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No 3 (Jewish) Troop, No. 10 Commando
By Martin Sugarman
(Archivist, British Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women – AJEX  - Jewish Military Museum, London)
(Updated February 20, 2007)

During the First and Second World Wars, British and Allied nations Jewish Servicemen and Women played a part in those struggles in excess of the proportion to their numbers in the general populations. Many will know of the Zion Mule Corps (1915-16),the Jewish Legion (38th-42nd battalions, Royal Fusiliers - 1917-19) in the First War, and the Jewish Brigade (1944-46), the 51st (mainly Jewish Palestinians) Middle East Commando, the SIG Commando in North Africa, the Jewish members of SOE, and other Jewish groups of World War Two.

One of the best kept secrets of World War II, however, has been the nature of the existence of No. 3 (Miscellaneous or "X" Troop) of the unique No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando/Special Services Brigade. The reason? They were virtually all German speaking Jewish refugees mainly from Germany and Austria (but also some from Czechoslovakia, Hungary and other European countries).

The excellent books by Ian Dear – a seminal work on No 10 Commando ("Ten Commando 1942-45", published by Leo Cooper Ltd 1987) – and Peter Masters (see below) are the only thorough, published studies of this amazing group of men of the famous "Jewish” No. 3 Troop . Before this, virtually nothing had been published about them. It is not my aim therefore to repeat what Ian Dear and Peter Masters have so wonderfully and ably already researched.

Suffice to say that there were French, Dutch, Belgian and other "National" Troops (totalling at its largest about 1000 men altogether), and then the Jewish Troop. Even now many of 3 Troop cannot speak for a variety of reasons, of the nature of their exploits, and others have of course died. But X Troop were, even by the standards of No 10 Commando, a particularly extraordinary bunch having, as well as the normal skills of all Commandos, in explosives, parachuting and so on, extremely high intelligence and education, and were indeed by far the most highly trained group in the British Army, especially in fieldcraft, camouflage, compass marching, street fighting, housebreaking and lockpicking ("One Day in York" Michael Arton, Hazelwood Press, 1989) . Many were attached to the SSRF (Small Scale Raiding Force, part of SOE), SBS and SIS and most files on this aspect of the war remain closed.

All together 88 men passed through their ranks, of whom 19 became officers - many commissioned in the field for specific acts of bravery - and the rest sergeants and above. Twenty one (24%) were Killed in Action and at least another 22 wounded (of the 44 men from No 3 Troop who fought in Normandy , 27 were killed, wounded or taken prisoner!). They won one MC, one MM, one Croix de Guerre, one MBE, one BEM, one Certificate of Commendation and three Mentioned in Despatches. The numbers of awards are derisory considering their exploits and the inevitable death sentence they faced if captured - not to mention the danger to any of their suriving relatives in Nazi Europe. Many details of the men were known to the Gestapo and reprisals would have been immediate.

But this paucity of decorations is explained by the fact that the Troop never fought as a unit; they were often detatched to serve with other Special Forces in order that they could use their special skills (in silent reconnaissance, capturing and interrogating prisoners in the most hazardous of situations, often alone behind the lines and usually at night. They also were particularly knowledgable about German military units and training, as well as weapons). For this reason, a Commanding Officer was loath to recommend for awards men who did not belong to HIS unit, and especially as there was probably an unwritten "ration" of awards per raid or per unit (letter from Lt. Peter Masters aka Arany, No 3 troop, to the author 25/1/95).

However, at Ashton Wold in Northamptonshire the Hon. Miriam Rothschild planted a grove of trees in the grounds of her beautiful house in memory of those of No 3 Troop who were killed, for her husband, George Lane aka Lanyi, was the first officer and MC of No. 3 Jewish Troop, 10th Inter-Allied Commando.

The 3 Troop CO was a quiet Welsh, Cambridge languages graduate, Capt. Bryan Hilton Jones (later promoted to Major and 2 i/c of the whole of No 10 Commando but tragically killed in a road accident in 1970) and son of a doctor from Caernarvon . All his men came as volunteers from the Alien Companies of the Pioneer Corps from July 24th 1942 , arriving for training at Irvine in Ayrshire (many had been interned in 1940 following the "anti-aliens"/invasion hysteria, but later released to serve in the forces, some in France at Dunkirk ). As Peter Masters wrote, "Getting back at the Nazis was an ever present motivation " in No 3 Troop "...our Jewish Commando was the very antithesis of the 'lambs to the slaughter' allegations".

