20 f16 and 200 tanks, wow insanity, total insanity, 1/6 of children in america are hungry, employment participation rate is the lowest in recorded history, infrastructure falling apart, 50 million people on food stamps, taxes are up, food prices are up, gasoline at 4 dollars, and our tax money spent this way? our tax money finance these people and so called president of nazi afghanistan? i am so upset, sometimes i wander is it better for my mental health just to tune out and live like all this is not happening around me 
Chin Up Serbian Army....
Indeed I commiserate with the entire country and acknowledge it is dark and grim. But do not let your 'mental health' deteriorate because of what is happening. You must concentrate on staying strong spiritually and physically. It is OK to tune it out for a day if you need to. I am an Internet News junky 'so to speak' and wake up reading the news and go to sleep reading the news. It does get depressing at times, and sometimes it feels overwhelming.
We are on the forefront of the fight against the evils of this world. Every act of good, for the betterment of the world, brings the world closer to perfection. Even every little act has it's effect. We are being asked to go beyond ourselves, in order to 'wake up' the sleeping people. I tell myself to 'rise to the challenge' which presents itself to me every day.
Hashem, our G-d, asks us to fulfill our potential, and if we have a lot of potential we will be given exceptional challenges. Our mission is to turn the tide of negative opinions and aggression against the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, however we do it we must succeed.
PS: I think this video is an exceptional example of Chaim and Shlomos advanced skills and have honed the presentation impressively.