the lesser of two evils and so on. But the Satmar Rav’s shitah is the shitah of Shas and poskim, the age-old Jewish way.

Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, Grand Rabbi of Satmar (1887-1979)

I remember fifty or sixty years ago, many gedolei yisroel said that after all the Zionists did to undermine Jewish-gentile relations, it would be a miracle if destruction did not come upon the Jews of Europe. And today we know that the accursed murderers, yimach shmam, said that Herzl's book was what aroused them against the Jews. And now, after the Kastner Trial, we know the role the Zionists played in the destruction of Hungarian Jewry in particular. There is no need to speak at length on these well-known facts.

And today they continue in their evil ways, provoking the countries in which Jews live to anger against the Jews. For example, the voice of our brethren in Morocco cries out to us! They write us letters saying that they once lived under a kind government and were lacking nothing, until the Zionists came and made an upheaval, bringing danger upon all the Jews. The Torah commands us not to stand idle while our neighbor bleeds! Yet everyone is silent. If people would only open their eyes they would see that in America as well, they are doing everything they can to increase anti-Semitism, as they once did in the European countries. The Jewish people needs Heavenly mercy that they should not succeed.

And needless to say, the low spiritual state of the Jewish people is also thanks to them. True, most American Jews are not religious, but that is due to ignorance and assimilation. They are not out to fight Judaism. But the Zionists have created a factory of heresy, from which they spread denial of the Torah to the whole world. Look at the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of Jews that they worked hard to brainwash into believing complete kefirah. Yet the Orthodox Jewish world is tolerant of them. And not only that, they lift them up as leaders. Where are the rabbinic leaders who will raise their voices in protest against this insult to Hashem?

It is a serious danger to the Jewish people if we point to those who do not keep the Torah and deny Hashem and call them the leaders of the Jewish people. All the nations are thereby misled to think that they speak in the name of Jewry, and thus they are transformed into anti-Semites. And really, if it were possible, even at the risk of our lives, to let the nations of the world know that these wicked men are not the representatives of the Jewish people, and that observant Jews have no connection with them, it would be one of the biggest mitzvos to do so. We would have to risk our lives to do it. But unfortunately, the rabbis are afraid of the people, and if there are any of them who do say something publicly against the Zionists, the chareidi leaders fight against him and defend the Zionists with various excuses.(Kinus Haklali, 1961, printed in Divrei Yoel Naso p. 128-9)

I heard that the religious Zionists announced that this war [of 1967] was necessary and obligatory according to Torah [in order to save the Jewish people from danger]. But it is obvious and known to all who see truth that all these troubles, including the danger of the war, came upon us only as a result of the existence of that Zionist state…it is the Zionist government that aroused the anger of the Arabs by provoking them in various ways, and if not for the stubbornness of its wicked leaders the danger of the war would never have been. And even now, if they were to give up their state and their government, there is no doubt that they would take Hashem’s anger away from the Jewish people. Had they done this, the entire calamity – the danger of the war and the loss of Jewish lives – would not have come upon them. And for every minute that they hold on to their power they are offending the Creator, blessed be He, with violation of the oaths and rebellion against the nations, which the holy Torah has forbidden and for which we have been warned of a severe punishment… And even naturally speaking, if they were to give up their government and Zionist state, there is no doubt that the United Nations would be able to find some way to prevent war, bloodshed and loss of Jewish lives.” (Al Hageulah V’al Hatemurah, Chapter 44)

In my youth I heard an important rabbi offer a fitting parable about the Zionists: Once there was an evil and cruel man who was vengeful and constantly on alert. He wanted to take revenge against his friend, and burn all his and wealth and possessions. So he hired a second wicked person who was an expert in these sorts of operations to do his task in such a way that the victim would not even notice that it was he who had committed this act. Since the hired criminal knew that his victim often welcomed guests into his home, he went to the victim’s home in the evening disguised as a guest and asked for a place to spend the night. The unwitting victim welcomed him in immediately and gave him a room for the night. In the middle of the night the wicked man observed that the householder and his family members were all asleep and that they would not notice anything. He silently set about to start a fire in a hidden area and then quickly returned to his room and pretended to be asleep.