Volunteers reported to the Grand Central Hotel, Marylebone for selection, and thence to No 10 Pioneer Corps training centre in Bradford . From Autumn 1942 they trained at Aberdovey, Wales , or Achnacarry ( Scotland ) then Eastbourne and Littlehampton, men being detatched as required to go on raids with other Commandos, SOE, SIS, etc.

The men had to take English "Nommes de Guerre" and new identities,false personal histories, regiments, next of kin, and so on (most chose to keep the same initials, though) to at least have a chance of not being found out if captured by the Nazis, as being Jews. The casualty officer at the War Office (Dawkins, a senior Civil Servant) was one of very few who new their real and assumed identities and kept parallel lists of the names of 3 Troop.

They wore the No. 10 Commando shoulder title (or sometimes the No. of the Commando to which they were attached) and the Combined Operations arm flash. On their green berets they could not wear the Pioneer Corps badge as this would have betrayed their origins, so they wore the badges of the Queen's Own Royal West Kents, East Kents (Buffs), Royal Sussex, Hampshire Regiments or the General Service badge (letter to author from Ian Dear 28.10.94).

In "Top Secret" letters from Combined Operations HQ (Defence 2/780 - PRO) Major General R G Sturges, GOC Commandoes and Special Service Group, wrote in April 1944 and February 1945 that No 3 Troop had been "trained for and employed on work of a highly combatant nature and are volunteers ....their behaviour and work has always been most satisfactory....this is a good sub group, well able to look after itself, and has done excellent work".

Writing a Secret report on No 3 Troop after the war from his home at Crug, Caernarvon in April 1946, Bryan Hilton-Jones said that No 3 Troop "were conspicuously successful and earned high praise all round, the best illustration of which is that many were Commissioned as officers into the Commandoes to which they had been attached...... They were the most interesting and worthwhile branch of No 10 Commando". After D-Day, Capt. Griffith (aka Glaser) became the first Jewish CO of the Troop until he was killed at the River Aller crossing on 11.4.45.

In September 1945 the whole Commando was disbanded, but many of No 3 Troop continued in sensitive and secret work in the Occupation Forces, tracking Nazi Resistance groups, war criminals, translating captured documents etc. Perhaps the last word should go to Major Hilton-Jones when he wrote, “Despite many and serious difficulties, this band of ‘enemy alien’ volunteers earnt for itself a not unflattering reputation, the achievement of which was in no small measure due to the sincerity and wholeheartedness put into his service by every member of the troop. For them perhaps more than for any others it was a question of self-respect and self-justification.”

Below, then published for the first time , is the No 3 (Jewish) Troop, No 10 Commando, muster roll. Long may they be remembered (Updated 13/02/.07  3Troop - and earlier with detail from PRO  WO/106/6155 with thanks to Tony Williams, MBE)


Number and real name on enlistment

“Nom de Guerre” with  number and final rank

Date of Birth


13802871 Lanyi, Georg (Djury). H

285687  Lane , George, MC, MM (Lt.) and 1st Troop Sgt.

18.1.1915 Hungary – Olympic Polo 1936

1st officer, MC Operation Tarbrush, citation page 169 Ian Dear. Former husband of Miriam Rothschild; interrogated by Rommel as a POW. Lives London. Also in SOE.

1380228 Arnstein, Alfred Valentin

6387035/13118501 Anderson, A.V. (BNA 13053690)


RWK Reg - rtu’d England

13807122 Abramovicz, R./Abrahamowicz

Pte 6436363 Richard George Arlen/Arnold, Royal Sussex


KIA Franceville Plage, Normandy 7.6.44 aged 21 yrs. son of Salmon and Berthe, Bayeux memorial, no known grave.

