Israel > Save Israel

Hizbullah Indoctrinates Lebanese Youth


Hizbullah Indoctrinates Lebanese Youth

IDF Intelligence presents findings from Lebanon. The materials brought back from the field show how the Hezbollah begins their incitement from the early years.

El Cabong!:
This is common to all socialistic, communistic and naziesque forms of tyranny, to brainwash the youth at an early age and not allow them any sort of freedom of thought. If their form of rule was so good they wouldn't need to fabricate the youth's minds with this form of radicalism. The fact that they go after the very young shows they don't want to give them time to mold their own brain with all sides to the story. By getting them at such a young age they succeed in blocking out any thoughts of love, compassion and understanding the world at large.

Christian Zionist:
This is not new to muslims.  All muslim children are indoctrinated in madrasas about that pedphile mohd. biased views against Jews and Christians etc. 

Listen to interviews of ex-terrorists:

(interview in cn8)


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