The similarities of Fascism and Communism are uncanny.
They both promise the same thing... to free the poor working man from the evil greedy bankers.
They both repress any and all forms of judeo-christianity.... and replace the holy book with another.
They both are totalitarianism... ie... not just controlling what you do in public... but controlling anything and everything, including your private life.
They both rely on scapegoats.... that is the key to how they operate. Its all about an evil cabal of greedy bankers... almost always zionist.
Obviously Naziism was the most evil... and beleived that Jews = evil greedy bankers. This is what Hitler kept complaining about.... In Mein Kampf... he keeps on talking about this... that it was the evil Jew Bankers that made Germany lose WWI... and that the evil Jew Banker is the reason for inflation, starvation, etc etc....
Yes... the Nazis portrayed the Commis the enemy when they were campaigning... but that was for strategic reasons.
And the VERY last thing Hitler wrote before killing himself... was the the RUSSIANS... (not the Germans) were the REAL Supermen.