13804535 Arnstein, Hans Richard/Arenstein

L/Cpl 6436352/ 13118502 Andrews, Harry – Royal Sussex

18.2 1922

KIA 19.8.44 or 11.8.44, son of Max and Gertrude of  Sao Paulo, Brazil buried Ranville Normandy - letter from mother to Jewish Chaplain requesting Star of David on grave after cross was  erected!   ++

13805191 Ascher, Claus Leopold Octavio

6436355/13118503  Sgt Anson, Colin Edward


WIA Italy, RSR; lives Watford

13807400 Baumwollspinner, Gotthard

6305477/13118507 Barnes, Robert Gerald


BEM, WIA, died postwar

Georg Bauer

George Bower


PLL (Peter Leighton-Langer)

13801297 Billman, Karl Walter

6305473/13118508  Lt Bartlett, Kenneth W/ 320207


Buffs - lives Munich

13804390 Sruh, Gottfried  “Friedl” Conrad *

6305460/13118708 Sgt Broadman, Geoffrey Max aka Toni Ruh?


WIA Normandy – lived Lydbrook, Glos. Allegedly only survivor of  abortive Vermork raid in Norway by RE ! (P. Leighton-Langer book) – att. 4 Comm.

13805994  Carlebach, Peter

6305480 Carson, Peter Andrew

27.10.1919 - Berlin

Dunera boy – invalided out after accident at Seven Sisters cliffs – lives Edinburgh.

Cohen, F T

Collins  5550156

Germany 2/3/23

JL (Jack Lennard) Archives


Curtis  6305489

Germany 23/9/23



Dudley, LA - 6387043

Germany 1/8/19



Dunn, D - 6387046

Germany 2/7/26


Max Dobriner

Geoffrey Dickinson/Dickson


Peter L Langer

13802951 Hansen Einar Reska *


6436367/13118602 Davies, Jack


MiD Tarbrush

13802948 Dungler/Dandler, K.

6305482/13118510 Cpl. Douglas, Keith


Walcheren - died postwar

Eugen Litvak

Leslie Dale






PLL – Walcheren

14216528 Nomburg, Harry – 5th PC, Denbigh – wife in Haifa, Israel

Sgt Drew, Harry


WIA Normandy – att. 12,6, 3 Commandos – lived New York, died 1997

13807299 Goldschmidt, Werner

6436360/13118517 Capt. Dwelly, Vernon J.  (“Ducky”)


Dunera boy, Walcheren, Novota (California) – att. 4 Comm. unarmed combat instructor

Ernest Karl Eduard Eberstadt

David Edward Charles Eversley

1922 Frankfurt

Later in SOE – PLL


Lt. Bunny Emmett


RAF and R Tank Reg – 4 Comm. at Walcheren  - PLL





13051439 F Fleischer

Fletcher, Frederick

Austrian – 1st Bat. Worc., att.  6  Commando

KIA Le Plein 11.6.44 – PLL – b. Ranville, son of Rudolf and Hedwig of Cricklewood

13803417 Engel, Hans Gunter

6436357 Envers H.G. (John)

7.11.1922/ or 7.4.22 Breslau

WIA Normandy 19.8.44 – lives Toronto – att. 4 Comm.

13801057 Freytag Ernst Herbert

6305479/13118514  Sgt Farr, E.H. (Tommy)


Born Berlin – Walcheren amd Op Premium at Wassenaar

13804661 Feder/Feter, Ernst Wolfgang

6436370/13118511   TSM/WO1 Fenton, Bryan Leslie

20.4.1921 Berlin

Maas crossing – Lives Kusnacht, Switzerland

13807080 Fuerth, Hans George

6305463/13118515  Lt Firth, Anthony

7.9.1918 Halle

Dunera boy - lives Toronto

Otto  Zivolava

Gautier, Jean

b. Austria


13807365 Frank, Max Gunther

Cpl. 6387027/13118512 Franklyn, George Mack, Royal West Kent


WIA Sicily, KIA D-Day 6.6.44 - aged 21 yrs. son of Ernst J. and Carla of  Huddersfield - buried Hermanville. Cross on grave – error???

13805167 Frey, Hubert Clarence

5550127/13118513 Cpl. Fraser, Evelyn  Harold


Invalided out after accident at Seven Sisters cliff - lives Auckland, NZ

13801130 Kagerer-Stein, Eugen Von

Sgt 5550126 Eugene “Didi” Fuller, Hants Reg. – att. 47 Comm.


Austrian aged 30, WIA D-Day, KIA Normandy, 13.6.44 buried Ranville. Att. 47 RM Commando, son of Alfred and Anna, husband of Cicely of Balcombe, Sussex.  Cross on grave – error (???).

