Re: "...Drug companies massively advertise drugs like viagra. When I have the TV on, these commercials occur frequently.
I don't think they advertise it primarily to senior citizens. What age groups(s) of people tend to use drugs like viagra?..."
At this very moment in time, hordes of rapacious negroes are "boning up" on their latest ghetto "high" --
They crush & crumble high dosage Viagra & Cealis pills into a deadly mixture consisting of:
25% crack cocaine
25% powdered Viagra
25% new super-marijuana which causes mental illness with only one puff
25% tobacco from cigarette butts thrown in the gutter, soaked in MD2020, and then "cured" in a microwave oven!
Then, the boogie men smoke this deadly concoction in home-made crack pipes carved out of a potato.
Within 60 seconds, they're raping they way around every Wal~Mart parking lot in America.
Recent transcripts of confessions made by 99% of black rapists (most of whom were immediately turned back out on to our streets by Negro judges) claimed that "THE AFRICAN BONE", made up from easily obtained "mail order prescription drug companies", were the reason they raped white girls and white women!
One gangbanger was quoted as saying " be ' 'bone! see 'her' got 'bone...she need 'bone!...."m'gamo...n'gomo...m'bone'mo!"
Drug company spokespersons, confronted with the ever rising statistics of "black on white rape", had only this to say:
"Erectile Dysfunction" is a private and medical matter, and our making available of ED Drugs to inner city "consumers" can only be viewed as "a positive development"; especially with regard to helping fuel the American economy."