Come on guys, everybody knows that only white dudes commit crime, haven't you seen the burglars in the TV commercials?
The media and lefty activists can deny the game exists all they want, but what they can't deny is that it's herds of blacks doing this and nearly all of their victims have been white or Jewish. That even Al Sharpton got in front of the cameras to lecture the "youth" about this and demanding they knock it off shows that this is not a hoax.
On the rare occasion the media are semi-honest about TNB (typical negro behavior), they duck the issue of their targeting members of certain non-black groups. These animals have been terrorizing the Jewish community of NYC for decades, and here in Denver, it's a poorly-kept secret that they target whites in street crimes around downtown, robbing and beating at ATMs and whatnot. When I was 15 years old, I witnessed myself a group of them (literally about 10 of them) rob an old white woman of her purse and take off sprinting down to an alley where they dumped the contents of the bag onto a sidewalk. All black males did it, every last stinking one. Where are gangs of whites or Jews doing this to people?!
The media don't exist to inform us, rather they work overtime to misinform us by presenting a distorted reality. They can't even be honest about science, instead they give us what I call "media science," in which inconvenient facts such as the black/white IQ gap are left out and we're all equals and all unequal outcomes are the fault of white bogeymen.
If not Communists in fact, at least in social outlook and desire to redistribute income.