13800982 Goldstern Konstantin

6387015/13118518 Garvin Robert Kenneth


Died postwar Wales

13807042 Guttman, Hans Julius

6387014 Gilbert, Ronnie, MBE


WIA Normandy, lives Norbeck, Blackpool

13801168 Geiser, Kurt H.

Troop Sgt Maj. Gordon, Henry E.A.


Lives Walton Thames, related to Liebknecht family of German Socialists

13805610 Goldschmidt, Konrad Levin  J.

6387031 Sgt Grant, Hubert Brian aka Groves


WIA lost leg  fighting in Italy with 9 Comm. –  retired Judge living in Cumbria.

13804337 Gumpertz, Kurt  Wilhelm, Hants. Reg.

5550144/13118520 Graham, Kenneth Wakefield – att. 4 Comm.


KIA Normandy 12/13.6.44 - buried Hermanville, aged 24. Son of Karl Wilhelm and Else, husband of Elisabeth of Highbury, London. No religious  symbol on grave in error.

13805014 Gans, Manfred

6387019 /13118516 Capt. Gray, Freddy (BNA 13041024) – 41 RM Commando


RWK Reg – Walcheren, lives Leonia, New Jersey – WIA 5 times!!

13802030 Glaser, Kurt Joachim

322333/6387018/13118519  Capt./Lt.  Griffith, Keith James/John , RWK – att. 45 RM Comm., later CO 3 Troop


KIA Germany 11.4.45 crossing Aller River aged 26 yrs.- fought in Spanish Civil War. Buried Becklingen, Germany - son of Dr Willy and Maria Therese of  Epsom, Surrey. Cross on grave in error.

13700295  Reich/Weich/Weil , Salo Robert

6436350/13118714   Cpl. Hamilton, Robert Geoffrey.


Austrian, KIA Walcheren, 1.11.44 Westekappelle, att. 41st RM Comm. Buried Bergen Op Zoom, Holland, aged 28. Royal Sussex Reg. Son of  Jacob and Sabine of Vienna, Austria.

13801533 Hajos/Hajosch, Hans Ludwig

6380736/13118601  Sgt. Harris, Ian MM


WIA Normandy 3 times!! MM 6.4.45 - citation Ian Dear  p.318 and in Peter Masters book – att. 45 Commando - lives Reading.

13801503 Herschthal, Fritz

5550136/13118604 Hepworth, Freddy – att. 45 Comm.


Died USA 3.2.95

13801397 Herschthal, Walter

5550145/13118605  Hepworth, Walter/Douglas


Died postwar Australia





13805632 Nathan, Eli/Erich Wolfgang

6305467/13118702  Lt. Howarth/Howard, Eric William, Royal East Kent. Later CO 3 Troop


WIA D Day, commissioned in the field for bravery - KIA Osnabruck, Germany, 3.4.45, aged 22. Buried Reichswald Forest, son of August Victor and Margaret Clara Elisabeth nee Gayler of Streatham Hill, London. Cross on grave in error.

13802194 Hirsch, Stephan

5550149/13118606 Cpl. Hudson, Steven Keith


Hants. Reg.

13800841 Knobloch, Guenther Hans

6436349/13118610  Lt Kendal, Harold George “Nobby”


Died postwar Vancouver – Sicily with Belgian Comm., Poles at Cassino, founded 8th Army ski patrol, with 2 Comm. at Vis, Intell. Chief 8th Army.

13805755 Kirschner, Andre Gabriel

6436361/13118609  Lt Kershaw, Andrew G.


Died postwar USA

13804297 Loewenstein, Otto Julius

5550146/13118620 Lt. Kingsley, Roger James


OBE, MID Germany - att. RM Commandos – lives Manchester

Arthur  F. Lowy




13800170 Kellman, M.

6436351 Kirby, M.J. “Ernest”.











13807180 Lewinsky, Max

Pte 6387023/13118619 Laddy/Laddie, Max, Royal West Kent


KIA D-Day 6.6.44 in landing craft with Webster, b. at Hermanville, memorial at Aberdovey where he lived with Welsh wife. Aged 33. Cross on grave.