The flames soon became noticeable and awakened the entire household in great panic; everyone soon realized that everything was on fire, but due to their confusion, panic and sorrow, the members of the family could not properly decide how to save their property. In order to avoid suspicion the wicked guest, who had caused the fire, pretended to wake up in great panic and rushed to the aid of the householder, who noticed that the guest was able to calmly do a good job to save more furniture and household objects than the householder himself.

The following morning, when the householder went to the synagogue with a heavy and bitter spirit, he told his friends about the terrible calamity that had befallen him. He explained that he was now left impoverished and destitute, and that he had no idea where to look for a new home and livelihood. While telling the story he mentioned the importance of the commandment of welcoming guests, because the guest he had invited into his home had helped save what little could be rescued from the fire in his home. The victim of the arsonist was asked by his friends to identify the guest. He described him, and they immediately recognized him as a very cruel and wicked man who was renowned for these sorts of deeds.

His friends mocked him and told him to watch himself, because were it not for that “guest,” there would have been no fire at all. The “guest” was actually an arsonist who had set fire to the house, and was no savior at all. They added that the householder should never again allow that evildoer to cross his threshold, for if he should ever again have anything to do with that evildoer, his tricks would be even worse, and could result in the death of the householder altogether, G-d forbid.

The lesson of this parable is obvious: through their sins and their deeds the Zionists are the cause of all troubles and sufferings, yet they always come around to brag that they are the saviors when they are actually the arsonists! Those that do not wish to seek the truth fall for the ruse and think that they are saviors. Satan blinds their eyes so that they end up in heresy and atheism, G-d forbid. By analyzing all the activities of the Zionists one can easily discover that their acts are utter destruction and no salvation. It would require a book specifically dedicated to this subject, and I have already written that in this book I do not wish to get into this history, only to shed light on the matter. G-d will guide those who seek the truth.

This is the last challenge of the Jewish exile, the hardest challenge the Jewish people have ever faced. Regarding these tribulations prior to the arrival of the messiah, Rabbi Yochanan said, “Let him come, but let me not see it.” (Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 98b) The sufferer cannot tolerate any more suffering, and now we need the mercy of G-d to strengthen our true faith in G-d, His holy Torah and His servants who have served Him with all their hearts and souls in the generations before us. (Vayoel Moshe 1:111)

Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vodaas (1890-1986)

Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky said that it was in reaction to Zionism that the Chofetz Chaim, in the 1890s, began to stress the study of Kodashim. (He wrote Likutei Halachos, started a Kodashim kollel, and taught Eizehu Mekoman to the unlearned kohanim in Radin.) That was the period of the first Zionist aliyah, and the Chofetz Chaim saw their goal, to establish an independent Jewish colony in Eretz Yisroel, as an implicit denial of the coming of moshiach and the complete redemption to be brought by Hashem. Therefore he taught the Jewish people to make a point of studying the laws of the service in the Beis Hamikdash, in order to reinforce the belief in moshiach. (Bimechitzas Rabbeinu, p. 31)

When the Satmar Rebbe's book Vayoel Moshe was published, explaining how the Three Oaths apply to the state, Reb Yaakov came to the Rebbe and said, “The Rebbe wrote that it would be worth writing the sefer even to change the mind of one Jew. Well, I’ve come to tell the Rebbe that he was yotzei already with me. I changed my mind after reading the sefer." (The Rebbe, p. 509)

Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira, the Baba Sali (1890-1984)

Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzera, the Baba Sali, held the Satmar Rebbe and his sefer Vayoel Moshe in very high esteem. In Hasaba Kadisha Baba Sali, Rabbi Yehuda Yehudayoff, the Baba Sali’s son-in-law, recounts how his father-in-law asked him to buy a copy of Vayoel Moshe.

Setting aside all other tasks, the Baba Sali locked himself in a room to learn Vayoel Moshe cover to cover. When he emerged, he said to his son-in-law, “There is no one greater in this generation in clarity of learning, logic, and giving decisive refutations like Rabbi Yoel, may the memory of the tzaddik be a blessing. With clear proofs, he has refuted all those who piled up words upon words, leaving no stone unturned and no question unanswered.

