This story is significant for another reason.
As the population ages and whites become a minority in the US, whites (including jews) will be more and more vulnerable to attack by vicious black "teens." I really do worry about being physically attacked by "teens" when I become old.
Recently, we have seen numerous attacks by black "youths" on older whites, including but hardly limited to the rape and murder of a geriatric couple in Oklahoma last year, and no one in the media talks about it.
See:, the other white WWII vet (see below link) eventually died from his beating. let's call a spade a spade, shall we? Most attacks on elderly whites are by blacks. One solution is to aggressively police these blacks. But any reasonable attempt to police young blacks, including "stop & frisk," is labeled and judged racist and, thus, unacceptable.
So, is arming oneself until death the solution?