13805511 Katz, Weinhart Paul Oscar

13118608 Heathcote, Pte. Michael Paul



Peter Liebel

Peter Leigh-Bell – AJEX card says 1st bat tanks RAC



13805333 Leven, Peter Guenther

13118616 Long, Peter







13800037 Landau , Ernst

6436353/13118614  Lt Ernest Robert F. Langley


Died  in UK 1957

13801850 Levy/Loewy, Moritz/Max

6436346/13118701 Cpl. Latimer, Maurice


Czech, fought in Spanish Civil War, WIA Dieppe Raid,Normandy and Walcheren - died postwar UK

13801313 Lenel, Ernst Richard

6387016/13118615  Sgt Lawrence, Ernest Richard, Royal West Kent


MIA presumed KIA 22/23.6.44 – Bayeux Memorial, Normandy, aged 26 yrs., no known grave.  Son of Richard S. and Emilie nee Maas.

Lenel, Victor



Brother of Ernest, above

13803539 Wolff, Walter L.

6387033 Marshall, Alan W.


Died postwar UK


Melvin P H  5550137

Germany 12/3/22



Moss,  J -  5550131

Germany 23/5/21


13803503 Weinberg, K.

6387028 Sgt Mason, Gary


R Mass, Belle Isle raid.

13804450 Arany, P.F.

6387025 Lt. Masters, Peter F.


Ox & Bucks, WAF Force, lived Maryland - author of “Fighting Back” – died 3/05

13804473 Kury, Manfred *

6387030/13118613  McGregor, Jock/Jack Fred

24.5.1921 or 18.9.03?

Died postwar UK

13801895 Blumenfeld, M.J. Ludwig George

6387026/13118509 Lt Merton, Michael James

21.6.1920 Berlin

Att. 2 Comm. and with Poles at Cassino .Appledore, Kent





13801467 Levin, Hubertus

5550135/13118617 Lt Miles, Patrick Hugh.


SSRF/SOE Operation Huckaback on Herne, CI. Pebworth, Warwicks.

13801092 Meyer, Kurt

5550147 L/Cpl Moody, Peter


Hants Reg. KIA Normandy 13.6.44, aged 25 years - son of Fritz Max and Margeretta of Birmingham – buried Ranville, Normandy.

13805553 Zweig, Werner

6436347/13118718  Sgt Nelson, Vernon


WIA Italy - Cert. of Commendation – 40 RM Comm./46 RN Comm.

13807201 Nell, G.Heinz Herman

6305464/13118704 Capt. Nichols, Gerald Peter


WIA Normandy - rescued Lord Lovat - Dear p249 - Dunera boy -lives London

13803316 Nathan, Eli/Ernst

6387022/13118703 Norton, Ernest


RWK Reg. – att. 4 Comm. Operation Tarbrush - KIA Normandy, 13.6.44, aged 21 yrs., son of Moritz and Sibilla - buried Ranville




Died OAS










Pirquet, Sgt P.



13800022 Henschel, Oskar/Oswald (aka Ludwig Hayder?) *

6305481/13118603 TSM O’Neill/Grey, Oscar Roy


RTU’d at Normandy after WIA – with 41 RM Comm.

13805787 Rosskamm, Stephan

6305459/13118705 L/Cpl Ross, Stephen


The Buffs - lives Cleveland, Ohio – WIA Italy 3 times – att 9 Comm.

13807278 Szauer/Sauer, Gyula Jence

6436364/13118711  L/Cpl Sayers, Gordon  Julian


Born Hungary, Croix de Guerre - lives Australia – WIA – att. 4 Commando and French Troop 10 IA Comm.

13805183 Saloschin/Salinger,  G.Victor

6436364 L/Cpl George Victor Saunders


Was at school with Prince Philip - lives Moulsford, Oxon. – att 45 Commando and  recommended but not awarded MM!!

13801102 Steiner, Uli

Capt. Scott, Leslie


Died postwar Montreal – last CO of 3 Troop

13800645 Lewin, Siegfried

13118618 Louis, Frederick  Mac



13805733 Sachs, H.P.

6305471 Seymour, Herbert A., East Kent Reg.


KIA with Villiers crossing Rhine on Buffalo LC, 23.3.45, aged 27 yrs. - son of Eugen and Margaret of St John’s Wood London – Groesebeek memorial, Holland - no known grave.