“Let us make a festive meal to celebrate a mitzvah, a siyum on Vayoel Moshe, just as we celebrate a siyum on a Talmudic tractate. This sefer is a great and important tractate in this confused generation. Rabbi Yoel is our pillar of fire, and we will walk in his light until the coming of moshiach.”

Throughout the meal, the Baba Sali quoted at length from Vayoel Moshe from memory, and expressed amazement at the Satmar Rebbe’s sharp mind and fluency in all the words of Chazal and Midrashim. He thanked Hashem for planting in our generation a holy tzaddik and gaon to guide those who fear Hashem in the true path, without any compromises. (Tiferes Yoel v. 3 pp. 113-114)

Rabbi Shimon Schwab, Rabbi of Khal Adas Jeshurun (1908-1993)

The following article, entitled "Zion or Zionism?" appeared in Mitteilungen, the bulletin of K'hal Adath Jeshurun, NYC, Adar 1-2 5736.

The United Nations has resolved by majority vote to equate Zionism with racism.

All over the world Jews have reacted by indignant protests and vigorous public declarations: "We are all Zionists," "Judaism is Zionism" and so on. This Jewish response is most unfortunate. A vicious lie is being answered with a simplistic untruth.

Zionism is not at all identical with Judaism. In fact it is diametrically opposed to it. Zionism is a political philosophy which considers the divine nation of the Torah a nation like all others, albeit with certain religious traditions which may or may not become part of the law of the Jewish land, subject to a majority vote of a democratic parliament. Zionism has transformed the holy land, the holy tongue, the holy nation into secular entities.

Zionism has created a sovereign state governed by man-made laws and not by the G-d given laws of the Torah. All these are dry facts, indisputable.

Zion is the house of our life. Zion is the citadel of G-d, sanctuary of the Torah, the holy city which surrounds it, the holy land of which it is the eternal capital.

The Zion of David and Shlomo, the Zion of our prophets and sages and singers and mourners and lovers - all this is the very opposite of Zionism. No! A thousand times no! We love Zion and therefore we are non-Zionists.

We are Jews who hate racism because we all have been the foremost victims of racism. We hate racism because all men were created in G-d's image, be they white, black, or yellow.

However, we are G-d's firstborn son. We are indeed a kingdom of priests and a holy people, chosen to serve Him and carry on His commandments, chosen to suffer if need be for the glory of G-d and the redemption of all mankind.

Eretz Yisroel was given us as an everlasting possession, but it was never promised by a guarantee from G-d of unconditional permanent existence for the Jewish people in Eretz Yisroel. On the contrary, it is a major teaching of Torah that the Jewish people has to earn the right to dwell in the land. And whenever Jews stop earning this right, Jews stop living in the land - heaven forbid. This we learn from countless passages of the Tanach as well as from the pages of history.

Therefore, the UN resolution should serve us indeed as a powerful eye-opener to return to the only source of our strength, to finally disregard Zionism and rediscover Zion, to discard the UN and go home to the Torah.

In the fall of 1988, a prominent Zionist rabbi published an article arguing that since Eretz Yisroel is vital to Jewish existence as a nation-state, where land is in danger of being lost it is permissible to sacrifice the lives of the few for the purpose of keeping the land and thereby sparing the nation at large.

Rabbi Shimon Schwab reacted sharply in an article published in the April/May 1989 issue of his community’s newsletter, and later published in Selected Speeches (p. 72):

