Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

Seeking a young woman

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Iron Greek:
Infidel old head your kidding
someone that takes care of themselves tends to live longer look young and stay sexy
people should look the best that they can until they die
And yes health has to do with people keeping up good health throughout there lives
Because my grandmother is 70 and she has been doing arobics for years and eating healthy and she looks 55 so dont give me that BS Infidel!

With your let go no care attitude you probably look like a disaster!


--- Quote from: Iron Greek on November 29, 2007, 02:36:08 AM ---Infidel old head your kidding
someone that takes care of themselves tends to live longer look young and stay sexy
people should look the best that they can until they die
And yes health has to do with people keeping up good health throughout there lives
Because my grandmother is 70 and she has been doing arobics for years and eating healthy and she looks 55 so dont give me that BS Infidel!

With your let go no care attitude you probably look like a disaster!

--- End quote ---

Thats not the meaning of what I said you idiot.

The meaning of you can't put an old head on young shoulders, means the young are not wise and know little of the real world. You are a great example of this.

Its got nothing to do with looks but gaining of wisdom. And your insults only prove how stupid you are and becoming.

You have already been warned by an Admin member about your posts to me, and you keep pushing it.

Trolling as you will.

Iron Greek:
Excuse me you are just as equal or worse than i am
i quit but you keep going and going and going
Smoke some hookah or drink some wine  you will learn to relax hopefully God willing


--- Quote from: Iron Greek on November 29, 2007, 04:41:49 AM ---Excuse me you are just as equal or worse than i am
i quit but you keep going and going and going
Smoke some hookah or drink some wine  you will learn to relax hopefully G-d willing

--- End quote ---

I am above you and always will be. You are a little boy without a clue.

Iron Greek:
I come from The Greeks
I have one of the greatest bloodlines on the face of the Earth
i descend from pure greatness and class
 i come from one of the smartest maybe even the most intelligent group of people to walk the face of the earth
i am a descendant and i will continue this greatness
you are not in this category
I would rather not argue with hopeless low class trash such as yourself
i will ignore you you ignore me
and dont respond to this post
its settled
if you dont respond to this i will no longer argue with you 

The fellow Greeks in this forum understand my belief


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