Author Topic: Jewish soldier Gal Kobi is murdered - revenge already! (new video)  (Read 1109 times)

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Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Jewish soldier Gal Kobi is murdered - revenge already! (new video)
« on: September 23, 2013, 05:19:20 AM »

A second young Jewish soldier was murdered in the past 24 hours by the PLO-Fatah terrorists, Israel's "peace" partners. The evil Netanyahu-Yaalon-Lapid-Bennett regime continues to negotiate national suicide with these Nazi terrorist mass murderers while young Jews are being openly slaughtered.

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Offline Dan193

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Re: Jewish soldier Gal Kobi is murdered - revenge already! (new video)
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2013, 04:05:47 PM »
Ministers Demand Meeting with PM on Terrorist Release Policy
After the murder of two IDF soldiers, ministers are demanding a review of government policy on releasing terrorists.
David Lev

Ministers sent a letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Monday afternoon demanding a government meeting to discuss the government's policies on releasing terrorists.

“In recent days, we have witnessed two difficult murders that took the lives of two soldiers – Tomer Hazan and Gal Kobi. As a result, we demand an immediate government meeting on the policies regarding the release of terrorists,” the letter said.

The letter was signed by ministers Uri Orbach, Uri Ariel, Naftali Bennett, Yisrael Katz, Uzi Landau, Sofa Landver, and Yair Shamir.

On Friday, IDF solider Tomer Hazan was abducted and murdered in Samaria by terrorist Nadal Amar, with the motive said by IDF officials to be a plan by the terrorist to trade Hazan's body for the freedom of his brother, a Fatah terrorist who has been in jail in Israel for the last ten years. The soldier went missing Friday, and after a Shabak investigation, soldiers descended on the home of Nadal in the village of Bayt Amin, near Kakilya. The IDF later successfully recovered Hazan's body, which had been dumped in an underground well.

On Sunday, meanwhile, IDF soldier Gabriel (Gal) Kobi of Tirat Hacarmel was killed after an Arab sharpshooter targeted him while he was on patrol in Hevron. The attack took place in the Avraham Avinu neighborhood near the Machpelah Cave in the city, at about 6:30 PM. A Magen David Adom crew treated the victim, who was struck by bullets in his upper body. He was later taken by helicopter to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem, where he died of his wounds.

Speaking Sunday, Economics Minister Naftali Bennett said he was demanding a review of the government's policy on releasing terrorists. “Since the release of terrorists was the key to the opening of negotiations, the unfortunate developments behoove the government to rethink its position on the matter. The answer to terror must be a fight against murderers, not a dialog with them,” he said.
Bibi is not available
He's on the phone asking Obama for permission; Permission to let Jews go to the Temple Mount, permission to build homes and apartments, permission to arrest rock throwing palestinians, permission to destroy Iran's nuclear facility, permission to destroy Syrian chemical weapons facilities, permission to throw African (muslim) illegals who rape,pillage and murder out of the country.
moriah, galut (23/9/13)

Offline Dan193

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Re: Jewish soldier Gal Kobi is murdered - revenge already! (new video)
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2013, 04:16:17 PM »
The leftist leaning government obeys political correctness
I agree with your comment, and would like to add that the government should also reconsider their sentencing of terrorist murderers to execution as well as destruction of their homes. The families of these obscene killers know full well what they are doing and almost certainly assist them when they can. They can assume a heavy look of innocence, sorrow and ignorance like the American negro slaves used to do in the presence of white people. Also reconsider allowing foreign trouble-makers in.
Austin, Victoria (23/9/13)
Lagoon - South Beach Netanya – Luxurious Residential Complex

2. These muslims are like wild animals, skulking
about to pounce on any unsuspecting victim. It is truly a horrible way to live with them among you so close. Like living among hyenas, it is not a matter of if they will attack but when. One wonders how they can even live among one another they are so ready to "snap" and kill.
Don, (22/9/13)

3. destroy the buildings from where the attacker shot while
looking for the attacker. he inhabitants who let the terrorists shoot from their home are as responsible as the shooter
Josiane, Maale Adumim (22/9/13)

4. Arab terrorism has never stopped our defeatist government
After all how many "peace korbanot" did Rabin, Beilin and Peres welcome as a "small price for peace."  Did it stop their sickening and appeasement and surrender? It will not stop BB either and his team of Livni, etc. And Shelly is waiting in the wings to enter this Chamberlin government should Habayit Yehudi have the good sense to leave.
mhloutsidebeltway, (22/9/13)

This government is overwhelmed with appeasing foreign left,
Yisrael Beiteinu should separate from Likud, Bayit Yehudi should leave the government, and Feiglin should separate also and get his own party going properly. That would already be a strong and more united opposition with similar goals and perhaps less infighting.  Let LIKUD make up the coalition with Yesh Atid ( a few would also leave) Labour and Meretz and Livni ...... How long will it last. I think it would fall almost immediately.
Austin, Victoria (23/9/13)