What about a talmid chacham sh’ein bo deah - a scholar of Torah who unfortunately does not have the true Daas Hashem? According to Vayikra Rabbah, a dead animal's carcass is better than him. We are not referring to any given individual, but rather to a small group of authorities who fit the description. Here again, we must realize that any talmid chacham of this group, notwithstanding his erudition and scholarly achievements, has lost his deah because he is a child of our dark age and a victim of the garbled teachings of controversial role models. He may have been overcome by a sense of his own greatness, which the establishment has conferred upon him. We must pity him, without feeling self-righteous, and deplore the fact that so much diligence and intelligence is going down the drain. But let us beware of a better-than-thou mentality. Rather, let us thank Hashem, who has granted us the zechus to sit at the feet of uncontroversial Torah teachers, who were the talmidim of universally recognized gedolei Yisroel of the past generation, who have inspired us and guided our steps. Otherwise, we ourselves would have been drawn into the same whirlpool of confusion. Who knows? We might even have been much worse than these scholars are. Our refusal to recognize their pronouncements and actions is not tainted with vilification. All name-calling of personalities is demeaning, and therefore ruled out, and so is hate, which is self-destructive. We must treat our opponents with compassion, as we would treat someone who has lost his sense of direction. Always rather be sad than mad... But let us also remember at the same time not to yield even an inch of our emunah peshutah, and not to fall into the trap posed by the easygoing formulas of the new Centrist orientation. There must never be any contact with organized heresy, in whatever shape or form. When it comes to Zionism, even the kind that has changed it from realpolitik into a pre-messianic religion, let us be firm and brave and defy all forces which tend to weaken our fundamentalist - yes - loyalty to the unadulterated heritage which we have received from our forbears. But all this without hate, without anger and with great humility.

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchok Kahn, Toldos Ahron Rebbe (d. 1996)

Rabbi Kahn wrote in 5754 (1994): “We always saw the constant state of war and terrorism in Eretz Yisroel as the fulfillment of the punishment of the Oaths. Until recently, this punishment was confined to wars, or terrorist acts against the settlers and those on the borders. But now we are seeing a new phenomenon: Jewish blood is spilled like water in the streets of the city. Moreover, these random terrorist acts seem to have no logical reason for them, since the peace process is in progress. But the answer would seem to be that when the accusation was made in heaven that the Jewish people violated the Oaths, defending angels spoke up and said, ‘There is a large population of religious Jews who have nothing to do with this violation – why should they suffer?’ But now that many religious Jews have begun to speak of Eretz Yisroel as if it is ours and it is forbidden to give it back, thus aligning themselves with the Zionist ideal, the angels no longer have any defense, and the punishment for the Oaths comes back into force, may Hashem have mercy.” (Igros Divrei Emunah, p. 225)

Rabbi Mordechai Gifter, Rosh Yeshiva of Telshe Yeshiva, Cleveland, Ohio (1915-2001)

Things have been happening lately concerning Jews. We have to know about this and we have to know how to look at these events. We have to look at them with a Jewish look - with a Jewish eye, and not the way the non-Jews look at such things. But there are some Jews who look at them the way the non-Jewish people do, and understand them the way they do. This is one of the greatest tragedies in Jewish history.

The Torah says,

"Remember the past of the world, and understand each annal of the past for the future." If you want to understand the annals of the past, the changes from one generation to another - what is happening, to understand what it means - you have to look with another eye. You can't just look at the thing alone, but you have to go back all the way to the earlier times. You have to look back to the six days of Creation. You have to have a Creation view. If you give it thought and believe that G-d created the world, that HE is the supervisor over all the worlds, that HE doesn't leave the world for even one minute - if this is clear to you, and with this belief you look at today's world - it can lead to understanding each annal of the past for the future. Then you will look at these things and understand them, like a Jew should understand them. But if you don't know from remembering the past, then you are influenced from what you see today, and you don't look at it like a Jew should.

There is, today, an outburst of anti-Semitism in the world: an anti-Semitism that was never before equaled in the world, that was never so sophisticated. It is comprised not of plain, empty wild words, but rather on such a high standard that it should be called 'politics'. This has never happened before.

It is axiomatic that Esau hates Jacob. But such an anti-Semitism that appears nowadays is different. It means that something is happening here. Of course, if you are a Jew, it hurts, and you start to scream and protest and you make meetings about democracy. But idiots! What democracy? When democracy? It is hatred! It has nothing to do with democracy!! And a Jew who is silly and gets excited about it shows that he doesn't think like a Jew should think and it is a pity on him. Remember the annals of history! If we look back, where a Jew is to look, we see that the question is posed, where do we get the name 'Sinai'? From there came forth hated ('sinnah'). We received the Torah and therefore, others hate us. One is not allowed to get excited, because it can't be otherwise. But there are things happening which obligate us to stop and examine how they could occur. We know that Jews are hated, but to say that Jews are Nazis is not pure hatred. A person must speak with sense. He should be ashamed to say such words. It is just the opposite: We could feel that with our hands. To say that Jews are Nazis, Jews are racists - that is already another thing. Everybody had something to say. Hitler wrote a full-length book, in which he put forth reasons why to hate Jews. It had reasons, from his viewpoint, why it had to be that way. But to say about the most oppressed people in history - the Jews - and nobody has suffered as much as the Jews - that they are Nazis and racists means that we are involved in a situation involving a notorious hate unto death. Today, this is in the form of "United Nations", where everybody sits and everybody can speak and they accept resolutions. And this U.N. has passed a resolution that Jewish people are racist.