13805613 Samson, Alfred

6305372/13118706 Lt Shelley, Percy A. (P02090)


Att. RM Commandos - lives Hamburg


Frederick Spencer


Austrian – had been in Dachau and Buchenwald


Shaw, P F - 555039

Germany 20/12/23



Lt Francis George Sutton



13800866 Stein, Artur

6305470/13118709  Sgt Spencer, Tom


Died postwar UK – att 3 Comm.

13805606 Hornig, Paul

5550140/13118607  L/Cpl Streeten, Paul Patrick  – att. 41 RM Comm.


WIA Sicily, lives Boston, USA

Otto “Putzi” Karminski




13801207 Strauss David

6305475/13118710  Lt. Stewart, David (P02090)


Att. 45 RM Commandos – raid on Merville guns D Day

13802051 Barth, Georg  Alexander

6436371/13118505 Officer Cadet Streets, George Bryan, Royal Sussex


Killed motor cycle accident after serving Normandy, on OCTU course UK, 29.6.44, aged 27 yrs, buried Barmouth, Merioneth, WWRT p.268 - son of Josef and Leopoldine, husband of Lici of Paddington, London. Cross on grave – error (????).

13802309 Schwitzer/Schweizer, J Tamas Gyorgy

6436368/13118707 Swinton, Tommy G


Lives Spain, fought in Spanish Civil War – WIA 41 RM Comm.

13804028 Theilinger, Jan

6305478/13118712 Taylor, John Robert

25.9.1916 – Aug. 2004

Czech - invalided out after grenade accident Littlehampton – served IB in Spain – Jewish origin – conversation with his son in Portsmouth Oct. 2004

13807650 Tischler, P J

6436366 Cpl Terry, Peter J


SSRF/SOE, WIA twice Normandy, lives Bridgehampton, NY – att. 47 RM Comm.

13807275 Trojan, Richard  Walter

6305469/13118713 Tennant, Richard William John


Lives London and Goeriach, Austria

13805471 Zadik, Walter  Gabriel

5550141/13118717  Sgt Thompson, Walter  Gerald


POW 20.6.44 Normandy – att 4 Comm.

13805027 Baum, Hans

6387020/13118506 Trevor, Charles Leslie


WiA at Normandy - Died London Aug 1995

Freddy Rotschild



Lives Toronto





13801460 Pollaschek, O

6436369 Turner, A C


Dachau/Buchenwald – att. 3 Comm. -  lives Eastbourne

13807326 Vogel, Egon

6436356/13118714 Villiers,  Ernest Robert, Royal Sussex


Dunera boy - KIA Rhine crossing with Seymour, 24.3.45, aged 25 yrs. – buried Reichswald Forest – att. 46 RN Comm..

13804308 Weikersheimer, L

5550141 Sgt Wallen, Leslie


Died postwar UK

13800419 Wassermann, O

5550130 Watson, William/Walter J


Dachau, wife and children murdered, WIA Walcheren, lives UK

13801574 Weinberger, E G

6306466 Webster, Ernest George, Royal East Kent Reg.


SSRF; KIA Normandy with Laddy, att. 47 RM Comm.6.6.44 aged 28 years - husband of Gerda - buried Bayeux, Normandy. Cross on grave  in error.

13807570 Wilmersdoerffer, Hans Johann Max

6305465/13118716  Capt Wilmers, John Geoffrey


Att. SAS, Operation Forfar, died postwar Guernsey

These above 110  names are from the PRO file on No 10 Commando, drawn up by the first CO, Capt Bryan Hilton-Jones on 19.4.44 as a request for Naturalisation for the men. Some names come from the Jack Lennard Archive. The notes and ranks are taken from Ian Dear’s book “Ten Commando” 1987, Peter Masters “Fighting Back”, 1998 and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Registers for the killed. Other names from Peter Leighton-Langer’s research.



++ On 21.1.1957, Mrs T  Arenstein wrote from Sao Paulo, Brazil to the British Jewish Army Chaplain, Rev Isaac Levy, asking him to arrange the Star of David on the grave. This was carried out. Letter at AJEX Jewish Military Museum.