#4, I agree with you brother
This government should be broth down and replaced with real Jewish Souls and spirits.Our existence is in a grave danger if we don't see the writing on the wall. We are witnessing a leadership that has been blindfolding and crippling our credible ability to fight the enemies of Israel as it was done in all past wars. The danger we are facing is greater than ever. The enemy is larger, better trained and equipped than ever while our Israeli government is showing total weakness. TIME TO FIGHT!
Maxim, STRONG ISRAEL! (23/9/13)

5. and what will be Bibi's answer?
We will release some more murderous terrorist swines,
Has anyone noticed the third intifada is in full swing ?,of course this criminally insane delusional traitorous leftist government will keep on denying it
chaim schonbrun, brooklyn ny (22/9/13)
Lagoon - South Beach Netanya – Luxurious Residential Complex


6. stop the suicidal peace process.
Israel needs new leadership with a Prime Minister who will be able to say the word "NO" to Kerry and Obama.  And while we're are at it, how about the Israel government responding by allowing the Jews in Hebron to build more homes in the Holy City instead of tearing them down and trying to demoralize the Jewish population there.  However, not to worry the Jews who live in Hebron are a special people who will not break despite the shabby treatment of the government towards them!
Rebecca, baltimore (22/9/13)

7. There should be an entire sweep of the city of Hevron
Every house searched thoroughly,to find a well hidden sharpshooter.Use whatever methods necessary,dogs,technology,spies,etc.flush it out and down the toilet.
Len, USA (22/9/13)

8. "one tragedy follows another,”
One "religious" ATTACK follows another, muslim on Jew mayhem follows another, one religious war murder follows another, one evil on good follows another, one JIHAD assault follows another....Ad infinitum
Don, (22/9/13)

9.  BB, you're lack of JEWISH LEADERSHIP caused this.
Retake ALL OF HEVRON and remove the squatting arabs!
Eliezer Meshulam, Beit Shemesh (22/9/13)

10. If the 50-60 Arabs knew the price of Jewish blood. (n.c)
micky, germany (22/9/13)

11. Bibi and company
The leaders of Israel goven from one crisis to another,time for a new approach.
phil, london (22/9/13)

12. the tragedy is our leadership letting them get away with it
send zipi livni and all the leftists to fackistan and they can live there among the other animals and make peace with them
101, (22/9/13)

13. Avinua Malkanu, Our Father Our King, do you see? do you see
the murderous wolves at our doors?  Abba act for your Name's sake, for Your Torah's sake, for your Land'ss sake for your people's sake, what will the nations say if you allow this to continue?  While we speak peace they murder, slaughter and butcher. 
Janice, Lakewood (22/9/13)

14. How much longer
will the uncaring government allow this insanity to continue?  Where are the citizens demanding justice, protection, security?  Take back Chevron;  it is the second holiest city in Judaism, where Our Patriarchs & Matriarchs are buried.  Who allows strangers to take their parents & grandparents burial place?   Once upon a time, every Jewish soldier was revered and everything would be done to protect him/her.   Now they are just baits, decoys and expendable.  Return to days of old. 
emmessl'yisrael, (22/9/13)

15. Jewkilling
Bibi's idea of security is to leave murderers on your doorsteps.  Freeing killers for "Peace".  Worthless and faithless.   He suggests giving Land to the Jewkillers....the Holocaust victims would vomit on him if they could.
Bob, Tampa (23/9/13)

16. Weakness emboldens the enemy (n.c)
Gerry, London (23/9/13)

17. Jewish Blood Can Never Be Hefker!
The release of murderers can only be a cause for celebration amongst our enemies. First the Fogel's murderers must get the death penalty and we can go on from there. Any Arab who kills a Jew must know without a question that they will pay with their lives. Let them be martyrs! At least they will never kill again! What exactly are we waiting for? Permission from the Americans?
Chaya Gross, Jerusalem (23/9/13)

18. The folly of Leftism
Islamist-Jihadists hate peace.  They want to butcher all Jews as Hitler did.  Leftists who think Islamist-Jihadists are tame-able are insane. The fact is Islamist-Jihadists are savages.  Period. 
Brod, USA (23/9/13)

19. "Peace Partners!"
how much more does it take to prove what a diaster the "peace talks" are with a people who won't stop murdering and hurting the Jewish people!
R, Israel (23/9/13)

20. Only the Truth can help us
Living in a theoretical world with good intentions is not enough when your enemy speaks lies with his mouth and dispenses truth with his sword.
moriah, galut (23/9/13)

21. Find the murderer and kill him,. destroy his family's house
Release not one more...not one terrorist from Israeli prisons. Cancel all future Kerry-sponsored  pressure Israel"peace" talks with the Palis.
Reuven, (23/9/13)

Offline muman613

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Re: Jewish soldier Gal Kobi is murdered - revenge already! (new video)
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2013, 04:22:15 PM »
The Death penalty must be dealt to those who kill Jews with the intention of terrorizing the Jewish people.

What is needed is some  terrorizing of the arabs so they really really want to leave with their lives...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Jewish soldier Gal Kobi is murdered - revenge already! (new video)
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2013, 12:15:19 PM »
So sorry for this unjust murder...Rise, Children of Israel, do not let these barbarians get away with this.

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Re: Jewish soldier Gal Kobi is murdered - revenge already! (new video)
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2013, 08:49:59 PM »
No words here.  >:(