But herein lies one other thing: The "language" from today's hatred is completely new, and this is a phenomenon to which we have to devote thought and which we must take into account. Today's language proclaims that it is not the Jews who are bad - it is only Zionism which is a curse on the world. Our villifiers don't say "anti-Jews", only "anti-Zionism". We know that they mean Jews, but the language is not Jews, only Zionists. And this is a clear and novel approach which, since the time there were Jews and there was anti-Semitism, was never before used as a method of bringing out the hatred. It means that we have to think about it, and when a Jew thinks and looks at the annals of the past, he has much to learn.

We know the truth. The truth is that Zionism is a curse, and that's the way it is. Zionism is murder! And that's what it really is, because it is true! Who threw the Jews into the ocean when they wanted to travel to Eretz Yisroel in 1941? Who sank the boat (called the 'Patria') with about 1000 Jews on it? Who? The Nazis? Zionists did it! Yes, the Zionists! What is that? Is it not murder? Murderers!! Because of Zionism, one is allowed to kill Jews? Didn't these murderers say that the Jews of Europe are the "sacrifices" which we have to bring to have a Jewish "state" in Eretz Yisroel (G-d forbid)? Didn't they say this? Don't they have printed black and white statements which everybody can read? Didn't this man with the name, "Yitzchok Greenbaum" say in Warsaw that all religious Jews should be thrown into the ocean? And all this because of Zionism! And he wasn't ashamed of these words! I ask you: Is this right? Is this being nice? Is this grace? This is MURDER! Without any excuse, it is murder! G-d comes and punishes us, and He says to us that if we brought up in our midst such and Esau - one who is against Torah, against religion, against everything a Jew is - then we suggest a hint to the world, and it calls us Racists, Murderers, Terrorists! We are called murderers, who kill women and children. The Gentiles say this and it makes an impression on us, and we scream. How terrible! How can they speak this way about the Jewish people?

But it's interesting. They don't say that Jews are murderers. Only Zionists are murderers. This is an awesome thing. That repeats itself thousands of times and it doesn't stop. Some make protests. They write articles in the newspapers. They go to Washington to explain to the President of the United States what Zionism means - and that G-d forbid it's not this way - but we know the truth: Zionism says and Zionism actually does with its own hands the killing of Jews for an "Ideal"! Is it right that one Jew should kill another for an "ideal"? What right do they have to do this - to sink them in the ocean? Did you ever hear such stories as those that Jews forget and don't want to know? Yet this is what is being spoken from the mouths of the evil ones. They go and tell these stories to the U.N., for the whole world. But, in reality, this is being spoken to us from Heaven. G-d speaks to us, and wants to awaken us, and speaks to us through their mouths. A new language has begun: Therefore, a Jew has to decide why others speak to us in this way. It is only because we are being called into account in Heaven.

Here is another interesting story: When the business began in the U.N., it started through a man who has been called the President of Uganda: 'Idi Amin'. He started using these words, and now it has continued much further along. Day after day, the world has been talking about this. It is a wonder: Uganda? Uganda cares for the world? Why is it this way? We could understand what is happening here if one has only a little bit of common sense. Who established Zionism? Was it we religious people who love Eretz Yisroel? Was it we, who say, "for the sake of Zion I shall not be silent"? No! Zionism was established by a certain man who was a journalist in Austria: Theodore Herzl. He made Zionism! And he didn't believe in G-d! He lived with a non-Jewess! He had Gentile children - and he was the one who established Zionism! He wanted to "save" Jews, who, during those times, experiences many difficulties. Do you know how he said he wanted to save the Jews? Let me tell you some history:

