Have been doing my share of calling especially today....Please note that SEIU service Unions, McDonalds corp in Cleveland, Lands End, Walmart, CIGNA who insures 265,000, United Federal of TEachers Welfare fund, 351,000 members, The Wilkes Group Inc, which does business with Ashely furniture Homestore, Congress, eventually the AFLCIO, and United Auto Workers, have all received waivers from Obamacare. So what formula is used for giving waivers and exemptions by HHS? Aren't we all supposed to be equal under the law, this is a very bad, very unfair, unconstitutional healthcare law, it is the worst legislation in History, and it shows because so many are wanting to opt out of it. How does HHS pick and choose winners and loosers, by race, color, elites, corporations, unions, all have given to Obama, that's why We the People should never be satisfied with these efforts to force bad legislation us!