Author Topic: Has anyone seen the employer mandate effect them or others yet?  (Read 348 times)

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Offline kyel

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Has anyone seen the employer mandate effect them or others yet?
« on: November 22, 2013, 08:15:03 PM »

I work in the restaurant industry about 35-40 hrs a week and am in college and my employer's keep warning us that we won't have any hours soon (can't work more than 29)(that's ridiculous 29 hours is not a lot of time to focused people). Most of the college students, single mothers, and working poor I know will have their income destroyed because of this legislation. This doesn't hurt the upper middle or upper classes who work salary jobs that offer insurance its hurt people who are trying to get ahead in life the most. The only people I see ranting for Obamacare are sick liberals who don't work or have never had to do any labor jobs. This sick Reuters article says full time jobs are "increasing" which is absolute propaganda as I see the effects it is already having on working middle class people and countless stories in the comments about how it has already affected individuals or their family.

Bfstk wrote:
What the Republicans lied? Hannity, O’Reilly and the rightwing nut hatch have been spouting this baloney to scare Americans. Of course, facts won’t change their views not the good old GOP and those members with their little revolutionary war uniforms in the closet need to take them out, get rid of the mothballs and parade around with silly signs to pretend they are better patriots (ala Dick Cheney)than the rest of us. Meanwhile, Cheney and his merry band of patriots never serve in the military and especially not in a war while they espouse war at the drop of hat. Yep. Obama Care is good for America and Americans. The President had to watch his mother die without good health care and perhaps he can make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else in the land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

Offline drlmg

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Re: Has anyone seen the employer mandate effect them or others yet?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2013, 08:47:23 AM »
You are right, full time jobs have by no means increased. I have personally seen may LOSE their job completely or either have the hours cut drastically. Obumma wants you to be democrat government dependent and on welfare, not for you to be self sufficient.

Obumma is destroying the middle class so there will only be two classes, the elite extremely wealthy (obumma friends and supporters) and the poor.

As far as the plans available under the "affordable" act... they are anywhere from 50% to 400% more expensive and have higher deductibles, will pay less and for fewer procedures you actually need (cancer screening at recommended intervals).... however, they will pay for a sex change (ones I have seen) and unlimited abortions at any stage of pregnancy.