He said that Jews should go to "Uganda" in Africa, and establish there a "Jewish State". That is what he said, and that is what is meant by him: Jews, Zion and Jerusalem. But he saw that that suggestion was no good. Jews didn't want to go to Uganda. So he decided to speak a different language. He would tell them to go to Eretz Yisroel, to the Holy Land, and make it an old-new land (alt-neuland). That meant that the old land would become a new land. What does it mean: "a new land"? It would look like Austria like Germany and like France. We had to establish a Jewish state with the system of all modern countries in Europe. That was the idea of an old-new land. That is why it is no different if it was Uganda or in another land: If not in Uganda, we would make a Uganda in Jerusalem! That was the whole idea, and he wrote that clearly in his book - and from this, the state was established.

Today we see that this Uganda, which was supposed to be a "Jewish State", has been screaming that Zionism is racism. This is not a natural occurrence. We are being shown from heaven that we should come to our senses and understand what we are doing. Are we Jews or are we non-Jews? Are we to be like all other nations, G-d forbid? This is what Herzl writes there in his book. It doesn't contain even a hint about religion, as there is by all other nations of the world. This is because a "Jewish State" has to look like a civilized country in Europe - a nation like all other nations.

Our Rabbis have a good sixth sense. They sense things and they immediately came out with an alarm: that this is dangerous for the Jewish people and for Judaism. The world will get rid of Judaism this way. There will be a new form of Judaism. The French have a land. The Greeks have a land. The Americans have a land. The Germans have a land: They all have a land; so we also need a land. This is "Jewish Nationalism:, and some will put all their strength into this undertaking so that the Jewish state should be a nation like all nations. The Jews don't need a Torah or a faith - they only need a state. Our great rabbis of almost 100 years ago warned us and saw that from this a great and terrifying destruction would result for the Jewish people. They saw that there would be a big tragedy coming to the Jewish people, because the Zionists put within their credo one iota of truth. A lie cannot stand on its own, so they put in a little bit of truth, which is called "Love of Zion" - you have to love Eretz Yisroel. But you also have to keep all 613 Mitzvos. So they put in this one iota of truth in order to change the complete lie. Jews became caught in this, and they didn't even feel they were being pulled into hell. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were lost because of this; they became atheists and secularists, totally devoid of Judaism. Along came today's world, in which was started a now form of anti-Semitism. It is called "anti-Zionism", and it has a reason. Truthfully, the nations of the world are speaking to us. We have to consider what form this message is taking, and that is something new, because it is made especially for us. We are being shown how much the epidemic took from Klal Yisroel. We have to awaken ourselves to the fact that Eretz Yisroel belongs to G-d. Eretz Yisroel is for Torah and Mitzvos, and not for a state. It can be a state sometime, but only when it will be to prepare the world for the Kingdom of G-d through the coming of Moshiach.

Such a state the Torah does want, and then the complete hatred of the Jews will go away. It will be as the prophet says - "and all the nations will flow unto you" - but till then, we are not allowed a state. The Torah does not want it. It is contrary to the Torah and contrary to our faith. It is completely incomprehensible how anyone can be so silly as to perform a holy dance in front of such an idol, and not to feel that with this, we are taking upon ourselves the goal of being like all the nations. Even, they themselves, can't judge where they stand in this world, thought they have a land and they have independence! And what does this independence mean? It is only as much as the President of America says they may have, and if they have a little bit too much, be presses his button, sends his messenger the apostate, to say STOP: enough with it. If so, why are they making themselves so silly? Why do they yell? It is really nothing. It is only because Jews have no sense, and they say that we must believe in such things. So the world started speaking a language that would take Jews away from this mistake, because the Jews are sleeping. They don't know where they are at, and they don't know that they have to repent and free themselves from this epidemic.

