Save Western Civilization > Save America

Illegal Mexican Immigrant Charged With DUI Killing Texas Deputy


Confederate Kahanist:
I say just lock him up and throw away the key:

Execute him in the middle of a Mexican neighborhood.

Not just throw away the key destroy it.

Legal or illegal, I don't care ! If they want to work and pay tax is enough for me.
Right now there are too many legal, born here that won't work.
If they brake a law, throw them out and some of the welfare bums also.

I heard that McDonald's is hiring but they can't find a job. Maybe because they need drugs and alcohol.


Israel Chai:

--- Quote from: olenavvet on January 03, 2014, 06:01:52 PM ---Legal or illegal, I don't care ! If they want to work and pay tax is enough for me.
Right now there are too many legal, born here that won't work.
If they brake a law, throw them out and some of the welfare bums also.

I heard that McDonald's is hiring but they can't find a job. Maybe because they need drugs and alcohol.

--- End quote ---

You are likely insane. There are plenty of Americans that want work but can't find any. If welfare ended today, most of the people on it would not find jobs. Kick out the illegals, and you won't need welfare.


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