Israel > Save Israel

The Jewish Defense Fund

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Israel Chai:

--- Quote from: rabbicummings on January 29, 2014, 09:27:11 PM ---We operate world wide. We are based in Charlotte/Statesville NC. We are looking to get every True, Torah Observant Jew Home to Eretz Yishroel. We are a Jewish defense Alliance for Jews everywhere. The land is ours, and we need to get fully back into the hands of True Jews. As long as Yishroel's government is not as Hashem Says it should be (standing alone with Hashem) then HaMashiach cannot take his place.

--- End quote ---


Do you think that making new settlements where the majority of people speak English in Israel would help Americans make aliyah, or it would be detrimental to Israel?

Perfect fundriser:
Kach lapel pins from Israel ... see my atavar... go 4 $1@ for 50. Sell 4 $5 or more. Got as many as you wish.

Star this fund is a fake

I am aware of row of different "Jewish" funds. Most line pockets of crooks who started them. That is why money should go directly to the cause & there must be total transparency & strict report with receipts of how money was used. Much corruption. The day will come when crooks will cough up all they stole with their blood on it.


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