* means not Jewish





Supplementary List A




These first 3 men were probably on an SOE operation to obtain military documents from the Town Hall in Dieppe and all KIA at Dieppe


Alleged POW – MIA ever since Dieppe

Czech - action referred to in G Rees ”Bundle of Sensations”, Chatto & Windus, 1960 pp157-8 - first 3 Troopers to be killed with attempt to occupy Town Hall at Dieppe with 40 RM Comm. (PLL)









Viktor Farago

Ford – Hungarian



Hess, Otto 6387034

Giles, Peter


RWK - KIA Yugoslavia (SOE?) 1.10.44 aged 23 years BUT CWGC says commemorated at Groesebeek, Neth.

R Jessen/Jensen

Cpl James Rolf



Frederic Bierer

Sgt. Bentley, Frederick


30th March 1943, to 62 Commando and SSRF – Operation Huckaback (Herne) - lives NY

Stefan Rosenberg

Rigby, Stephen (“Nimrod”) - D Day deception Commando


Austrian Jewish, “Unknown warrior” of Leasor’s book; did he exist?


Cpl Clarke, K E


MID Osnabruck. Died postwar UK

13802873 Kottka, Vladimir

13118611 Cpl Jones, Jack


Russian born, Operation Hardtack, POW

Levy, Karl Ernst

Lincoln, Ken – BEM - 6436377



Peter Jacobus

Jackson, Fred - 55550143

Austria 25/11/21

Interrogated Hoess  at Auschwitz – died post war UK


Platt/Pratt (?) (“Bubi”)


WIA Dieppe, lives Canada/died S America?

13802608 Auerhahn, Werner / Averhahn

5550132/13118504  L/Cpl Wells, Peter Vernon Allen, Hants Reg.


KIA 19.1.44 Italy, aged 26 - buried Minturno, Italy, son of Arthur and  Erna of Cricklewood, London. No religious symbol on grave in error.

13805629 Hans/Heinz Krausmann/Krausen

13118612 Aitchison, Harry


Died postwar NY

These above 15 names are from Dear’s and Masters’  books and not the PRO list - so must have passed through the Troop by the time Hilton-Jones’ list was written. Of these two totals, 21 (24%) were KIA








Supplementary List B




Ludwig Carl Berlin

Lt Leonard Charles Burley 14400852


Dorsets, 9th Commando, attached to 3 Troop in Germany

Son of F Indlander , 33 Green Croft Gdns., NW6

13117462 Pte Burnett, Walter aka Indlander


Royal Fusiliers/156 Fld. Batty. And 173 Fld. Reg, RA (AJEX Card)


16001269 Pte Foster, R




BNA13053609 Pte Martin, W




14727794 Pte Mines, J




11316230 Pte Peters, H


Black Watch

Schloss,  Jakob

BNA13041025 Pte Scott, Jack


RWK – Italy, Vis Is., Yugoslavia


13053667 Pte J Stevens




14437220 Pte Smith, J


Ox & Bucks LI


PAL Driver Spielman, E




BNA13053600 Pte Stevens, T




BNA13053667 Pte Stewart, J



Woolf - 6436380

14430010 Crftsmn. Ward, G or E A

Germany 12/2/25



BNA13041047 Pte Warren, H




ME14041045 Pte Warwick, R


Essex Reg.

Weiss, Adi

13106924 Pte White, Alan


RWK - died postwar London





Except for L Berlin, the above list of 16 men is from Michael  Arton’s book “One Day in York” and comprises men recruited in Italy to 3 Troop in 1945 by Lt Bartlett, as part of CMF att. No 2 Commando












 (Note - I wish to specifically and sincerely thank both Ian Dear and especially Peter Masters, formerly Sgt. (later Lt. in West Africa) in No 3 Troop and author of the definitive work on 3 Troop, “Striking Back - A Jewish Commando writes” - Presidio Press, 1997 - for their generous help in compiling this list, and Michael Arton for allowing me to use his research in his book).

The Title “Jewish Troop” is an unofficial one and coined only after the war when it was safe to offer this apt description of this unit after the real facts became known on the release of papers at the National Archive (formerly the Public Records Office). To have called these men the Jewish Troop in war time would of course have been fatal for any captured.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Yerusha

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Re: To U.K. members anyone ever hear of this British military Group
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 07:29:46 AM »
The 1967 film "Torbruk" depicted an actual mission where German-speaking Jews posed as Germans, aiding the British

Offline mord

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03