Rabbi Avigdor Miller

Can a Jew expel a gentile who possesses land in the Land of Israel? Certainly not, because the land is not ours right now. (Tape # 35 (1973) Question 6)

When Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai met with the Roman general Vespasian (Gittin 56b), Rabbi Yochanan said that he and the other good Jews wanted to surrender and accept Roman rule, but the “ biryonim” (zealots) did not allow it. Vespasian said: “If a poisonous serpent coils itself around a keg of honey, do we not break the keg in the process of killing the serpent?” He meant that despite Rabbi Yochanan’s desire for peace, he could not call off the war because he had to defeat the zealots, and it would be impossible to do so without destroying Jerusalem and the Temple. Rabbi Yochanan was silent. He saw in Vespasian’s words a deeper and prophetic meaning of which the general himself was not aware. The Jewish people had been plagued for 150 years by the heretical Sadducees and the tyrannical Herodian monarchy. They had trampled on the people and on the Torah. Jerusalem and the Temple had become their political center and source of wealth; they were coiled around it like a serpent. One cannot shake off the serpent without destroying the keg, and so the destruction of Jerusalem was Hashem’s way of getting rid of them. Indeed, after the destruction, when there was no longer any political power or money to be had, these two groups were never heard from again. They assimilated, intermarried and went lost among the gentiles.

This is very important because there are analogies to this today. Today a snake has coiled itself around Eretz Yisroel…worse than the snake that existed then. The atheists who are in authority, who rule Medinas Yisroel, are the most dangerous serpent that ever came out from our midst.

"The tribe of the wicked cannot rest together with the lot of the tzaddikim, so that the tzaddikim not stretch out their hand to do wickedness.” (Tehillim 125:3) This is the principle we are explaining now: to protect the virtue of the righteous, it is imperative that the wicked be weeded out. And throughout our exile, Hashem is constantly weeding out the wicked among us. “Behold it is I who gives the order, and I will shake throughout all the nations the house of Israel, as something is shaken in the sieve.” (Amos 9:9) Shaking means expulsions, exiles, troubles. If you have flour mixed with pebbles, by holding it still you won’t separate it. You must shake that sieve up and down. Now the flour would prefer you should let it alone. But we want pure flour, so we shake it up and down, back and forth, and that causes the flour to go out and the dirt is kept back. As Hashem leads us through the nations He is sifting out the wicked. He took us into Spain and then there was an expulsion. The wicked remained, converted, and the good ones continued. He took us to Germany and there was Reform, assimilation, and the wicked intermarried and we got rid of them. He took us to Russia, there was Communism, many Jews embraced Communism and intermarried, and they got lost. All this was for the benefit of ridding us of the undesirable elements. And to quote from Yechezkel (20:35-38), “I shall bring you into the wilderness of nations…and I shall cause you to pass under my staff…and I shall pick out from you those who rebel and those who are disloyal to Me.” (Tape # 52)

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Re: Our Sages on Zionism and the Zionists
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2013, 02:25:08 AM »


And I don't believe most of the quotes.  Notice there are no citations.

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Re: Our Sages on Zionism and the Zionists
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2013, 03:34:22 AM »

Utter nonsense.

The Torah says:
"A man should live in the Land of Israel, even in a city that has a majority of Jews, for he who lives in the Land of Israel is considered as having a G-d, while he lives outside the Land is considered as not having a G-d." (Ketuvot 110b)

Living in Eretz Yisrael is "equal to all the commandments of the Torah" (Sifre, Re'eh 80)

"And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land of thy sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their G-d.'" (Genesis chapter 17, verse 8 )

"And ye shall drive out the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein; for unto you have I given the land to possess it." (Numbers 33:53)

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Re: Our Sages on Zionism and the Zionists
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2013, 03:57:03 AM »


And I don't believe most of the quotes.  Notice there are no citations.

All of what you say is true.

This mamzer just copied and pasted this nonsense from (sic).

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Re: Our Sages on Zionism and the Zionists
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2013, 06:12:04 AM »
That was our past Satmar anti-Zionist troll who I just banned. 

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Re: Our Sages on Zionism and the Zionists
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2013, 07:25:16 AM »
It has been made clear and evident in the Torah that Gds hand determines the events of histories. The creation of modern Israel has been prophesied throughout the Tanakh and is necessary for world history and many of the prophecies in the Tanakh can't occur without it. You are the one who hates Gd and wishes your brother harm which is a true sickness.