Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, shlit"a raised a halachic objection in his book on the menora to answer 2 of the Beit Yosef. Namely, the view that
On the first night, the contents of the flask were emptied into the Menorah. This would enable the Menorah to be lit for one entire day. However, after filling the Menorah, it was discovered that the flask miraculously was still full. This miracle repeatedly occurred for each of the days. Hence, there was a miracle on each of the eight days.
He brings in the name of Radak to II Melachim (Kings) 4:7. that when the prophet Elisha performed (obviously as an agent of G-d) an oil miracle, that no matter how much oil was poured out of one particular vessel into others, the vessel remained full, the woman who received this miracle asked, if she was obligated to take tithes off from the oil (in the same way that tithes are taken from new olive oil produced by the fields of the land of Israel).
She was given the answer that this miracle oil was exempt from tithes which was a fitting reward for the good deed that her late husband had done. See there for details.
Rabbi Ariel understood that if miracle oil is exempt from tithes, so too, it is not fit halachic oil to be used for the menora.
However, one could answer that the reason the oil was exempt from tithes, because tithes were already taken from that oil before the miracle took place and the miracle oil was just considered an extension of the already tithed oil and not totally new oil.
In other words, I believe that the oil used in the menora according to the second answer of the Beit Yosef was considered real halachic (tithed) olive oil and not some new imitation.